Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hello Don amigo a somewhat disappointing conclusion to a long quest. Success or failure in some respects irreverent because you can hold your head up high because you dared to and try what others will never make an effort for. Many people dream amigos but very few ever really make the effort and have a go. So my hat is off to you amigo and I think you have to finish that book because your story is part of journey.


It is one of biggest tasks is to convince the landowner for permission. So one has to see such proposals also through the eyes a of the land holder. It takes careful negotiation in convincing the landholder of your integrity. professionalism and of course the benefits of a partnership.

I say this as I always encourage a "partnership in the proposed project". And professionally lay out all the ground rules and provide a binding legal agreement that protects them as well as non disclosure agreement. One thing I have learned never push the landholder or rush a landholder to make a decision. They themselves have to come to the conclusion there could be great benefits from entering a partnership in a potential project. However as per traditional treasure trove laws always in general rule of thumb split 50/50. I always say its my intention to make you the landholder wealthy as well as I. As one cannot succeed without the other. Another carrot is the finder bares the expenses of search, excavation and remediation so for the landholder and absolving the landholder from all liability.

These key points. No cost to the landholder in excavation and remediation. No legal or financial liability. And fitly percent of what is recovered. For doing absolutely doing nothing and taking no risk.

Hell you have to stupid as a landholder not to consider a proposed project in that context.

One failing of treasure hunters they tend to get too greedy. Where in reality they will be getting a share. Some times you may need to grease the axial to make wheels of success to happen. By the time you get the project up and running the landholder in most cases become one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the project.

Here is example below....

50% to the landholder 50% to the finder. The finders share is split between other parties in the project. Some provide expertise others provide capital divide as per agreement among the party of finders.

On some very big projects some times you need to involve a team of lawyers. Generally they have a percentage of finders fee.

Some deals amigos will never ever see the light of day...

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Why because as history of such discoveries there are aware people who will try to make a legal claim against any such find. So its better to be very discreet. The trio always highlight that discretion to potential business partners as well as financial advise for those involved in the project.

You can already see the fiasco with law suits the Forrest Fenns saga has created. Best to get you cut amigo discreetly then enjoy life.


Picture found in add dated 12/3/2017. Rough diamonds mentioned too.
No , I didn't call the number.
Wait , is that a siren I hear? L.o.l.

Gidday Amigos

Everyone here is on their own personal journeys. Many will fall by the roadside in the long journey of life where are we heading where are we going? Do we ever really know the destination? While we quest for fortune and glory perhaps with no difference to a primeval forger from times long forgotten. We invoke the long lost traits of hunter and gatherer origins.

Some times that urge is stronger in some than others. While the level of hunger is feed by life's circumstances. The road is hard very hard. And is fraught with trial and error. So I say to people never take failure to heart like as a personal failing. I confess is easy too think that way. But failure is an essential lesson in us all to grow from it. Searching for treasure is no different from being that trial and error hunter and gatherer.

The trio has had more than their fair share of failures. Sprinkled with a few successful breaks in roller coast ride. It did not come without significant personal costs. Just like pirates of old, treasure hunters too live on borrowed time.And what is time? Is it the time you spent your life being safe and mundane or the time you spent living it to the very second.

Treasure or no treasure I cannot describe the buzz one gets sailing a sailing ship to a secret destination to search for buried treasure. Or hiking through mountains and deserts searching for gold. Or riding over great snow capped mountain peaks or hacking through deep jungles looking for lost cities with blood sweat and tears. While death may never be far away.

You live every breathing moment. Like if you have fallen into movie so fantastical it feels surreal like a magic carpet ride.

Then comes a time as it is everyone in this world to return to mundane safe and predicable drudgery we all love and hate. While for some they fear the outside world of the mundane safe and predicable drudgery. There are others who loath the mundane safe and predicable drudgery world.

Some times I admit I envy those who had a safe and predicable life. Not having the uncertainty and having very simple lives. Most of my life was complex living on the razors edge balancing between life and death. Not knowing when my number is up.

Today these days I straddle both but never fully being in one or the other. But as try as I may the fever for fortune and glory is never far away calling.


Picture found in add dated 12/3/2017. Rough diamonds mentioned too.
No , I didn't call the number.
Wait , is that a siren I hear? L.o.l.

Gidday releventchair

Good point

That gold in the picture was recovered from Kenya. Now the problem is most gold buyers in Europe and US only buy gold based on London gold standard. That those rough Dore bars bought by a dealer collectively as the primary gold buyer from thousands of small miners in Kenya do not make the grade because of compliance issues.

Because the bars are not refined by member refineries that comply to the gold standard by LBMA, London.

The LBMA is a base for some of the richest traders in the world, including global banks, funds and refiners. The LBMA was created by the Bank of England back in the late 1980s, as the BOE were the ones tasked with regulating the bullion market at the time.

Each part of the supply chain has to comply to rules of LBMA policy. For example they cannot buy gold that fails to comply with safety, Environmental standards. Or potentially be suspected a sources of income of terrorist groups.

All the above gold came from small artisanal miners in Kenya. The conditions are horrible and will never make the standard. But in all OF that gold is sum of the efforts about 30 thousand people living in very crude conditions mining this gold. While for us this might seem horrifying and e moral to our modern sensitivities. Yet our forefathers worked in the exact same conditions back in the gold rush years.

So Africa as well as it notorious reputations of the home of scam artists. Most western country gold buyers will not even contemplate a deal. So for a gold dealer within Kenya selling gold from artisanal mines in Africa very hard to access western gold buyers. If not impossible.





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Here is the irony While the UN wants to shut down small artisanal miners they look to big mining companies to broker deals. In which as all the royalties are paid to the government in those countries which are notoriously corrupt then siphoned off the money in their own bank accounts. And locals and land holders never get to see a cent of their gold. The big mining companies employ few locals but most miss out as most of the staff are fly in fly out. So very little of the wealth trickle down to every day person there.


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And why do the locals do it. After years of getting nothing from the government this gives them better wages at least 3 times more money than growing cropping subsistence living. No matter how crap of a deal it appears to the privileged in the west.

I should add the same poor mining practices are also in Indonesia is exactly the same. In stead of the UN and LBMA punishing gold mining there they should work with countries improving safety and environmental practices.

Instead they are punished and shut out from buyers in the western markets that comply to LBMA rules and the gold is bought on the cheap and refined elsewhere. Same thing happens to diamonds. You remember the blood diamond scandal in west Africa.

At present 33 million dollars per year is produced in unrefined alluvial gold from Artisanal miners filters through the hands of half a dozen buyers with in the country. Most of the gold is refined through the united Arab Emirates then sold and smuggled to India.

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It should be added each handling of the gold has its unique problems in the supply chain.


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Gidday releventchair

That gold was recovered from Kenya. Now hears the problem most gold buyers in Europe buy gold based on London gold standard. That those rough Dore bars bought by a dealer collectively as the primary gold buyer from thousands of small miners in Kenya.

Because the bars are not refined by member refineries that comply to the gold standard by LBMA, London.

The LBMA is a base for some of the richest traders in the world, including global banks, funds and refiners. The LBMA was created by the Bank of England back in the late 1980s, as the BOE were the ones tasked with regulating the bullion market at the time.

Each part of the supply chain has to comply to rules of LBMA policy. for example they cannot buy gold that fails to comply with safety, Environmental standards. Or potentially be suspected a sources of income of terrorist groups. All the above gold came from small artisanal miners in Kenya. The conditions are horrible and will never make the standard. But in all that gold is sum of about 30 thousand people living in very crude conditions mining this gold. While for us this might seem horrifying and e moral to our modern sensitivities. Yet our forefathers worked in the exact same condition back in the gold rush years.

So Africa as well as it notorious problems with scam artists.Most western country gold buyers will not even contemplate a deal. So for gold dealer within Kenya selling gold from artisanal mines in Africa very hard to access western gold buyers.




So we had a scam by a Danco Miners.

I'm not picky about English.
But Diamonds for sell , vs Diamonds for sale is a red flag. Not that "rough" diamonds are not a red flag. Or buying (attempting to buy) Diamonds on Facebook/facebutt from what must be an overseas seller,(no offence to our own locales).
Or ,attempting to buy Diamonds from other than the monopolies that have jealously guarded their distribution so long. The only means of keeping prices inflated for hard stones..

Rough vs raw vs blood vs worker highgraded and snuck out at high risk..
And always perspective buyers.
And a lady somewhere all aglitter , smiling at a new pretty shiny "feather" , fully unaware of provenance. If she cared.
Or worse , someone knowing and keeping it in the dark.


Smelting hides the sweat. Blood too. D.N.A.. Some sins.
And gold don't tell much of who coaxed it out of the ground. More so when the hands it passes through after don't advertise it's provenance. If they know.

Gidday Amigos

Everyone here is on their own personal journeys. Many will fall by the roadside in the long journey of life where are we heading where are we going? Do we ever really know the destination? While we quest for fortune and glory perhaps with no difference to a primeval forger from times long forgotten. We invoke the long lost traits of hunter and gatherer origins.

Some times that urge is stronger in some than others. While the level of hunger is feed by life's circumstances. The road is hard very hard. And is fraught with trial and error. So I say to people never take failure to heart like as a personal failing. I confess is easy too think that way. But failure is an essential lesson in us all to grow from it. Searching for treasure is no different from being that trial and error hunter and gatherer.

The trio has had more than their fair share of failures. Sprinkled with a few successful breaks in roller coast ride. It did not come without significant personal costs. Just like pirates of old, treasure hunters too live on borrowed time.And what is time? Is it the time you spent your life being safe and mundane or the time you spent living it to the very second.

Treasure or no treasure I cannot describe the buzz one gets sailing a sailing ship to a secret destination to search for buried treasure. Or hiking through mountains and deserts searching for gold. Or riding over great snow capped mountain peaks or hacking through deep jungles looking for lost cities with blood sweat and tears. While death may never be far away.

You live every breathing moment. Like if you have fallen into movie so fantastical it feels surreal like a magic carpet ride.

Then comes a time as it is everyone in this world to return to mundane safe and predicable drudgery we all love and hate. While for some they fear the outside world of the mundane safe and predicable drudgery. There are others who loath the mundane safe and predicable drudgery world.

Some times I admit I envy those who had a safe and predicable life. Not having the uncertainty and having very simple lives. Most of my life was complex living on the razors edge balancing between life and death. Not knowing when my number is up.

Today these days I straddle both but never fully being in one or the other. But as try as I may the fever for fortune and glory is never far away calling.


Quite poetic Crow..Honestly if you rearrange the sentences in a verse form, they would make an intense free verse poem ,,thanks for sharing your thoughts:thumbsup:


Gidday releventchair

Just recent gold is being smuggled into India via diplomatic bags. It goes to show how many people have the finger in the pie.



Thanks Crow...India is a huge market for gold,,Infact some years back here in this Treasurnet forum one guy was telling us how big the market is and that he was considering a legitimate business of a middle man between gold production in Columbia and the Indian market...I dont know how successful he became in the endeavor and I wish him the best ,,,It seems India has a huge craving for gold..and as we speak gold prices are soaring because of the global issues



Here in Europe, second hand gold and silver shops who buy gold from the public according to the going rate have been steadily rising in the past decade as struggling families turned to it as a quick way of turning their possessions to money... All sorts of kitchen silver ware, jewelry etc are being sold every day and it is not uncommon to see struggling grandmas going into such shops,,what is sad is that these grandmas (especially in southern Europe) are selling old family heirlooms of gold and silver ..sometimes these heirlooms could be much worth than the elemental gold or silver value if they take it to reputable auction houses to be sold as antique..but many of these old women have no one to advise them...and if they go to auction houses normally they just go to the small auction houses in thier town where another kind of trap awaits them as in such places when they see a real antique in the brought in heirlooms , might deliberately undervalue and mis-classify the items and buy it themselves participating in the auction ..then they sell it in international big auction houses to get the actual vale of the antique...


Quite poetic Crow..Honestly if you rearrange the sentences in a verse form, they would make an intense free verse poem ,,thanks for sharing your thoughts:thumbsup:


Hello TT

My mum was a poet. So maybe a bit rubbing off.



Here in Europe, second hand gold and silver shops who buy gold from the public according to the going rate have been steadily rising in the past decade as struggling families turned to it as a quick way of turning their possessions to money... All sorts of kitchen silver ware, jewelry etc are being sold every day and it is not uncommon to see struggling grandmas going into such shops,,what is sad is that these grandmas (especially in southern Europe) are selling old family heirlooms of gold and silver ..sometimes these heirlooms could be much worth than the elemental gold or silver value if they take it to reputable auction houses to be sold as antique..but many of these old women have no one to advise them...and if they go to auction houses normally they just go to the small auction houses in thier town where another kind of trap awaits them as in such places when they see a real antique in the brought in heirlooms , might deliberately undervalue and mis-classify the items and buy it themselves participating in the auction ..then they sell it in international big auction houses to get the actual vale of the antique...


The trouble is there is more people hocking items to make ends meet. At the current high gold prices there is more incentive to liquidate gold heirlooms.


The trouble is there is more people hocking items to make ends meet. At the current high gold prices there is more incentive to liquidate gold heirlooms.


Yes that is the problem,,, TV antique roadshows in the UK and US have increased awareness and also many have benefited by their appraisals,,unfortunately such shows are not everywhere so that families can have their heirlooms appraised before they sell them ,,,
Speaking of gold and the melting down of gold for money,,there is a yarn from few yeas ago involving a gold jewelry bough at a flea market in the US for 14 thousand dollars .The Buyer a metal dealer was thinking he could melt it and sell for a slight profit...then what happened is those rare stories ,,,check below the yarn,,

https://www.jckonline.com/editorial...metal dealer who,worth a reported $33 million.


Yes that is the problem,,, TV antique roadshows in the UK and US have increased awareness and also many have benefited by their appraisals,,unfortunately such shows are not everywhere so that families can have their heirlooms appraised before they sell them ,,,
Speaking of gold and the melting down of gold for money,,there is a yarn from few yeas ago involving a gold jewelry bough at a flea market in the US for 14 thousand dollars .The Buyer a metal dealer was thinking he could melt it and sell for a slight profit...then what happened is those rare stories ,,,check below the yarn,,

https://www.jckonline.com/editorial...metal dealer who,worth a reported $33 million.


Gidday TT

What can I say other than wow! wow wow! incredible. I never thought a Fabergé egg would be found in my lifetime.


Gidday TT

What can I say other than wow! wow wow! incredible. I never thought a Fabergé egg would be found in my lifetime.


Yes Crow that was amazing...according to this site 8 still are missing from the 50 imperial Fabrege eggs..10 are now in Kremlin others scattered around the world in Royal houses etc ..but 8 still are unaccounted for..or whereabouts unknown...



que tienes muy bien suerte en su campana Corozone and I mean it buddy, corozonw

Gracias Mi General,

I just hope that I can uncover at least one of several legends before your 150th birthday party. Park closures due to fires, and Covid-19, have set me back, but hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Thanks for the good wishes, I have the greatest respect, and admiration for you. This is why I have been joking, and fencing with you over the years, I have refused to treat you as my senior because "el cuero se arruga, pero el corazón no" our skin wrinkles, but not our heart, it stays the same.


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