Homar, at our respective ages, there are no minor surgeries!
If someone is going to cut into your skin it is serious.
I did not walk for about a year after my first surgery. I recently had a discussion with my dad, and he couldn’t remember it at all.
I gave him about three minutes to remember it, but I had to tell him that it was supposed to a simple circumcising ,but I still didn’t walk for about a year!
I feel like it was better, then, than now.
The Old Testament says, in the book of Joshua, that Joshua performed hundreds of of these on grown men, after crossing the Jordan River.
There were so many of them done, that God spoke to him and told him that the “mound of foreskin” would remain permanently, and it is still called by that name.
No modern pain medicine or antibiotics, only a rest period. Then they marched around the city of Jericho.
So I guess my year of resting was just theatrics!!!
I hope that you get your rest and all is well.