OK, El Naranjal lies in Durango, but not in Durango state but in the Provence of Durango.. The prov contained the present states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Durango, and others. It presently lies in Chihuahua on the Tayopa Claim. How is that possible ? cause it was in Durango Provence not Durango state. Durango state has been "scoured by mining engrs, geologists, prospectors and of course Treasure hunters "The key word is "state or the provinse. " It was in the Provence, I it was split up in about 1812 .after the Fuarez revoloution. Simple when you do a little research. I had help from Benito, an indian that found te tunnel lined with sacks of orange olored gold. He would cut off pieces of dore gold whenever he needed money. Many tried to follow him, without success. but for some reason he liked Bert and me., perhaps it was because we never down played the Indians.. I learned that early in my travels in the world. He gave us the final clue. a drill rod driven into the ock for attaching a rope to. I am too old now to take advantage of it now and my Berti has been gone for about 5 year--- sniff..it doesn't seem so important now.