Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Crow, you always say that I have drunk from the spring, well I have to tell you a little story. as you know I had terminal cancer of the neck. the va operated on three and metastic lymph glands on the same day - right lower lip, laft leg forward thigh and the glands of my neck. The neck glands were terminal, I researched cures fo over a year (selecting Cesium Chloride protocol ) Finally I agreed on the operation The va held me in a ward for a few days, then shipped me home. I was staying at a friends' house, they had gotten a giant bed, Bert on the right side , me , with my drainage tubes and collecting bags in the left side of the bed. Looking up. I could barely move. There was only a bit of walk space between the edge of the bed and the cabinets. One night I woke up, I was in a white space with a diffused whitish light and apparently in a tunnel, walking to where ? I seemed to know where I was going, Suddenly I knew that if I continued I could never return. I stopped turned around thinking that my Bertie wasn't ready for this yet, and refused to go any further, then I woke up, I was ice cold and shivering on the floor on Bert's side of the bed, .How I got there was never clear to me, Bert never woke up. After thinking it over very deeply I became absolutely sure that I had had a near death experience, that if I had continued, I would not be here.

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Crow, you always say that I have drunk from the spring, well I have to tell you a little story. as you know I had terminal cancer of the neck. the va operated on three and metastic lymph glands on the same day - right lower lip, laft leg forward thigh and the glands of my neck. The neck glands were terminal, I researched cures fo over a year (selecting Cesium Chloride protocol ) Finally I agreed on the operation The va held me in a ward for a few days, then shipped me home. I was staying at a friends' house, they had gotten a giant bed, Bert on the right side , me , with my drainage tubes and collecting bags in the left side of the bed. Looking up. I could barely move. There was only a bit of walk space between the edge of the bed and the cabinets. One night I woke up, I was in a white space with a diffused whitish light and apparently in a tunnel, walking to where ? I seemed to know where I was going, Suddenly I knew that if I continued I could never return. I stopped turned around thinking that my Bertie wasn't ready for this yet, and refused to go any further, then I woke up, I was ice cold and shivering on the floor on Bert's side of the bed, .How I got there was never clear to me, Bert never woke up. After thinking it over very deeply I became absolutely sure that I had had a near death experience, that if I had continued, I would not be here.

Gidday Don Jose Amigo

The brain can do strange things. I had a strange experience once.

I was lying flat on my back in bed in the early hours before day break. I awoke with sensation something pushing on my chest. then the sensation of myself being paralyzed my eyes was open but could not move a muscle except my eyes. I was floating above my bed and while still flat floated over to bedroom door and felt my feet touch the door but could not go through it because it was shut. My body flat suspended in the spun 90 degrees and floated through the curtains and closed glass window that had a bright light like a spot light behind it. I floated lying feet first up the front yard to sound and lights of an early morning garbage truck emptying bins. I floated feet first through a hedge and into the truck. But inside there was 3 doctors in full protective gear with blinding lights of their heads. I remember blacking out and awaking lying the wrong way on top of bed back in the bedroom. And still hearing the sound of the garbage truck emptying the garbage as it moved from house to house.

Strange how the brain can do things in deep sleep and perhaps it was a bad attack of sleep apnea where oxygen in brain became so low it caused me to hallucinate.

or was it??????


Glad BOTH of you guys are still with us :notworthy: I too have had a few of what seemed as a "near death" experiences. I have told Senor Don Jose of them in the past, but have felt I would be ridiculed if I shared them so I have held off talking about them. All of mine were while I was awake and standing or walking. Three were of "near death" and a couple were unexplainable. I don't do drugs and do not drink so those were not contributing factors. The world is strange and as Don Jose knows, there are powers out there whether they are in our minds or all around us, but there are forces. :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Near Death Experiences (NDE)......is it only the mind, or something else.
There are more than a few reports of people with NDE who report things that they could not see, happened far from where they were.....
For me, it seems it is a mix of both, some mind tricks, dreams, some true NDE.

DSimon Did I respond to your post about your OOB experience, or did I miss it ? Doc, same for you. Crow,sounds exactly like an OOB experience. As for you others post your stories, we will not ridicule you, because as We have just shown you, we have had that unexplainable experiences slso.POST !

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not straying from the topic, but do you think this is worth presenting to an exploring 'Co in Mexico? 500 yrds frgorgot to include the test rexults
a power line, same for an all weather. roadom oo9's Escondida state assay sampling..webpTACH]

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That is a cancelled c,oncession mmy wife pecked it up.The stateGeologist reccomends opening it up Oro ? Crow ? those are ppm

Gidday Don Jose Amigo

Looking at the sample results you posted. Just calculated on gold alone that is 21 grams to the ton of ore if I am not mistaken. Approximately 1171 USD per ton in Gold alone. If that production figure was sustainable and a mine was mining 300000 tones per anum . You would be pulling just 350 million per year gross before mining licensing operation expenses and royalties. I have not included generated from silver Copper and lead. Just put it in perspective the average gold is about 8 grams per ton in most modern mines.

However as a rule of thumb an underground mine is 3 times more expensive to operate than an Open cut. Most mining ventures prefer the open cut method as it usually cheaper and provides a much larger profit margin in helping to develop deep underground mining. For Money investment in such a project like this before it can even start is a geological survey to establish the size of the ore body.


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not straying from the topic, but do you think this is worth presenting to an exploring 'Co in Mexico? 500 yrds frgorgot to include the test rexults
a power line, same for an all weather. roadom oo9's View attachment 1834469TACH]

Ah dang it compadre but you DO know how to get an old prospector's blood going! I wish I were able to act on it but it is not possible at the moment. Manana - who knows, the whole world can change pretty dramatically overnight. Of course I see it with the eye of perhaps a 'mom and pop' type operation not the massive way corporate mining outfits work.

Please do continue,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2::coffee2: :coffee2:

That requires teter's mine - next to toyaps Free as of this moment.

Hello Don Jose amigo

There are two ways a mining the site nibble at it until your broke or mining it profitably.

Any project would have to factor in the processing of ore. Its not just simply digging it up. Any mining operation would have to have an ore concentrator, Depending of size depends on volume.

These metals are bounded together. Usually the concentrated copper ore would be smelter-ed and cast into anodes then through electrolysis in tanks of sulfuric acid that anodes dissolve and the copper leaches on to purer copper plate and the impurities of gold silver lead would fall into bottom of the tank. the slime's would be pumped into a precious metal plant and silver and gold separated through flotation tanks the cast into ingots.

Miners either needs deep pockets to develop a smelter or refinery or have an process agreement with over smelter or refineries . There is far as I know two copper smelters in Mexico both in northern Sonora. So any processing costing would have to be competitive than having to invest smelting and refinery infrastructure to any mine site.

Just one of many coasts to factor in? At the end of the day the extraction costs per ton has to be lower than gross profit per ton. And able to survive fluctuations in commodity markets.

However if it was planned well it could indeed be very profitable.


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Crow, mi amigo, all smelters in Mexico are required to use part of their capacity to outside work. That property was up for grabs, Bert decided to take.

Gidday Don Jose Amigo.

I could in-visage the site if meeting the viability requirements for investors as being developed in comparison the "Mina Pino Alto"gold silver mine near Ocampo.

mina pina alta ocampo.webp

mina 1.webp

mina pino alto mine.webp

You can see above diagrams of the ore body underground mining areas reserves open cut and underground. They also have a large area to place mine tailing waste. Most likely that waste has some Copper content. Perhaps at the end of the life of the gold and silver deposit they or another company will reprocess the tailings for the copper content.

However such projects takes time. planing and money


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Ocampo is where
Crow, Ocampo is where I origionally filed on Tayopa. When we (Bert & ) arrived there it was closeing down. All records were in dusty cardboard boxes, They allowed us to file on Tayopa, and revise the very old records in the boxes. ( back to the 1600s.)but We had to go to Chihuahua for the final phase. The records from Ocampo were stored in a basement in one of the gov'ts other building, To this date they are still unopened. as it was, Tayopa,s filing were delayed, a confirming Call on a friday of the last day caught th Jefe (boss) attention, and he checked the mail before he closed on Friday, monday would have been too late - talk about a "ciff hanger." But that was standard for Tayopa. As I mentiomed Tayopa was developed with Jesuit help, one step at a time. I always felt that a Jesuit was helping me, one step at a time, never more. When ever I was stoped, His help took me to the next, never more than to clear up and move on. I eventually became used to this, but ?? How many mines have you ever heard of that were revealed by a long dead Jesuit ??? makes you wonder about a hereafter.

i origiomally files on Tayopa.

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Gidday Don Amigo You might be happy top know I caught up with Amy she has two little boys. Two little scallwags getting up to mischief with my son Nick. Oh to be young without a care in the world my friends. The greatest treasure of em all amigos.

Cannot wait for things to get back to normal....the trio have a few projects....that are like race horses chomping on the bits just waiting the gate to open and back to normal.

Some projects will soar like and eagle others will fall like a stone. Such is life amigos.

Well once again old Crow has to fly the coop to collect some pickings ripe for the taking....It appears I have as well as the trio a little windfall.

Enough at least for raggedy old crow with his missing tail feathers and his little love nest to be doing well. And keeping out of mischief as any old pirate could.


Correctiom, that was proof of the necesayr work, surveying , etc. In the inital filing tou are protected for so many days, you then have to complete your survey work wthin this time period s or your filing is cancelled. That was why I said the title was a cliff hanger. Incidentaly our Surveyor was a full blooded Apache and a darn goood surveyer, the fault in getting the results to the Office in time was of the Mexican Postal system, Reminds me of my old US Airforce answer - " yes Sir, no sir,no excuse sir"

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Hello Don amigo that must of been very challenging to get paperwork done and then surveyed in such a limited time frame.


Crow, , thanks for the news about Amy,,she is still married to that broken down foot ball player eh "Actually they are a fine couple As for you I also envy you, new adventures. I was just about to start posting of my incidents of lost mine hunting, of swmming with a 30 ft serpent in the upper Fuerte river ( I never swam nude after that) Or the treasure cave that can't be salvaged why ? you'll have to wait untill I Tell it, or the Zimmermman gold bars, payoff to Mexico An incident from WW1.brought up to date or ? or. It seems that I traded a life of being a correct citizen to one of constant adventure ) Etc. Looking forward to your returning, fatter in both body and your banking interests. I'll always rember you from the incident of the bed in the tho main street in New Guinea, or the Hawka dance. Be careful my friend and give the other two my best.

I exist to live, not live to exist

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