Will do. I have just recently begun to digitize my 2 and a quarter slides.
First, that should have read 5 liter of mescal , not 20. It was way to hot of a mix anyway, I burnt one of the prechamber seats on the way to real fuel.
We stayed at the Enrique in Alamos for a few weeks, welding things back onto the car. I photographed all of the interesting doors and windows in town. Which door do you live behind?
I still have not solved the file size issue for pictures of the road. It was new but still had 100 yard of stairs at one crossing. It was buit by a general in 1968, I remember. Just a 2 track but it was the first connection over sierra in that region. I had set out to cross the spine country where ever possible. There were only 6 or 7 possible routes at the time, 2 of them being 4x4 trails. I first crossed from sonora up canon de Carreta to Janos. I think it was Coronados route. Then south through Casas Grandes. Took in the waters at the hot springs in Agua Caliente de Tutuaca and the headed for Yecora.
Here are picts of a hammer I was given in Santa Maria de Trinidad 2 years before the east- west crossing, which was in 1973. Found in an old tailings pile by a miner. It is my go to hammer. "Remember, don't force it. Just get a bigger hammer."
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