🥇 BANNER Multiple GW Inaugural Buttons...Heraldic Eagle 6-point Estoile variety


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Golden Thread
17th century
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030 & XP Deus
Primary Interest:
I stopped a a location on my way down to Virginia. Sure glad I stopped at a spot a friend recommended. I dug these four buttons from a pounded field, all within 10' of one another. When I say there were no high signals in this place I mean none...pounded to death. Also there was fill everywhere besides on fertile strip between the two fill spots. All the finds came from there. These buttons showed up as 12-20/21/22, all of them. The other finds for the day was a big ol to bad button, a musketball, and some small buckles.

I posted them earlier on another post and found out they were GW's. Here were all of my finds.
The heraldic eagle with 6 point estoile and square punch border is the variety. The best part is they all have their shanks.

ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1445389874.351977.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1445389941.903451.webpfor comparison
I'm over the moon. I texted Ahab, Bill D, and Vino and all confirm. Wow.
Thanks SwingBeepDig for the spot. I owe you buddy!

Sorry for the not so good pics. I'm on the road in a hotel room in Virginia.



Here's the best I can do for pics. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1445428445.730566.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1445428455.379110.webp

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Upvote 73
I can dig barbers almost on any hunt up here in Nepa. I would give up all them Just to dig the mediocre stuff you guys dig south of me. Incredible buttons! Awesome job!

We just be lucky over here is all. But if you don't believe that then come on over Will!

Damn 4 GW buttons thats just outstanding.....:occasion14:

Hey buddy killer find that's right up there on my list. I voted Banner. The condition is a little rough but to dig an entire set of GWs is damn hard to do. Great job buddy

Abe Abe Abe. I knew I had you going when you texted me in caps and exclamation marks last night. Thanks for the banner nod buddy. A set of GWs is beyond comprehension for me still...I'm still floating around somewhere up in the clouds. Lol


My god! 4 of them???!!:notworthy: I'd be happy with one. That'll be a day to remember huh:rocks::rocks3::weee: Simply awesome:headbang:

Congrats on finding FOUR GW Inaugurals Steve. I hope they clean up nice for you. Clean them up and get a good picture and they will be on the Banner before you know it.

Thanks for the Banner mention Steve. I cleaned them up the best I could on the road. All my equipment is at home 400 miles away. Figured it's worth waiting but I took a few nice pics and added them.


so he says mutliple GW buttons....unbelievable dude seriously just killin it...between you and George i feel theres no need to even go out anymore...im just going to sit and watch lol....great digs man!

Dang Steve - I can't believe those "cruddy" flat buttons turned into a whole coat of GWs!! Absolutely amazing, and I guess you'remember still pinching yourself. Banner for sure. Can'the wait to see them later today.

What a group of finds . Congratulations

We can all dig thousands of nondescript old buttons but every now and then a good one will turn up and you went and found four historical rarities in one outing :thumbsup:
Great banner worthy hunt.


Thanks for the banner nod. I very much enjoy reading your posts as well and I'm glad I could entertain some fellas across the pond. Cheers


And now I know why they jumped out at me on your other post. You keep this up and Va state troopers will be stationed at the state line checking ID's to keep you out:laughing7:

Thx OD. That star did jump out right?! I thought so as well. Re: troopers - As long as they let me out with the buttons I'm ok with them keeping me there! Lol.

Scrappy, you do so darn good at pounded out places it just is awesome how well you hunt.I just wish you would stop by in my neck of the woods and give me some tips.

Congrats Scrappy. Four GWs in one fell swoop! Nice.

Virginia huh? Just one state away from NC...

Thanks Tom. You know I wore that coin t-shirt you made me again?! Lol

Wow man! A huge congrats to you!!

Yup, good hunt right there! Banner!

It was a great hunt. All low signals and a lot of junk dug and slaw. Hey man thanks for the banner Vote.


WOW, WOW, WOW! And did I say wow! Super big congrats. A GW is very high on my wish list...can't imagine digging four in one day! Congrats again! Banner vote from me too.

Great hunt in anyone's book...congrats

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