Real of Tayopa
Bronze Member
p.swater crocc gan get up to 30 ft or so feet in length and despite it's sluggish apperance can run faster than you can.
forgive the continuity Incidently, that cat left huge prints, he must have been around 260 - 300 lbs, far larger than most in that area.I ogten wonder where I hit him?There he was studying some new animal and maki5g up his mind to go for diner when it' it's contempt of him by ----'
iiiiiiiiy7 appeares that I spent a goof off life. but I did do a stint in the US Border patrol, pre med training . etc.
re you finally going for it ?Tayopa. was origionally in my wif's name., I gave it to Mexico as a patrimony of Mexico. You might say that I gave up a million dollar mine for the love of my life. And would readilly do it again. But there are other mines in the zone of the volcanic intrusion, say Teters mine, which he discovered during the reveloution and was never able to promote it He picked about as good of a fault as Tayopa.although he denounced 100 x 1000 hect.Follows one of the faults perfectly,- ha was a porfessional prospector from Oaklama city. That zone would give the unholy trio a heart attack. Thoughts on how it was so rich gave vhe Jesuits thoughts on starting a revoloution against Spain financed by the intrusion ( Tayopa )More if interested.
Oro , there are plenty of other properties in that volcanic intrusion, go gettmThe pres of Mexican has declared no more new mining titles ( concessiones )Go after Teter'ersv mine, it is still open for fileing.( subject to the President )