One bright and sunny morning I found myself sitting outside of Juans house on the bench soaking up the sunlight and drinking cofffee. Amid Juasm's coughing He told me that the Yaqui's were origionally a small people he instatly set off a recall of when I was on the search for the Gloria Pan mine, I had found an almost obliterated path leading up to a mesa . It turned out not to have anything to do with the GloriaPan lost mine, but led to a village. the vilage had been abandoned for many centuries. The houses were in a ruined state, but since they had used rocks for construction, it was fairly easy to estimate their height, they were scaled to a people of about a meter tall. I could not find any skelitons no matter how hard I looked indicating that they must have been taken as slaves. As usual I gathered as many utensiles as I could find, nad buried them to prorect them leaving notice were they for the Anthropoligists that would follow some day, then filed this away, but stilll puzzeled as to what happened to them, when Juan broke through my thoughts with the remark that the Origional Yaui were a very small size, about 1 meter. He said that the Yaqui were aware of crude genetics, and welcomed men of a larger size into their tribe, thus gradually increasing their size. He said that they wanted to increase thier size was that there was a extremly large bird of prey that used to carry off the small sized Yaqui to their nests to be eaten. Then one day there appeared a gigantic negro and took up residence with them, He took up thier fight against these birds, went into the mts, Shot them with arrows, destroyed thier nests, an in genera drove them far inland, to the point that they no longer hunted the Yaqui. He became a hero to them, and when he died, they put his body in a cave and declared t a sacred shrine. One day , much later, Juan asked me if I would like to see the skeliton of the Nego Naturely I jumpted at the chance. The cave was extensively deaorated with offerings. I finally had a chance to see this giantic Negro's skeleton, Surprise, he was about 5' 10 . I wondred if the little people up by the Glotia Pan had the same problem ? The absence of any skeletons suggested tat they had been carried off to be eaten ?