Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

emb, joe: Es mi yerno xxxx, a quien por saber hablar ingles, le pedí que te escribiera lo que quería decirte respecto a como está actualmente La Sierra oscura, el lote Tayopa y lo difícil que está satisfacer tus intenciones de sacarlo. Y si, hay muchos más narcotraficantes por allá que antes. Caro Quintero lo está utilizando ese territorio para atacar a los Arellano y como te imaginarás no es fácil andar, estar y menos sacar un tesoro. Yo entiendo que tú quieres terminar lo que iniciaste hace muchos años, pero hay que entender que no se debe arriesgar a otras personas que no están enteradas de como están las cosas....... A mi, tú sabes que me gusta e interesa todo lo que se dice y hace sobre Tayopa, pero desde hace como un año que fui por allá, no me quedaron ganas de volver.....

Translated means that the narcotrafficantes have increased around Tayopa and the depository and that he wouldn't return to Tayopa

emb, joe: Es mi yerno xxxx, a quien por saber hablar ingles, le pedí que te escribiera lo que quería decirte respecto a como está actualmente La Sierra oscura, el lote Tayopa y lo difícil que está satisfacer tus intenciones de sacarlo. Y si, hay muchos más narcotraficantes por allá que antes. Caro Quintero lo está utilizando ese territorio para atacar a los Arellano y como te imaginarás no es fácil andar, estar y menos sacar un tesoro. Yo entiendo que tú quieres terminar lo que iniciaste hace muchos años, pero hay que entender que no se debe arriesgar a otras personas que no están enteradas de como están las cosas....... A mi, tú sabes que me gusta e interesa todo lo que se dice y hace sobre Tayopa, pero desde hace como un año que fui por allá, no me quedaron ganas de volver.....
Don José, lo entiendo completamente. Protéjase siempre y proteja a su familia. Nunca vale la pena tu vida.
¿Sentiste ese terremoto ayer? 5.1 Yo creo

Don José, lo entiendo completamente. Protéjase siempre y proteja a su familia. Nunca vale la pena tu vida.
¿Sentiste ese terremoto ayer? 5.1 Yo creo

I forgot that we are not allowed to post political comments...And some of the comments I had made may have been considered political by some readers...

Ed T

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No way John.

IF dreams do come true Don Jose...One day I will retire in Mazatlan...And I just might try to retrace my steps in Durango IF the climate changes by that time...Things have only gotten worse over the last 13 years...So, IF things continue getting worse...I doubt I will ever return to the mining areas that I visited so long ago...I have not done any prospecting in Mexico since the early 90's...

Oh how Mexico has changed...It is nothing like it was so long ago...I am even beginning to second guess my thoughts on wanting to retire in Mexico...Only time will tell...I am having second thoughts about Reno as well...Things are getting to darned expensive in the good old U.S.A. I am starting to think that I would have to find me another diamond just to have a chance at buying me a house there...

Time marches on Don Jose...And no one around here is getting any younger...I don't even know IF I am anywhere near in shape to even consider prospecting at this stage in my life...hahaha...I have packed on a hundred pounds since I left the good old U.S.M.C.

Ed T

OK jar head alias John, post I was a swabby, later, after the war WWIi,) I became a pilot/officer in the new USAF 1950 Post

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OK jar head alias John, post I was a swabby, later, after the war WWIi,) I became a pilot/officer in the new USAF 1950 Post

I was a battery operated grunt, Don Jose, a 2531...I learned how to play mind games from the best of the best...lol...

All I can say is that IT is wherever IT is...And IF anyone finds it...They jest may turn into a pearl merchant, as stated in the Bible...

I can really care less...I have been there...And I have done that...I do not feel as IF I need to prove my self or my claims to anyone...

I know what I know...And as far as I am concerned...That is all that really matters...I wish all those the best in their search for what ever IT might be...Whether IT be a lost platinum real...Or an area that is diamond bearing...lol...

But what do I know???I am just an uneducated idiot who really does not know much about anything.

Like I have stated...Maybe one day some lucky prospector might get lucky and stumble upon some of my little playgrounds...rofl...

Ed T :)

keep posting John :coffee2::icon_thumleft: No one has to prove anything in this forum

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EMB, gracias. Hadn't heard of it. The entire Gulf is the result of seismic activiThe gulf is merely a comtinous extension of Calif. San Andreas fault.

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I am running out of memories to post. Do you want me to re-post on some of my back posts ???Border Patrol, cropdusting, exploring in old china and the Gobi, lost mines in Mxico, or ?? You name it

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I am running out of memories to post. Do you want me to re-post on some of my back posts ???Border Patrol, cropdusting, exploring in old china and the Gobi, lost mines in Mxico, or ?? You name it

Don Jose, Tells us about lost mines or treasures that you believe have been FOUND in Mexico and abroad. If you have any first hand knowledge.

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I am running out of memories to post. Do you want me to re-post on some of my back posts ???Border Patrol, cropdusting, exploring in old china and the Gobi, lost mines in Mxico, or ?? You name it

Your basic gear ,menu staples, water carrying , bedroll , tools , would be interesting.
What went on most excursions? What would you have added?

saddle , blanket. rope, long, two pieces of very lightweight plastic to serve as a ground cloth and as a shelter half, belt filled belt with 18 loops filled with 357 ammo, ever-present 357 S&W, tall stainless cup for coffee and liquid dinner, spoon. ,
fork, small aluminum pot for cooking, food, dried, binoculars, maps, change of clothing, and goodies for my mule, makes it easier to catch her in the morning and a very small medicine kit. I traveled light My mule was my lookout, her long ears pointed at anything moving nearby. and of course a spoon with a long handle. Anything else that I may have forgotten., Rev
Oh yes, I carried a two-quart forestry service canteen


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Rev, a girl perhaps ?

An old Northern exploration account had the adventurer in league with a native as a guide/companion.
The guide brought a/his woman . And mentioned a woman can be useful in camp.

Considering the potential labor and experience , and skills as the case above , maybe a girl.
Better be an agreeable one though!

A couple stout blades go far. One fixed , and one folding can cover some bases. Depending on geography and usual game or domestic stock ; the fixed blade can gain weight and length depending on potential use.

Something I didn't consider until it found a habit in my pocket is the small/tiny version of the Swiss Army knife.
Scissors. Good ones at that for small work. From skin to nails to thread to fishline to notching required game tags when hunting for recreation/legally.
Tweezers on that tiny knife. And don't they find use...
Plastic toothpic , l.o.l.. Sometimes it finds a use too.
Nail file. You bet. Bad manicures have distracted in more ways than one. And a hangnail have even been noted in history as causing a trip ending and the person leaving the bush.
One tiny blade on that knife too. Reserved for more surgical use , it keeps a good edge.
Worth it's weight no doubt. And I've been known to gift them. Would not be bad trade stock either , maybe.

Water is not hard to source around here.
I've tried multiple canteen types , and varied recycled bottles from glass to plastic. One old "cork" pint bottle I put a modern metal and rubber stopper on and carried in a back pocket for hunting. The stopper was reserved by a piece of cordage to prevent loss from setting aside.
About the second time the cord caught on brush and the stopper came out with a loud "pop"! I retired the concept.

A plastic Army canteen for now. Carrying in a small pack on my back has been the preferred method.
I have the cup to nest it in , and a cover for the cup. And cover for the canteen.
Having motorized mules means a several gallon container for refills at base. But my short distances traveled today are usually accompanied with a stainless thermos of coffee that fits in a pocket.

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