No one said anything about an off/ musty smell on some certain currency when accepting it once upon a time.
I debated about adding some lavender to change the scent , but then the lavender scent might have been noticed....
Best not to get in a position of contested possession.
Possession alone , even uncontested; can be enough of a problem sometimes.
The only winners from this case was legal profession.
The 2 finders was fired from their jobs for obeying the law by their employer the contractor who has a claim against the find. Got to be travesty there. The original depositors of treasure a traveling Chinese chef was clearly avoiding tax or involve in some illicit activities before he died. The relative who sold the property under law of abandonment when a property is sold all remaining abandoned possessions becomes the property of the new owner. As the seller in vacating the property has due diligence to remove his possessions from that property. There is a former tenant who claim it was his. Why would some one renting a property leave half a million in money in a property and never take iot with him? So in effect he is just scammer hoping to get a cut.
So who really deserves the money?
If I was the judge.
The two employees of the Contractor was the finders and they Obeyed the law and reported the find. And should be rewarded for honesty. The current property owner as he had legal ownership of the property. So 50% to finders and 50% to the current legal landholder.
Those who should not get a cent.
1. The tenant. Clearly he has no legal claim just because he lived there once many years ago.
2. The contractor who fired his 2 employees for reporting the find. His intent was to steal money without reporting the find.
3. The previous owner of the property who made no attempt to recover the treasure before selling the property.
4. The descendant of the alleged person who buried the money because no effort at the time of persons death was made to search for such money.
However such legal wrangles can be lengthy and frustrating. Buy the time legal costs are taken out then tax taken out? The poor 2 employees who did the right thing according to law who lost their jobs and income as a consequence. Will be more out of pocket for the pleasure of making the discovery.
Sadly just another case of greed overriding commonsense.