Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hi Crow,

Another wild idea crossed my mind from the points you listed...could the accident been staged related to either a potentially sensitive "diplomatic dispatch" or even more to the rich industrialist ? For instance do we know the consequence of his death? Did a high contract went through which he was not signing? Did his demise benefit other share holders in some way etc? To stage an accident in those days ,one could sneak a time bomb...or even plot a mechanical failure,,,But as I said it is just a wild idea..


Hi Crow,

Another wild idea crossed my mind from the points you listed...could the accident been staged related to either a potentially sensitive "diplomatic dispatch" or even more to the rich industrialist ? For instance do we know the consequence of his death? Did a high contract went through which he was not signing? Did his demise benefit other share holders in some way etc? To stage an accident in those days ,one could sneak a time bomb...or even plot a mechanical failure,,,But as I said it is just a wild idea..


Hello TT good point. But what proof do we have except speculation? We just do not know?


Hi Crow,

I would not disrespect anyone trying to locate this plane and it's crew, it will not only solve it's mystery but also help the families awaiting it's discovery and recovery of their family members.

I passed on that information to hardluck for himself to first review to see if he wanted to still investigate it further with his team.

I will wait for an answer.


Hello Jones If your interested in searching further on the story Eric P. Mitchell,He wrote a article on the missing aircraft in 2013 on February issue 2013 LOST TREASURE MAGAZINE.

it might be worth seeing if he did some extra research on the story and not just wrote an opinion from the information on a forum hardluck used to post on?


Thanks Crow,
As you said, maybe a "biscuit and beans" adventurers could stumble on it...speaking of beans you can not imagine what innovative foods you can come up with beans in this lock down for us single folks kkk8-):laughing7:


Hello TT trust me I may mock brisket and beans yet I still eat them.....:occasion14:


Yes Crow,,,even now in many parts of the world food shortages are setting in...quite a grim scenario ...May God have mercy..

p.s. my favorite bean based food is the Yemeni "fool" which i experimented and came up with my own modified recipe :laughing7:...even other Arabs from other Arabian countries are not accustomed to "fool" as it is strictly Yemeni though in recent times it is being eaten elsewhere in the world..


TT also there are times the above was a feast.....


Crow, I always thought the other two just tolerated you, But I now see you are a MAN to be reconsidered in your own right. .Do you like Chachalacs roasted, boiled how about Iguana? I have seen that you are well versed in firearms My personal hate was the different ticks, we eventually cut our pants legs off, half way to the knees and brushed our legs off every so often. We used .22 pistols for very marginal protecion and to collect small game - when there was any. But in all, it was fun. Being the sort of man that you are, you know what I mean.The Tayopa title is still in my wifes name ( now deceasedO) name in spite of my giiving it to Mexico as an Important part of her Patramony.

Tayopa zone jpgintrusive faulting.webp

Gidday Embrym

Jut dropped in see how was everyone getting on? During the lock down? Amy is doing very well she gave birth to a second son just before christmas. My little terror is going gang busters already telling his dad what hes doing wrong.Kanacki is stuck in Indonesia. Hardluck has been in 14 day quarantine. Pretty much all good. Made money lost money such is life? And you?


Crow, I always thought the other two just tolerated you, But I now see you are a MAN to be reconsidered in your own right. .Do you like Chachalacs roasted, boiled how about Iguana? I have seen that you are well versed in firearms My personal hate was the different ticks, we eventually cut our pants legs off, half way to the knees and brushed our legs off every so often. We used .22 pistols for very marginal protecion and to collect small game - when there was any. But in all, it was fun. Being the sort of man that you are, you know what I mean.The Tayopa title is still in my wifes name ( now deceasedO) name in spite of my giiving it to Mexico as an Important part of her Patramony.

Hello Don Jose Amigo

I have eaten many different things over the years. Hell just go to Asia no guarantee what you have been eating there. But I have never eaten Iguana?

I have had crocodile eggs

ya just have think of them as prehistoric aquatic chickens that can bite you in half. You know the strange thing about crocodile eggs as you open them up and fry them they have no yoke.

The only problem there is always an argument of whose going to collect the eggs.:laughing7:


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Crow, Jones,tin tin, etc I have posted this before. It is long range pistol sighting. I learned this while in the Border Patrol. It is not reccomened for humae hunting, but a welcome factor if you are being shot at over what most consider in-effective pistol range . and it was used whie in the Qintana jRoo jungle, from one hil to anither, but with .22's,enough to discoutage any further interchange,
.( the conversion sights were on a S&W.)Scan_20200414 (3).webp

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click on sight picture, I have eaten young crocs from the Lunga river on Guadalcanal, white chicken, so are the Iguanas, mostly tail, The chachalacs are similar to the American SW road runners, good but a bit tough.but then I have drawn the line on the preserved aggs of a hundred years, very expensive.
, but no to Long Mary kai kai.etc, including some perch (fish) that I shot off limbs rom the trees that overung the water.

click on sight picture, I have eaten young crocs from the Lunga river on Guadalcanal, white chicken, so are the Iguanas, mostly tail, The chachalacs are similar to the American SW road runners, good but a bit tough.but then I have drawn the line on the preserved aggs of a hundred years, very expensive.
, but no to Long Mary kai kai.etc, including some perch (fish) that I shot off limbs rom the trees that overung the water.

Gidday Don Jose Amigo

You might like to see these photographs from the past. The Lunga River in 1945


Sadly a picture for others to see the sacrifice many paid for with their lives.


And perhaps one of the planes you flew in lying as scrapped junk in 1945. Gee I see a few types of aircraft there. Today that would of been an aircraft restores dream.



And here is another awesome photograph of no6 Nz Catalina squadron taking an end of war photograph in the Solomons.


I love these pictures because they are a snapshot in time.


A belated Happy Birthday to mi amigo Simon! Apols for being late to the party. I think you have passed me in age now though as I will be turning 29 (*IQ*) this year! ;)


Roy..... Roy..... Roy..... You are being much to modest about your I.Q.. I found a "copy" of your I.Q. test results written in The Dead Sea Scrolls. Says you scored a 129 !

View attachment 1829801

As far as that number 29 you made reference to, that is MY credit score :BangHead:

Ah, the PBY. Don Jose is familiar with those as well. :notworthy:

"Castro's agent tried to recruit me to fly PBY-5A's from the Yucatan to Cuba in the 50's."

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Retired a year ago, so now I have more time for my research projects and treasure hunting. One project in the PH and the other here in the USA - Utah.
Gidday Embrym

Jut dropped in see how was everyone getting on? During the lock down? Amy is doing very well she gave birth to a second son just before christmas. My little terror is going gang busters already telling his dad what hes doing wrong.Kanacki is stuck in Indonesia. Hardluck has been in 14 day quarantine. Pretty much all good. Made money lost money such is life? And you?


I promised a croc feed to my fellow naval personal . The Lunga river is a shallowa type of d ver, with many santo d bars coverecd with a type of thick growing cane ,which the t water crocks loved tomake tunnels in trivecane in order to lay thier eggs. Imtended to enter one of these tunnels and catch one of these croc s by surpries,M y plan was toenter with a 45 and catch a young croc.Well I crawith the 45 at ready. After crawling for some time I found that it exited airly close to where I had entered and threr was the tracks of a huge croc superimposed upon mine. It is one thing to encouter a croc tail end first, another to encounter a mouth full of teeth, the 45 looked rather impotent so I resorted to shooting one with the 1903 that I was issued Incidently that rifleI must have come from a museum, it was a case hardened 1903. They only made a comparive few then switched to the 1906 with improved steel.

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