Two Templars were arrested in Scotland, but not by Scotland. In 1309 Holyrood, where the trials took place was under English control. It was Edward II of England who finally accepted the Pope's order to arrest Scottish Templars. At no time did Robert the Bruce show any ill will toward Scottish Templars, proving my premise that Scotland was a safe haven for any Templars who happened to escape to that country, and for those already there, at least those beyond English control.
At the Holyrood trials the Sinclairs testimony was to the effect that the Templars were not very good neighbors.
Also important is the fact that testimony at the trial stated, two Knights threw off their habits and fled and de Villers had nothing to do with the Trials at Holyrood
It does seem important to note that the Templar headquarters of Balantrodoch, now Temple Midlothian, was also under English control at the time
On a historical note; Edward II was no Edward I and soon lost control of all of Scotland!
Cheers, Loki