My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

This entire "secret hidden bloodline" dog and pony show may be no more than a well-planned-out, pre-damage control scheme designed as insurance to salvage some degree of the Church of Rome's moral authority - just in case an even more damaging and authentic secret threatened it. "Yes, our guy was married after all, ha ha. Oops, we should have mentioned that. Oh well, it doesn't really change our role, does it? We're still top dogs, heh, heh." Etc. If true, this would essentially move the Priory of Sion players and possibly Saunier into the huckster/co-conspirator column, but would not adequately explain the Knights Templars' leverage, IMO. The COR notwithstanding, it seems to me that the big question is what the KT really found in Jerusalem - knowledge of some sort, IMO.

As far as artifacts are concerned, the Ark of the Covenant is (was) probably authentic. IMO, the "Holy Grail" (chalice) never existed.

In my opinion the Ark of the Covenant is in Nebuchadnezzar's attic (since about 600 BCE). The Holy Grail though is a much different story,(haven't you read Holy Blood Holy Grail?). It is as they premised a royal bloodline from a Jesus, Mary Magdalene union. What does such a bloodline prove you might say? Not much in the whole scheme of things as certainly by now we would all be descendant from that bloodline, as An old saying goes "everybody is a descendant of Charlemagne". But as far as the Church is concerned the Papacy could not have existed in its present form. If you have any real interest look up Martin Malachi and his account of the Desposyni meeting with Pope Sylvester.
What is the Holy Grail that is being sought today? A documented proof of this union, and this documented proof is in Nova Scotia, IMHO, of course.

Cheers, Loki

:coffee2::director:It seems to me there should be a theory for nothing,but,I couldn't think of one, O, WELL:dontknow:NP:cat:

The Shugborough Monument itself, created in the middle of the 18th century, as most already know, is very similar to the 2nd of Nicolas Poussin's painting of "Shepherds in Arcadia" mentioned in post 7 of this thread. The major differences are that Shugborough is a relief and the scene is basically reversed from Poussin's version. But one outstanding feature common to both is that the figures are mulling over a specific part of the lettering that reads "Et in Arcadia Ego" which can be loosely translated to "Also in Arcadia I". The questionable letter seems to be the "R" in Arcadia with one of the Shepherds in the Poussin pointing directly to it and in the Shugborough he is pointing to the word (albeit with a broken off forefinger) "in" while if the thumb was not also broken off it would be almost completely hiding the letter "R". In both works the theme seems to be that the message is transferred to Acadia from Arcadia. One must also wonder why these two particular digits were broken.

The next clue is the letters "D" and "M" at each end of the coded message below the Shugborough relief. What needs to be taken into perspective here is the navigation backgrounds of both of the Anson brothers and at the same time understand that seconds of a degree of latitude or longitude were hardly used in 18th century navigation. These facts would lead one to the conclusion that the "D" stands for "degrees" while the "M" stands for "minutes" or minutes of a degree. A known degree and minutes of latitude along with a known degree and minutes of longitude would be a certain position on the Earth or the "coordinates" of a location. Without the use of "seconds" it would take 4 numbers to supply these coordinates. It is also important to note that prior to the latter half of the 18th century longitude, the position East or West could not be accurately determined while at sea. Only with the use of an accurate timepiece would this become possible. There can be no doubt that the solution to the Shugborough code is the coordinates of a location, but how to read it and where does it take us? Next chance I get I'll post my own answer IMHO.

Cheers, Loki

I just thought I would bring this up again for discussion. There seems to be a few new posters here

To make a long story short, the solution for the Shugborough code is the coordinates, 44 degrees 32 minutes north by 63 degrees 43 minutes west, or for Google Earth, 44 32 00n X 63 43 00w. This is a general location evidently for the purpose of narrowing down the location of the searched for object in Acadia to Nova Scotia. But, also note that the latitude of 44 32 00n comes very close to the mouth of the Gold River, and in 1750 longitude would never have been very accurate. If anybody wants to know how I arrived at these figures just ask.

Cheers, Loki

And this!

Hi Loki, what bothers me is at that time the 'very best' that coulld do would be to locate the general aeraOak Island, not the pit. My error in ww II would also barely include Oak Island, not ggod enough for the pit either.

Incidentally, Long. is a matter of time , they just didn't have acurate enough time keepimg in those days.

I like yout yhinking Loki.

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This entire "secret hidden bloodline" dog and pony show may be no more than a well-planned-out, pre-damage control scheme designed as insurance to salvage some degree of the Church of Rome's moral authority - just in case an even more damaging and authentic secret threatened it. "Yes, our guy was married after all, ha ha. Oops, we should have mentioned that. Oh well, it doesn't really change our role, does it? We're still top dogs, heh, heh." Etc. If true, this would essentially move the Priory of Sion players and possibly Saunier into the huckster/co-conspirator column, but would not adequately explain the Knights Templars' leverage, IMO. The COR notwithstanding, it seems to me that the big question is what the KT really found in Jerusalem - knowledge of some sort, IMO.

As far as artifacts are concerned, the Ark of the Covenant is (was) probably authentic. IMO, the "Holy Grail" (chalice) never existed.

Question, wasn't a lot of the Knight's leverage the money's owed to them? I thought I remembered reading it was actually the main reason behind the church going after them.

Though I tend to agree, from what we've seen and heard, the church is not one to try and slip something past the fellowship. Could be the biggest con game ever.

This entire "secret hidden bloodline" dog and pony show may be no more than a well-planned-out, pre-damage control scheme designed as insurance to salvage some degree of the Church of Rome's moral authority - just in case an even more damaging and authentic secret threatened it. "Yes, our guy was married after all, ha ha. Oops, we should have mentioned that. Oh well, it doesn't really change our role, does it? We're still top dogs, heh, heh." Etc. If true, this would essentially move the Priory of Sion players and possibly Saunier into the huckster/co-conspirator column, but would not adequately explain the Knights Templars' leverage, IMO. The COR notwithstanding, it seems to me that the big question is what the KT really found in Jerusalem - knowledge of some sort, IMO.

As far as artifacts are concerned, the Ark of the Covenant is (was) probably authentic. IMO, the "Holy Grail" (chalice) never existed.

"IF" it is ever shown that Jesus was married and had descendants he would be a man and not a God, and it does change the role of the Church doesn't it?

And this!

All those V's in the Shugborough Code don't stand for 5?

Can you explain your translation.....sounds awfully similar to what is portrayed in the relief carving with the code, so just wondering the method....

Be an epic discovery to publicise I would think,,,,,

I don't know how much you are into this but here goes at least a start and I hope others also are interested. I intend to show that although Philippe de Cherisey, was certainly a joker, his solution to the Shepherdess Parchment was not a hoax.
The decoded message from the Shepherdess text is an anagram of the message on the tombstone dated Jan. 17 1781, of Marie de Negre d'Ables, the widow of Francois d' Hautpoul-Rennes, the last Seigneur of Rennes le Chateau (the Hautpoul's of the missing genealogy's I mentioned earlier). The tombstone had obvious errors created for the purpose of making the anagram work, without which there would be no anagram. The tombstone has not been seen by anybody of recent memory, hence the first thought of hoax. But, in 1905 (obviously pre-hoax) an expedition (the excursion) to Rennes le Chateau by Monsieur Elie Tisseyre on the 25th of June 1905, documented the tombstone with its errors in a drawing. This excursion is still in the archives of the organization that commissioned it, "The Societe d' Etudes Scientifiques de I' aude", and was published in the SESA Bulletin Volume XVII, year 1906. I had seen this transcript online, but not knowing the source I wrote to SESA myself and requested a copy. They were more than happy to produce it and even dropped the usual fee when it was sent to me.
I don't have all the time I need and will continue this a little later with the de Cherisey stuff, but in my opinion this proves a link to the Shepherdess Parchment that I included a few posts ago and a prior to 1906 date, long before de Cherisey's birth.
Cheers, Loki

And here is your NOIS.....SION carved into the side of the cliff beside the Sword In The Stone.......still in wonder what I found LOKI? Keeps getting better doesn't it?

parchment NOIS.webp

A=1, B=2, C=3, O=15, U=21, V=22, S=19, now you have to create 4 numbers from 8,= 36/ 34/ 23/ 44 ( read latitude first from right to left (reversed, as the relief tells us), longitude still reversed but read left number (degrees) first, very simple, yes! D and M, degrees and minutes.

As I mentioned, I have found more than 40 miles of error in longitude readings from 1750 maps, but latitude from a land based observation can be very accurate. I have come within a quarter mile using simply a framing square and level (which is basically all they had in 1750) in an experiment.

Cheers, Loki

Here it is!

Loki that seems pertty simple and logical.....up to the point where you have to find multiples of 8?

Can you take that part a little further ... the reasoning?

I dont think they will find anything of great wealth there. However i do agree that it will hold alot of new knowledge for the history of the world. But as for treasure. Im highly doubtful

View attachment 1348869

Templar Artifact From the Treasure Vault my Ancestors built .

before anyone starts , you weren't there , so please , just relax and listen .

I already released that those dates were not dates but increments ,

so lets jump ahead and do symbols

Each symbol on the nugget , marks a Treasure .
so this can be construed as a Treasure map .

For this lesson , I'll treat you to the way a person decodes these symbols .

Note the Phoenician and Hebrew symbols
Egyptian I'll do later on
The Etruscan , one of you guys can research and do .

One symbol is Hebrew/Phoenician and as a Picture Word , it says Weapons

Next is incremental , we're looking for geo-cord with that one

so it is both a Picture Word and an increment .

confused yet ?

Hang in there .

how this map works , the symbols are carved in various places around the Mountain Range
it was stored in .

But , though those mark location , they as well must be interpreted as not just picture word
but incremental as well .

Same symbol for word as number , or Letter and number both .

Good ?

View attachment 1348871

Front side of Nugget
Symbol in center is The Familial Strike Mark of my Family Linage
and is not used to locate .

Grand Masters all had their own Strike Mark
if they sent a Missive to you , it'd be signed with a Symbol as this after
the signature .

If an Artifact like this was stored away , It relates the Rightful Bloodline this is the Property of .

All our tools are stamped with this
Cattle Brands as well .

Ok , so , This is my Property . I am not betraying any trust by revealing the code on it .

so let's roll with it .

View attachment 1348872

Ok , see my Avatar , I'm standing just left of the Boulder ( from your View ) That this Artifact is found on .

This too is a Strike Mark for the La Rue side of my linage .

Note the shape of the Niche it's in , see top of the niche is shaped as a pointer ?

It is pointing the way to a Larger Boulder that is what we call a Map Rock .
That Boulder had symbols no one could decode .

They thought it was done by Spanish , so they sought a Spanish code translation

It is not a Language
it was done by French but not per an overall code grouping
this one is singular to this particular area only .

View attachment 1348872

Ok , see my Avatar , I'm standing just left of the Boulder ( from your View ) That this Artifact is found on .

This too is a Strike Mark for the La Rue side of my linage .

Note the shape of the Niche it's in , see top of the niche is shaped as a pointer ?

It is pointing the way to a Larger Boulder that is what we call a Map Rock .
That Boulder had symbols no one could decode .

They thought it was done by Spanish , so they sought a Spanish code translation

It is not a Language
it was done by French but not per an overall code grouping
this one is singular to this particular area only .

treasminder2/ quote from thread/ "Tunnels and more just found in New Ross, N. S." post #137

"Ya unnerstan?

now you know,

I wrote, that's what I do,
anything, big mess fiction, little
fiction matters not I like to write
is all

people grab and go with it

I never expected this"

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