Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

md, we figured that it was a good trade off for saving our lost companion. He was completely without any water for two days,. He voiced no complaints, but we all swore off any water from that stock pond, ugh.:coffee2::coffee2: <<--- sock coffee

THe things one wil do dor their companions, We always ended up with the same no at the end of a campaign -- note ORO .

You guys are lucky you didn't get some type of waterborne disease. The boiling probably saved you. I've dipped my helmet into a few pools of stump water when I was in Vietnam. Eventually, I ended up with three different kind of parasites. Between the parasites and running up and down mountains all day, my weight dropped from 190 ponds down to 135, at 6 feet tall. When we could get it, we used kool aid to kill the taste of the water. I don't know if that would have worked for burro pee. Anyway, your lost friend is lucky that you guys were there for him. If you can go into the sticks and bring everybody out, that's a good operation. :thumbsup:

right on NP. As for me, I have many, however I will tell of one that still puzzles me.

When I lived in N Calif, we lived in Homestead valley, an off shoot to Mill valley, just across form S.F. I used to go Eel fishing on the beach, about 10 miles away. This would bring me to a series of cliffs that led to access to the ocean.

One day as I parked on top of the clff I noticed scuff marks indicating where a hawk or Owl had made a kill,then forgot about it.

Now with Eel fishing it is done with a long bamboo pole with perhaps 6' of line at the end. You the poke it uder the rocks, or anyplace that you wouldn't place you hands. shortly you would have a strike then attemt to pull a squirming twisting 2 or 3 ft. eel from out under the rocks,a bit diffficult at times.,

I was hapily havesting some eel, when I noticed sonething in the surf,I rechaecked and sure enough it was a large broad tailed hawk practicaly drowned. I used my long pole to reach hi, which he promtly grabbbed so I fished him out of the water and swung him over to a tree trunk that was on the beach,where he proptly settled.

I continued fishing, forgetting abut him, until i was ready to leave by climbing the cliff. When I noticed him I found that he was stufying me also I wondered just what I was going to do wit him since itwas a sure death if I left him with the scavenging preditors, so I decided to take him home with me for the night while he recovered. But how to carry him while I was climbing the cliff ?? I stod tere for a few minuteswhie we studied each other then I decded that the only was was to carry him on my shoulder, so I aproached him carefully and gently eased him unto my hand then to my left shouder very,very, gingerly,I was worried about my eyes, however he merely shifted his grip. so I easd him unto my shoulder. He never made any protesttng move, So I carried him to the top of the cliff At the car I sat him on top of the paswnger seats

At home I transfered him to an unused chicken house where he spent the night on a perch.. My next thought was to feed him, so I picked up some Liver at the btcher, then cut it into small pieces. Whe I held a small piece and held it out to him out toh him carefully he reached out an took it while uttering a call. he never made a threatening move for the two days while He was in the chicken coop

'When I finally released him he merely stood there lookng arund calmly, then after a while few to a nearby tree where he settled down for a while,then finally flew away.

I have always been curious,were we mentally contacting each other ?? His behavior was completely different from normal. at no time did he show any fear.

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right on NP. As for me, I have many, however I will tell of one that still puzzles me.

When I lived in N Calif, we lived in Homestead valley, an off shoot to Mill valley, just across form S.F. I used to go Eel fishing on the beach, about 10 miles away. This would bring me to a series of cliffs that led to access to the ocean.

One day as I parked on top of the clff I noticed scuff marks indicating where a hawk or Owl had made a kill,then forgot about it.

Now with Eel fishing it is done with a long bamboo pole with perhaps 6' of line at the end. You the poke it uder the rocks, or anyplace that you wouldn't place your hands. shortly you would have a strike then attemt to pull a squirming, twisting 2 or 3 ft. eel from out under the rocks,a bit diffficult at times.,

I was happily havesting some eel, when I noticed sonething in the surf,I rechecked and sure enough it was a large broad tailed hawk practicaly drowned. I used my long pole to reach him, which he promtly grabbbed so I fished him out of the water and swung him over to a tree trunk that was on the beach,where he proptly settled.

I continued fishing, forgetting abut him, until i was ready to leave by climbing the cliff. When I noticed him, I found that he was studying me also I wondered just what I was going to do wit him since it was a sure death if I left him with the scavenging preditors, so I decided to take him home with me for the night while he recovered. But how to carry him while I was climbing the cliff ?? I stod tere for a few minuteswhie we studied each other then I decded that the only was was to carry him on my shoulder, so I aproached him carefully and gently eased him unto my hand then to my left shouder very,very, gingerly,I was worried about my eyes, however he merely shifted his grip. so I easd him unto my shoulder. He never made any protesttng move, So I carried him to the top of the cliff At the car I sat him on top of the pasenger seat.

At home I transfered to an unused chicken house where he spent the night on a perch.. My next thought was to feed him, so I picked up some Liver at the butcher, then cut it into small pieces. Whe I held a small piece and held it out to him carefully he reached out an took it while uttering a call. he never made a threatening move for the two days while He was in the chicken coop

'When I finally released him he merely stood there lookng around calmly, then after a while few to a nearby tree where he settled down for a while,then finally flew away.

I have always been curious,were we mentally contacting each other ?? His behavior was completely different from normal. at no time did he show any fear.

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Hey TT,

I thought I'd made my mind up as to which way I was going to vote, but there seems to be splendid and perfect bs coming out in equal quantities from both th "Stay" and "Leave" camps. It is never going to be a 100 per cent certainty that the UK will lose or benefit entirely from either one. So, all in all, it's still an undecided from me...

With visas, even if we leave, they will still let us visit the continent and stay for some months without applying for extended leave as used to happen before.

I've got a treasure story to get Saturday night under way...:happy1:

This one's got the lot: gold, murder, pirates, some hanky-panky, crazy priest, weird rituals and a lonely mountain-top on a Caribbean island....

About two centuries ago, in present day Ecuador, there lived a priest who had a blonde lady in his congregation who was married to a Spaniard. This lady has been described as a bit of a nymphomaniac by all accounts and due to her habit, acquired a Frenchman as a 'friend'. The Spaniard did not know how exactly handle his wife and her cravings, and discussed this with the good padre. The padre feeling offended by this lady's behaviour and inline with his own religious conviction went to the house of Frenchie and forcibly brought back wifey to the Spaniard. At about this time, revolution against the Spanish yoke was working towards a fervour, and the Spaniard got wind of this and fled along with Blondie, Padre and his or in some versions the Padre's, black servant called Congo. The motley crew fled to some land owned by the Spanish chap in the interior where he was on good terms with the local natives.

During the time that this eclectic bunch were together, it appears that horny Blondie had brought out the lascivious desires that the Padre had until hitherto, kept in check. This unfortunately resulted in the murder of the poor Spaniard and the new partners - nymph and the failed priest - being put in prison for murder. When the liberators took control and threw the Spanish out of South America, the inmates were granted an amnesty. Rather than being grateful for a second chance, the lovers with the faithful servant Congo, gathered a handful of new adherents and left for pastures new and embarked on a career of piracy.

They managed to get themselves a ship and named it Emmanuel and started attacking ships in earnest in the Caribbean. Apparently they were acting with impunity and getting some decent scores. Word got around to the various port authorities that a pirate ship was operating under the command of a renegade priest who would preach whilst his small piratical crew attacked merchants and travellers in and around the islands therein, and a 'wild' blond woman ran naked all over the pirate ship.

As their reputation grew, their behaviour and modus operandi became more and more bizarre with apparent weird rituals taking place, Blondie being 'ravaged' by the Pirates on the orders of the mad priest and a fair treasure being accumulated and hidden atop a mountain location where an altar was made by this group to perform unsettling practices.

This continued until Congo was captured with one of the crew and in return for his life being spared, offered to reveal the hideout, the treasure and the crazy couple. The authorities sent 30 soldiers to seize the treasure and outlaws but when they entered the hideout, all they found was the altar and detritus from the gang's camp.

The crazy couple were never found; rumours surfaced some years later that a 'mad" white couple were living stark naked in the Venuzuelan rainforest with a native tribe....

As for the treasure, nothing was recovered although documents from the time show that there was a fair amount captured by the Pirates during their brief but impressive time on the high sea.....

If I am not mistaken, one of the Trio (well Quartet with Amy), looked into this and came across some very interesting and startling information and documents....:thumbsup:


IUP,,,,,today I am in an old European town which has a long history of being ruled by many powers,,,it is sort of a sleeping historical town with a modern city around it ,,,looking at the apparent lack of competitiveness in attracting tourists, I wondered if a treasure yarn related to the town ( if any ) marketed properly in tandem with the municipality could bring prosperity back to the town/city by attracting floods of tourists as we saw in the Nazi gold train story,,,,:),,hence ressurrecting sleeping towns with potential treasure legends could be one job THers could do as consultants to struggling mayors...,:laughing7:


This has been done since time immemorial. Some places have used religious 'icons', some claiming to be the inspiration behind famous folk or pieces of literature, others the location of important world-related political institutions and agreements.

The treasure angle has been used on many occasions. The Carribean is an especially hot spot for such matters with its history in the annals of piracy, buccaneering and Spanish colonial rule. Even spots in America are known for catering to the 'treasure tourist'.

In Asia, the Philippines in particular, there is a massive industry that has mushroomed from dealing in treasure legends, caches, secret maps etc...



This has been done since time immemorial. Some places have used religious 'icons', some claiming to be the inspiration behind famous folk or pieces of literature, others the location of important world-related political institutions and agreements.

The treasure angle has been used on many occasions. The Carribean is an especially hot spot for such matters with its history in the annals of piracy, buccaneering and Spanish colonial rule. Even spots in America are known for catering to the 'treasure tourist'.

In Asia, the Philippines in particular, there is a massive industry that has mushroomed from dealing in treasure legends, caches, secret maps etc...


IP,,,,,you are right,,,also in madagscar there is an industry of pirate treasure maps for tourists,,of course these are mostly fabrications...


That's the thing TT, most of what is out there is embellished and downright fake. Vary rarely, if ever, will 'genuine' articles/documents become available in the mainstream.

You have to have the right contacts, access to a network of people In The Know, flexibility to move quickly and resources to back any decision you make.

It all makes for an interesting line of work....


Sheesh IUk, I have just given out the location of two famous lost mines here in Mexico no takers.sigh,and they were free. I have actually been there and located them. - free yet. I have all that I can do with Tayopa and the lil Escondida.

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Thing is Don, are they viable to open up...?

With some adequate reports, you might be able to able to sell them on perhaps?

I am going to South America to look into some gold opportunities for some investors.

If the locations to those mines is decent, with enough to recover costs and make some margins, you might have some decent prospects there, but I suppose there are many factors to consider such as ownership, labour costs, shipment etc..


Amigo's and Amigo-ettes,:coffee2: :hello::Remember no matter what path or road you choose to travel, They all lead somewhere, but, they all have been traveled before, that;s why they are called paths or roads, If your searching for the unknown , don't travel either one,choose your own way,no one Else's,:dontknow: :hello: NP:cat:

Amigo's and Amigo-ettes,:coffee2: :hello::Remember no matter what path or road you choose to travel, They all lead somewhere, but, they all have been traveled before, that;s why they are called paths or roads, If your searching for the unknown , don't travel either one,choose your own way,no one Else's,:dontknow: :hello: NP:cat:


Sage advise, but.........What if they missed something important? For years, it was assumed that the only crossing of the Salt River, was southwest of Fort McDowell. Upon reading Martha Summerhays account, it became obvious that you could cross almost due south of McDowell. In working out theories of the Two Soldiers, this became a sticking point.

Until I pointed out the error, everyone thought Julia and Rhiney had someone else with them when Bark first wrote about finding them west of his ranch. There was only the two of them.

Point is, no matter what details/roads you may be following, those who went before you could have been wrong.

I think the mission story is a prime example.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


Sage advise, but.........What if they missed something important? For years, it was assumed that the only crossing of the Salt River, was southwest of Fort McDowell. Upon reading Martha Summerhays account, it became obvious that you could cross almost due south of McDowell. In working out theories of the Two Soldiers, this became a sticking point.

Until I pointed out the error, everyone thought Julia and Rhiney had someone else with them when Bark first wrote about finding them west of his ranch. There was only the two of them.

Point is, no matter what details/roads you may be following, those who went before you could have been wrong.

I think the mission story is a prime example.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo
Amigo:coffee2:Its never been proven to be wrong,but, glad to see it's still on your mind,I am sorry your library doe's not have any info on it.np:cat:PS. sorry to hear about you being sick,I also am service connected for type two ,associated with agent orange,and several wounds, mac v ,first field force 69-70-71, good luck.np:cat:

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NP, ya sickly old bugger, send me all of your notes for safekeeing before it's too late. yer not immortal like ME :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2: <--sock coffee, that burro pee is getting to you :laughing7:

Viet nam also, hmm, Seriously my firiend get well, we need all of the genuine TH'rs and reseachers possibble to unravel popular history,

sides you ARE my friend..

Amigo:coffee2:Its never been proven to be wrong,but, glad to see it's still on your mind,I am sorry your library doe's not have any info on it.np:cat:PS. sorry to hear about you being sick,I also am service connected for type two ,associated with agent orange,and several wounds, mac v ,first field force 69-70-71, good luck.np:cat:


Actually my library does have information on it. Can't believe everything you read.:laughing7:

Thank you for your service and welcome home, brother.

Take care,


JB, go up the arroyo Gloria Pan - north of Tubares and the river Fuerte - until you come to where it turns to the left - N - look up for the ledge, climb up then continue to the N, until just before you come to the end you will see the portal closed wwith Arcilla -mud - youwill see the impresion of two hand prints to help; The portal was covered with pitch pine - acote - smoke to camoflage it. Open it and you will see the tunnel dividing, the right goes to the two upperworkings,the left to the two lower ones. More details if you wish.

Just about what I remember from before. I think there is a little more detail, but, unfortunately, I’m not ready yet. I’ll contact you when I am.


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