More Interesting New Findings From The Beale Ciphers

Well, for starters, let us begin with a Thomas J. Beale that you can't even establish as having been a real character. A grand adventure that you can't even establish as having ever taken place. A fabulous treasure that you can't establish as having ever existing. Ciphers that can't produce grammatically correct clear text, and yet apparently do. "A flood that destroyed the alleged key"........:laughing7: Let's just limit ourselves to these for now.....

More Interesting New Findings From The Beale Ciphers is this thread. Let's keep it to the new stuff not the same crap you people talk about on all the other threads.

A flood is a new thing so let's go with that. We know one did occur, so what the problem?

The problem if you wish to designate it as such, M Poe, there is NO "connexion" to this flood to Thomas J Beale, the Beale Papers, the missing "key" letter, only your creative imagination.

I knew about the floods but to establish a connection with the missing letter is impossible to do. There was also a loud boom that could be heard in four or five surrounding States near St. Louis, Mo. many believed was an arsenal that blew up but none was in the area. Most likely a meteor or UFO entering the atmosphere to pick up Thomas Jefferson Beale and his 30 fellow space travelers.

You see, Mr. Masterpoe, per example, Mel Fisher found the Atocha because he had provenance that it actually existed and then through research he discovered other forms of actual provenance that eventually lead him to the discovery, this same being said of the 1715 & 1733 fleets, etc., etc. So in other words, all of the discoveries were made "only after the treasure stories were proven to be true." What you and others are attempting to do is to find solution to something that you have yet to even prove ever existed at all, which makes all other conclusions in relation to said pursuit pure speculation from wild desires. "First you must establish that said pursuit is even real." All else is just grasping at straws. This is what you're failing to understand in regard to all of these others remedies and solutions many of you keep claiming to be relevant or factually connected......they are only personal fantasy connections blindly drawn from the hat without said provenance. :thumbsup:

So true, bigscoop. First prove the treasure exist or it can never be found.

The problem if you wish to designate it as such, M Poe, there is NO "connexion" to this flood to Thomas J Beale, the Beale Papers, the missing "key" letter, only your creative imagination.

Not my find! It was out there on the interweb, but I like it!

You see, Mr. Masterpoe, per example, Mel Fisher found the Atocha because he had provenance that it actually existed and then through research he discovered other forms of actual provenance that eventually lead him to the discovery, this same being said of the 1715 & 1733 fleets, etc., etc. So in other words, all of the discoveries were made "only after the treasure stories were proven to be true." What you and others are attempting to do is to find solution to something that you have yet to even prove ever existed at all, which makes all other conclusions in relation to said pursuit pure speculation from wild desires. "First you must establish that said pursuit is even real." All else is just grasping at straws. This is what you're failing to understand in regard to all of these others remedies and solutions many of you keep claiming to be relevant or factually connected......they are only personal fantasy connections blindly drawn from the hat without said provenance. :thumbsup:

Yes, there would be more document's about some Spanish ships lost at sea than a group of people hunting furs and happening upon gold.You said you read information about the flood of 1826! Were is the information located? Or did you just make that part up?

The Freidman's have said, these ciphers are not real, as well as other professionals in the field of codebreaking, and many amateur hopefuls over the years and today, continue to prove these professionals correct.
It has become a real GAME OF CLONES! :laughing7:

Yes, there would be more document's about some Spanish ships lost at sea than a group of people hunting furs and happening upon gold.You said you read information about the flood of 1826! Were is the information located? Or did you just make that part up?

Are you really so naive to believe that after 130 years and thousands of qualified researchers that this "secret flood" hasn't been referenced at least a hundred times before? Heck, it's even referenced in some of the older threads in this very forum. And if you are still so naive to believe that a group of people hunting furs happened upon a huge vein of gold, mined it, and brought it back only to hide it cast iron pots while entrusting a complete stranger with the documents of that secret location then I have some swamp land in the desert to sell you. :laughing7:

There's a reason why no provenance exist, the same reason why no provenance exist in so many of those other man-made "dime a dozen" treasure tales. All the facts, even science, tells you that it never happened......and yet you still blindly believe every word from an author who practiced established deceptions,...."amazing!" No doubt you have a pet Bigfoot, drive a UFO to work, and work in Santa's toy factory in the winter months. :laughing7:

Are you really so naive to believe that after 130 years and thousands of qualified researchers that this "secret flood" hasn't been referenced at least a hundred times before? Heck, it's even referenced in some of the older threads in this very forum. And if you are still so naive to believe that a group of people hunting furs happened upon a huge vein of gold, mined it, and brought it back only to hide it cast iron pots while entrusting a complete stranger with the documents of that secret location then I have some swamp land in the desert to sell you. :laughing7:

There's a reason why no provenance exist, the same reason why no provenance exist in so many of those other man-made "dime a dozen" treasure tales. All the facts, even science, tells you that it never happened......and yet you still blindly believe every word from an author who practiced established deceptions,...."amazing!" No doubt you have a pet Bigfoot, drive a UFO to work, and work in Santa's toy factory in the winter months. :laughing7:
Well, I DO NOT remember reading about ANY floods in St. "Loo" on these "threads", ever! WHERE...? !!!

Well, I DO NOT remember reading about ANY floods in St. "Loo" on these "threads", ever! WHERE...? !!!

Sure we have, all of that flood stuff was brought up when I was still living in Florida, there was even another flood prior to this one that would have effected travel during the alleged Beale party grand adventure. You look for them, I assure you, those conversations are there.....:icon_thumleft:

Sure we have, all of that flood stuff was brought up when I was still living in Florida, there was even another flood prior to this one that would have effected travel during the alleged Beale party grand adventure. You look for them, I assure you, those conversations are there.....:icon_thumleft:
NOT gonna look for 'em; indicate which Page, which "Thread"... THANKS!

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LOL! B/C "they" DO NOT exist! WHERE is YOUR "Provenance"...? Heh...

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LOL! B/C "they" DO NOT exist! WHERE is YOUR "Provenance"...? Heh...

Reb, I'm not going to play this little game. If "you" want to find them then look for them. You know how to do that just as well as I. Personally, I don't care either way. If YOU want to know then go look for them. It's that simple. They are there......:icon_thumleft:

PS: Look for Tat's post, I think he's the one that first brought up the whole flooding issue....been a few years back because i was still living in Florida at the time, so many 5-8 years ago?

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Reb, I'm not going to play this little game. If "you" want to find them then look for them. You know how to do that just as well as I. Personally, I don't care either way. If YOU want to know then go look for them. It's that simple. They are there......:icon_thumleft:

PS: Look for Tat's post, I think he's the one that first brought up the whole flooding issue....been a few years back because i was still living in Florida at the time, so many 5-8 years ago?
LOL! NOT game-playing... YOU are; I don't care, either... so let's drop the "Flood Crap".

Hello to all, I studied the Beale story and I believe it is true. T.J.B. was a real person and I know pretty much his life story. The treasure was real and I know where it came from. I know the names of some of people he was involved with. Not sure what the last documents he used for his cypher's were. If any of this is of interest to anyone, please P.M. me and I will come back and answer your questions "on line only".



T.J.B. lived in New Orleans and owned a hotel at #10 Canal Street.

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Hello to all, I studied the Beale story and I believe it is true. T.J.B. was a real person and I know pretty much his life story. The treasure was real and I know where it came from. I know the names of some of people he was involved with. Not sure what the last documents he used for his cypher's were. If any of this is of interest to anyone, please P.M. me and I will come back and answer your questions "on line only".



T.J.B. lived in New Orleans and owned a hotel at #10 Canal Street.

Johnny, I think you're going to want to research a lot of the older threads here as this same claim has been made and picked apart over and over again.

I've discovered the secret pattern to the ciphers. My and my partner are decoding the cipher that tells the location

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