My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

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You claimed they didn't have capable vessels, so wherever they went they must of had to swim!
Once again, Loki, you has distorted and misrepresented what I actually posted concerning the Templar's galleys seaworthiness to cross the Atlantic ocean.
With all these Templar "testimonies" to which you refer of setting out to sea, NONE mention where the set off destination was.
As with the REGINUS MANUSCRIPT being an early form of Freemasonry because it is "very Freemason in nature" which you entered into this discussion, but now decline an additional dialog, have nothing to do concerning where those disappearing Templar and their coconut coir went.

Once again, Loki, you has distorted and misrepresented what I actually posted concerning the Templar's galleys seaworthiness to cross the Atlantic ocean.
With all these Templar "testimonies" to which you refer of setting out to sea, NONE mention where the set off destination was.
As with the REGINUS MANUSCRIPT being an early form of Freemasonry because it is "very Freemason in nature" which you entered into this discussion, but now decline an additional dialog, have nothing to do concerning where those disappearing Templar and their coconut coir went.

They didn't say "setting out to sea" the testimony was "they fled across the sea", and I didn't say the Regius Poem (as some call it) was an early form of Freemasonry, I wrote that "it was very much Freemason in nature", meaning it possibly could have evolved into something resembling Freemasonry. That subject was simply to be an answer to your question of, how long did the Templars stay in Scotland? I declined an additional dialog on the subject, because as I added later "I don't know and I don't care"!

Cheers, loki

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After the Knight's Templar had their Friday 13th back then they called Freemasonry the Craft. Maybe where the word Witchcraft came from and why witches were burned at the stake. Because their believe was different from the Pope. Also here is how the two treasures can be found on Oak Island. Treasure #1 & #2 Buried in FOUNDATION2.webp

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They didn't say "setting out to sea" the testimony was "they fled across the sea", and I didn't say the Regius Poem (as some call it) was an early form of Freemasonry, I wrote that "it was very much Freemason in nature", meaning it possibly could have evolved into something resembling Freemasonry.
That subject was simply to be an answer to your question of, how long did the Templars stay in Scotland?
I declined an additional dialog on the subject, because as I added later "I don't know and I don't care"!
If you "don't know" and "don't care" why did you bring it into this discussion?
Just more random unrelated information that are absolutely not relevant to subject of Templars in Nova Scotia which litter this discussion with nonsensical rubbish presented due the lack of actual facts.
...and you did NOT answer the question concerning HOW LONG Templar activity continued in Scotland after the trials.

If you "don't know" and "don't care" why did you bring it into this discussion?
Just more random unrelated information that are absolutely not relevant to subject of Templars in Nova Scotia which litter this discussion with nonsensical rubbish presented due the lack of actual facts.
...and you did NOT answer the question concerning HOW LONG Templar activity continued in Scotland after the trials.

How does the length of time the Templars continued in Scotland have anything to do with Nova Scotia?

I premise a small group of Templars leaving Scotland for Nova Scotia in early 1308, you know, "across the sea"!

Cheers, Loki

I premise a small group of Templars leaving Scotland for Nova Scotia in early 1308, you know, "across the sea"!
Did this small group of Templars set out "across the sea" with de Villers in 18 galleys packed full with coconut coir as cargo?
Is the phrase "across the sea" carry the same meaning as "across the ocean"?
The reference could be to the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea. and not the Atlantic Ocean.
Do you premise that sea and ocean meant the same thing in 14ih century Templar jargon?

How does the length of time the Templars continued in Scotland have anything to do with Nova Scotia? ...

It has relevance to off promoted fallacy that began in 1730 with Andrew Michael Ramsey's GRAND ORATION statement of "Every Mason is a Knight Templar".

After the Knight's Templar had their Friday 13th back then they called Freemasonry the Craft.
Maybe where the word Witchcraft came from and why witches were burned at the stake.
Because their believe was different from the Pope...
How different from the Pope's were the Templar's belief?
Real history stated that the French King owed the Templars a great amount of money from loans that they were calling due, and to avoid paying, accused and arrested them with false charges.
The Pope joined in with heresy charges, to end the growing power by wealth of the Templar order believing in as competition to the power the Church held over the various European kingdoms.

How different from the Pope's were the Templar's belief?
Real history stated that the French King owed the Templars a great amount of money from loans that they were calling due, and to avoid paying, accused and arrested them with false charges.
The Pope joined in with heresy charges, to end the growing power by wealth of the Templar order believing in as competition to the power the Church held over the various European kingdoms.

The Knight's Templar's Religion was different from the Pope's because of what they found under the South Wall of the Temple Mount.

Did this small group of Templars set out "across the sea" with de Villers in 18 galleys packed full with coconut coir as cargo?
Is the phrase "across the sea" carry the same meaning as "across the ocean"?
The reference could be to the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea. and not the Atlantic Ocean.
Do you premise that sea and ocean meant the same thing in 14ih century Templar jargon?

Nope, I have always premised three vessels, but the number could be two or four or? Coconut coir was what their lines were made from as well as packing for whatever cargo they carried. Most Arabian and Middle Eastern vessels had lines (ropes) made from coir as that was what was available.

Most of the rest of the known world was under the control of the Church. When they could have just stepped into Scottish controlled Scotland, why would they escape to anywhere under the thumb of the Pope.

Don't you want to know how the exact location of the Grail in Nova Scotia got back to France?

Cheers, Loki

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It has relevance to off promoted fallacy that began in 1730 with Andrew Michael Ramsey's GRAND ORATION statement of "Every Mason is a Knight Templar".

Oh, that's right, and I wrote that it more than likely came from a certain 14th century document I had a copy of. And then you wanted me to argue the point of Templars having become the Scottish Freemasons.

Cheers, Loki

A discussion which you acquiesced by capitulation as expected.

The Knight's Templar's Religion was different from the Pope's because of what they found under the South Wall of the Temple Mount.
What did they find under the South Wall of the Temple Mount and where is the documentation of this find, who, how, and when, and what became of this religion changing find that was different from the Pope's religion.
You often make one liner claims similar to this that you never support with hard documentation.
The power of myth, legend, lore are strong in these one liner statements, but without supporting proof, remain mere folktales of myth, legend, and lore.

A discussion which you acquiesced by capitulation as expected.

As I have mentioned several times, what the Templars did in Scotland after 1309 has nothing to do with my premises. I will have to recheck the forum rules, but I don't think they require me to answer every question or become involved in every argument. Certainly this is not a surrender as you claim.

My statement was merely to indicate that the theory of an earlier Templar involvement in Freemasonry than your own 18th century document "MAY" have been a 13th or 14th century document, adding that I really didn't care either way. Why is it so important to you to engage me in this particular discussion? Is it perhaps to change the subject from my own premises?

Cheers, Loki

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Did this small group of Templars set out "across the sea" with de Villers in 18 galleys packed full with coconut coir as cargo?
Is the phrase "across the sea" carry the same meaning as "across the ocean"?
The reference could be to the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea. and not the Atlantic Ocean.
Do you premise that sea and ocean meant the same thing in 14ih century Templar jargon?

I think you should look up the 13th and 14th century definition of the word "sea"!

In the 1200's, Gerald of Wales called what we know as the Atlantic Ocean, "The Brendanian Sea". It was the Western Sea of the Middle Ages in Europe, the word "Ocean" not used until the 14th Century, (Marriam-Webster).

Its about time for you to write "what does this have to do with Oak Island" again, isn't it?

Cheers, Loki

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... the word "Ocean" not used until the 14th Century, (Marriam-Webster).

Its about time for you to write "what does this have to do with Oak Island" again, isn't it?
...and when do you premise the these intrepid Templars made their alleged voyage to Nova Scotia- The 14th century.
"nuff said. :laughing7:

The Knight's Templar's Religion was different from the Pope's because of what they found under the South Wall of the Temple Mount.

Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor asserting that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, the claim is unfounded and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss it.

It is named, echoing Occam's razor, for the journalist and writer Christopher Hitchens, who, in a 2003 Slate article, formulated it thus: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

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