Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Good morning amigos.

During the start of Covid 19 crisis the Company Afterpay went up 740% See article


If you had just 1000 dollars cash invested you would of turned it into 8400 dollars. Not bad money for 3 and half months investment. I wish I had invested more but I have the 25% rule. Experts are divide some say it could go to 100 dollars a share? Others think it drop back to a more realistic price of 24 dollars a share. I tend to agree with the later. Banks are restructuring their credit card business and other rival companies are setting up. And the covid 19 panic is subsiding. So for me I prefer not to be too greedy and take the profit. Still there are opportunities still out there Amigos.

Treasure hunters are always looking for opportunities....Extraordinary times can raise extrodinary opportunities.


thanks again for sharing your insight Crow...though the thrill in the woods , canyons and creeks in search of an old cache could be alluring, it seems the eagle eyed treasure hunters do not necessarily have to risk their lives in the woods and cliffs as they could think of ways of making profits from the comforts of their sofa 8-)8-)


Gidday TT

Do not get me wrong all searches is and adventure and journey regardless of success or failure. You know there is people that gave up everything and lost everything and never found a thing. Yet they have lived adventures and a life far beyond those who choose a safe and secure life but never really live.

There are no guarantees in this world you either live or you die. And if you can do it in your terms you are a rich man indeed.This corvid 19 virus will come and go and things will be very different in a post virus world. There will however be opportunities out there for those daring to seek.

Coffee? :coffee2:


Gidday TT

Do not get me wrong all searches is and adventure and journey regardless of success or failure. You know there is people that gave up everything and lost everything and never found a thing. Yet they have lived adventures and a life far beyond those who choose a safe and secure life but never really live.

There are no guarantees in this world you either live or you die. And if you can do it in your terms you are a rich man indeed.This corvid 19 virus will come and go and things will be very different in a post virus world. There will however be opportunities out there for those daring to seek.

Coffee? :coffee2:


thanks Crow...dont worry I have understood what you wanted to convey....

ps, by the way the Covid thing, in many parts of the world is really getting out of hand and does not seem to go away any time soon,,those that handled it in a wise way the first time round are now getting new spikes and second wave..,,

May God have mercy


Gidday TT

Grad a brew around the campfire....

We might have all pray harder.

There is global repercussions and is fear of a looming War coming. From the perspective of being outside the USA. With the virus hitting America hard ,who we have for last 75 year held America as bastion of democracy and freedom is faltering. Many smaller democracies are worried about China growing assertiveness in the Pacific region. There is in the region that we are repeating appeasement like in the 1930's to fascist regimes with political ambitious of global expansions. Some thing will give....

This virus has had an impact on global economy. Even in the remotest of places of the Pacific now away from civilization people on very remote islands are at risk. Some business was perilous before the virus took hold.

Here is one of the last known cargo island trading vessel sailing the remotest of Pacific islands. Most of all island very few of us even know exist. Remote isolated places almost like being on another planet..


She trades around the Marshall islands bringing supplies of fuel rice, canned food and sundry items. Most is in trade for barrels of copra oil. Voyages take 2 - 3 months visiting islands and atolls that is hard to believe people actually living on them. Some of the islands is the only vessel they see and contact with the outside world.

The business makes money selling the coconut oil from these islands to pharmaceutical companies . But since the epidemic the coconut oils was worth over 1000 dollars per ton has fallen to 800 dollars thus making ends meet even harder. Technically they have lost 20% of their income If it was not for the cost savings of free wind saving fuel costs and subsidies from charities groups the business would not be viable. She sails from Hawaii to islands about 4-5 times a year. The collection of Coconut oil is the only source of income. The vessel is seventy years old. It one of last of its type.


Right now with the virus if the sailors after two months at sea. Go enjoys themselves with R and R? They have to get tested again before sailing because in the region there is absolutely no medical services on those remote scattered islands. Their existence is perilous at the best of times because many of these atolls are subject to hurricanes and to tidal waves. Remote some only see that vessel 2 times in one year. To trade oil for meager supplies we all take for granted. There is a very basic subsistence existence on those islands.

While we amigos dream of treasure, there are others out there dream of a different treasure, stuff we would not think twice about.

I think its time for a brew amigos....


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Gidday embyrm

Shes a bucket. Its Kanacki third son that skippers her. Its very hard to imagine having four skippers in there family. Kanacki always run a tight ship and was always on top of any potential problem so they would not happen. And so with his two oldest sons. However his third son was very tardy in doing things. Kanacki and his to oldest sons are encouragers and teachers crew. Where His third son punishes others for tardiness some times he created. I did one voyage with him. We had a volatile relationship. However I think he learned to have a healthy respect for old Crow. When old crow rebels amigo its because ya doing some thing wrong. However the last two years I think a few more voyages under his belt he has mellowed at bit.



Went to a store today.
It shows the effect of recent trends. Voids/holes and no stock on many items. Meat is priced outrageously in my opinion. Though not the only thing suspicious in cost.

Sure was easy to grab a five pound bag of a decent/ preferred from what used to be on shelves around here anyways, rice though.
It went in the stash with a couple bags of less desired , but quite tolerable rice in the pail with a lid. I eyed a twenty pound bag, it's been so long since seeing one , but it's convenient for us to break open a five pound bag where we store rice in use in the crowded kitchen cupboard. Yes , a real kitchen... I should celebrate that more often.

A couple / three more cans of meat for the stash..
Another tin of kippers , stashed..
Yeast.Temporarily stashed.
Flour. Stashed.

Plus hundreds of dollars of a grocery /household list resulting from not shopping for so long. Much to be rotated with existing previous stock , (thank you my ladyfriend..)

There's a deer in the small freezer with some beef and pork. Hunting season will return in a couple months.

Plantain growing in the yard (A Euro nutritious weed , not a banana).

A feeble garden out front , and one fenced in out back many folks would appreciate if hungry.

I am truly rich. With the addition of a fairly conveniently (mostly sometimes) variety supplied food at hand in stores.. With access to it!

Do need to make a run for dogfood and get ahead on that again. And some oil for one of the tractors.
A few more gallons of gas and we're good for quite a while again.
Keeping the tractor tanks topped off helps keep moisture out. And is easy to siphon out for the generator if needed.

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Hello Don Amigo

No apologies needed amigo fire when ready.

Coffee? :coffee2:

Cheers Crow

with"bar shot" Crow? coffee.? Siempre. si senor always, (yes sir, always) Coffee and broads keep a man alive., or a good ship.

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Gidday Don Amigo

I am a pirate without a ship these days.... Enjoying the family time. However I am still have my fingers in several pies.

A land locked land lubber....Got to be good only allowed one bar shot per day these days.

I ...ER ........Respectable......

Brew Amigo so whats happening in your neck of woods ? You keeping well?


Bar shot for you landlubbers consists of two cannonballs connected together with a bar or chain designed to take out an opposing ship's rigging, mast, or sailors. They were considered as the Atomic Bomb's. in their days, although not as final as the Atombomb that I saw detonated at Bikini in the 40's. That was something.

Gidday TT

Grad a brew around the campfire....

We might have all pray harder.

There is global repercussions and is fear of a looming War coming. From the perspective of being outside the USA. With the virus hitting America hard ,who we have for last 75 year held America as bastion of democracy and freedom is faltering. Many smaller democracies are worried about China growing assertiveness in the Pacific region. There is in the region that we are repeating appeasement like in the 1930's to fascist regimes with political ambitious of global expansions. Some thing will give....

This virus has had an impact on global economy. Even in the remotest of places of the Pacific now away from civilization people on very remote islands are at risk. Some business was perilous before the virus took hold.

Here is one of the last known cargo island trading vessel sailing the remotest of Pacific islands. Most of all island very few of us even know exist. Remote isolated places almost like being on another planet..

View attachment 1848917

She trades around the Marshall islands bringing supplies of fuel rice, canned food and sundry items. Most is in trade for barrels of copra oil. Voyages take 2 - 3 months visiting islands and atolls that is hard to believe people actually living on them. Some of the islands is the only vessel they see and contact with the outside world.

The business makes money selling the coconut oil from these islands to pharmaceutical companies . But since the epidemic the coconut oils was worth over 1000 dollars per ton has fallen to 800 dollars thus making ends meet even harder. Technically they have lost 20% of their income If it was not for the cost savings of free wind saving fuel costs and subsidies from charities groups the business would not be viable. She sails from Hawaii to islands about 4-5 times a year. The collection of Coconut oil is the only source of income. The vessel is seventy years old. It one of last of its type.

View attachment 1848919

Right now with the virus if the sailors after two months at sea. Go enjoys themselves with R and R? They have to get tested again before sailing because in the region there is absolutely no medical services on those remote scattered islands. Their existence is perilous at the best of times because many of these atolls are subject to hurricanes and to tidal waves. Remote some only see that vessel 2 times in one year. To trade oil for meager supplies we all take for granted. There is a very basic subsistence existence on those islands.

While we amigos dream of treasure, there are others out there dream of a different treasure, stuff we would not think twice about.

I think its time for a brew amigos....


Thanks Crow...that was a candid observation you made and the plight of those remote people makes you to be grateful for what you have ...but sometimes I wish I traveled and lived in those remote pacific islands..

As you said, it seems we could be entering a season of tumult on a global scale...there are many potential flare points besides the developing pacific saga...my hunch is (and I truly hope I am wrong),if some global conflagration erupts it would be fought on various fronts involving unrelated conflicts as the global powers are increasingly taking sides and aligning in these flare points around the world...the post cold war 'one man show' superpower of the US is already declining in recent years (the decline started in the previous administration but has been aggravated in the current one) and now we are witnessing an emerging plurality ..hence now we have USA, China, Russia and grudgingly the EU as the big 4 contenders,,,but other regional powers are flexing their muscles as well..the prominent ones include UK, Brazil, Turkey, India, Australia , Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran and others could rise as well...

The potential flare points are scattered and the main ones are the following
North and South Korea issue...India and Pakistan issue....Israel and Iran issue...Saudi (or sunni) and Iran(or shia) issue,,Turkey and the Kurdish issue in the region,,the Nile dispute involving Egypt and Ethiopia..the Taiwan dispute with China..,the south China sea and pacific waters dispute, the east Ukraine and other surrounding area dispute ,,the big fours have aligned and would align according to their economic and geopolitical interests along these flare points ,,once a war breaks out in one flare point it may potentially ignite proxy wars along other flare points...

I dont want to be a bearer of bad news but it is a question of when and not if before Taiwan is invaded by mainland China ,,,also it is a question of when and not if before uncle Czar annexes further territory in east Ukrain and even further regions from the former USSR satellite countries..of-course some issues may hinge on who would assume the leadership role of uncle Sam next year,,but whoever comes, the dynamics of the world is rapidly changing and add COVID to the mix and we have mountain of conundrum...

p.s. Crow...the other issue would be the next scramble for global mineral resources and nobody seems to be talking about it but the mineral rich Antarctica could be the next gold rush to the 'wild west' oh sorry 'wild south':laughing7:..it has been simmering for decades somehow tamed by shaky international agreement not to explore,,only scientific research bla bla..now the ice is rapidly melting in recent years exposing massive treasure loaded lands...there are some funny stories around the claims in Antarctica but that is another story for another time..currently only few countries have some claims( clouded with disputes) on the coastal areas but I would like to know the up to date issue there as it is a a developing saga of immense intrigue 8-)8-)8-)


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Bar shot for you landlubbers consists of two cannonballs connected together with a bar or chain designed to take out an opposing ship's rigging, mast, or sailors. They were considered as the Atomic Bomb's. in their days, although not as final as the Atombomb that I saw detonated at Bikini in the 40's. That was something.

Bar shot? I thought she said her name was Marsh-a. She had about the same Bikini effect regardless. Oh wait, I'm not reading that right at all...:laughing7:

Bar shot for you landlubbers consists of two cannonballs connected together with a bar or chain designed to take out an opposing ship's rigging, mast, or sailors. They were considered as the Atomic Bomb's. in their days, although not as final as the Atombomb that I saw detonated at Bikini in the 40's. That was something.

Gidday Amigos that was indeed in the old days definitely before our times...Bar shot are today......un shots of rum or bourbon or whisky like products drunken quickly from the bar that had the same desired effect...

Old Crow had propped up many a bar in his day in many ports....Like all deadbeat pirates should. But Rest assured amigos the old pirate has redeemed himself these days. He is down to one shot per day perhaps.

Although this toothless tiger is in the proverbial cage his claws still have a long reach. Even while doing the respectable parent citizen thing he is still plotting and scheming of fortune and glory.....


Crow :laughing7:

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TT yes I agree with you but one thing I have learned you cannot let those possibilities impede your goals and ambitions. They will happen come what may if the winds of fate do so decide. Is is beyond our powers to change things......Until then Amigos all ya need is a horizon to look to and a fair wind to steer by.....

How down ya escape a storm sail close to wind and sail strait and hard.... Learned that with Kanacki down in the roaring forties.


Tintin Treasure wrote (snip)
I dont want to be a bearer of bad news but it is a question of when and not if before Taiwan is invaded by mainland China

There are very good reasons why China has never quite gotten the nerve to get their feet wet crossing the strait to invade Taiwan. According to a recent study by a respected group, the best scenario (for China) has them able to put one million men ashore in Taiwan, assuming zero US, Japanese, Philippino etc intervention on behalf of Taiwan. They would then face the 2.5 million men Taiwan can call up on short notice. The Chinese invasion fleet would also have to slip by the Taiwanese submarines, anti ship missiles and thread their way through the belts of mines the Taiwanese have laid which are in some places ten layers thick. At the shore, the fun just begins because Taiwan has been preparing against this day for decades and can make Iwo Jima look like a cake walk. The biggest threat to the defense of Taiwan is the morale of their own troops, which has been suffering some due to the constant drumbeat of "inevitability" of China invading and conquering the small island nation. If they but stop to consider what their own defenses can do, they would be far more confident of their ability to make any such crossing extremely costly and apt to end disastrously for China.

Side thing but China has also to worry about the various parts of 'China' like Xinjiang and Tibet, Inner Mongolia and of course Hong Kong, any of which could suddenly erupt in rebellion against the Communist dictatorship. In fact China could literally fall apart like the Soviet Union because it is an empire including a number of conquered states full of non-Chinese people longing to be free of the Chinese yoke. Anyway there are very considerable reasons why China has not been loading the troops onto the merchant ships to cross to Taiwan (they don't have enough actual landing craft and would need to requisition some or most of their fleet of merchant shipping to do the job) even if the USA were not supporting Taiwan at all.

Please do continue,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

I'll have one of those coffees please Notice the polite restraint, although I echo your thoughts, how are you and Beth and the hounds of the Baskerville doing how would you like one of the hounds to inhale one of your hands with no pressure, but just waiting to see what you are going to do, before chomping down ? I chose discretion. we parted friends - I believe /

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