Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

You are Oro's friend. Perhaps you can help reason with him. I recently hinted he provide a source for his theory on the sky being blue. He pointed me to a book titled "The Sky Was Blue". Maybe in years past, but how about now?
I'm beginning to think Oro would argue with a sign post, as my father would say ;)


So are you taking the position that signs can never be wrong? :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


So are you taking the position that signs can never be wrong? :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

There is always the possibilty a sign may be wrong.
I am not sure the signs you posted are wrong. State highway 220 may become Interstate highway 85 in that lane while North 29 remains 29. Now I am arguing with a sign :D
I guess we both are guilty of arguing with signs ;)
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To think that I gave up our vinyard to go treasure hunting ??? I always intended to buy the Vinyard back with Tayopa's depository, but then I realize that it has probably been subdevided many times - - - sigh It was easy living, 1950. Extremely low prices for wine,, so I took the fatal step for adventure and Tayopa, sigh.IMG.webp

I'll have a cuppe that, please.

Here you go :)
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There are a lot of things I wish I had done, and not done. It would be nice if this life was a trial run, and then you get another shot. Or we had a few lifetimes to play around with.

I compare life to a game of golf--without any start-over or mulligans. The game is 18 holes and it represents 18 sections of my life. What section (hole) am I playing today? Now into my 80th year, I might assume I'm nearing the end of the game. More important, however, is how will I play this 'hole' ? Do I coast (tee off with a 5-iron--and sit on my rear end) or did I take out the driver and go for it? I still have a 5-year plan of things to do--so I will use the driver. And along the way enjoy plenty of coffee and my favorite coffee enhancer.

But, but.

What are you objecting to? ;)
I can't believe this. I read this years ago, but never could find it again. In my head I thought the source was The Rubaiyat of Kubla Khan. But just now I see The Rubaiyat of Omar Khan. But still not the source maybe.
But anyway, I remembered part of these lines. Yet could not find the the thing. So I am looking for Valley of the Conijaqui, which sppeared in one of your old posts about the Axtecs. And here it is after all these years.

"The Moving Finger writes; and having writ

Moves on; not all your Piety or Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it."

How strange.
Do you think there is any connection to be made between Cibola, Aztecs, and the Lost Dutchman mine?

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Don, I think you are doing the right thing. The easy thing might be to coast, but I don't think it is good for your health. People seem to do better when they have plans, goals and dreams.

The plans of men and mice often go astray -,-,-, Hillbily. now about that coffee ?

The Valle de Conojaqui, tha Aztecs, and The Lost Dutchman are all known. The Dutchman is basically a legend. The Aztecs are one of the lost tribes of Israel, The Valle de Conajaqui is the location of Cibola, Trump is treading water on Turkey. I know where Tayopa is, also Roy's favorite,Naranjal. Plus Roy is the nightmare of Dakota sheep, but he a nice guy.. La Gloria pan probabyl is still closed with Arcilla Adobe with two hand prints in the Adobe, and Macadon is a boozer , likes Kalua Not the least, I am a Saint that loves coffee.

OK, that bit of sillynous is out of my system, appol. proof taet I need that coffee that was offered me.

I have played a limited amount of golf, but have learned a few things from it.

First I learned that, for me, it is much like an Easter egg hunt with a case of Turret’s syndrome!

Then I learned that, if the ball goes to the right, it’s a slice, if it goes to the left it’s a hook and if it goes up the middle, it’s a miracle!!

Then I learned that I spent more time looking for my ball in the woods, than on the green, and still more time putting than both of the other two combined.

I was once asked, by the the owner of the company that I worked for, if I could play golf, as they needed one more player. I told him that I had only played one game. He asked how I scored, and I told him that I shot 62.

He replied with “ That’s not bad.”
I replied that the back nine holes were much harder!

His response was, “ You realize that you just missed out on getting a day off, with pay, don’t you!??”


It is a bit funny that I was able to take my five iron and a bucket of balls to the driving range and hit one ball, dump the bucket and carry it out to that spot, and chip seventy five percent of the rest back into the bucket! I never managed to find a use for that while playing the game.

If that is relative to my life span...
I am only 32 years old.

I’ve got lots of time left to find treasure. Just not where I have spent my last sixteen years!!

Oh, that math means that I have spent half of my life on one site...


Never understood golf. You hit the ball and then go chase it. At least bring the dog along so the dog can chase the ball right? Tried it once when buddies talked me into it, just could not get "into it". But I can see how it is great exercise and gets the fresh air into you so has to be good for you.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Never understood golf. You hit the ball and then go chase it. At least bring the dog along so the dog can chase the ball right? Tried it once when buddies talked me into it, just could not get "into it". But I can see how it is great exercise and gets the fresh air into you so has to be good for you.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:
Ahhh - but the big secret (discovered by very few) is that you WALK the course, you do not use a cart. That way you have a 5-mile walk in beautiful surroundings and you have to be rather attentive at each shot, it takes a lot of concentration to keep that up during 3-4 hours. Me, I'm an addict.
Obviously, this has nothing to do with Tayopa or anything else that involves treasure-hunting (unless you stumble upon some treasure while looking for your ball which mysteriously disappeared into some tall grass ...)

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Thanks for the coffee. Never thought that I would get Saturated., but right now I couldn't look another cup in the face,.

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