Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hello All

First of all happy mothers day to all the mum's out there. Well it is in my part of the world.:laughing7:

Time slips by 4 year ago my old geologist friend Peter Macnab passed away and I was too busy elsewhere with other projects... If it was not for him I would be still busting my ass. Pete was a very humble man and very approachable. He loved a yarn or to. Just like Ken. It was a pleasure working with them.

Peter's offsider Ken Rehder, was a veteran Papua New Guinea gold prospector in his own right who played a significant role in the discovery of gold the Lihir gold mine. Yet he too was very humble. For him it was not the money but the adventure of finding that next big discovery.

Ken took his attention to Manus Island. And in 2003 had set up two camps in the Manus villages of Pelipowai and Mataworei and started clearing a site in preparation for exploration.

Ken had made nine trips to Manus Province in 16 years and was confident that gold was yet to be discovered.
The Manus Provincial Government and the LLG presidents whose constituencies were within the vicinity of the exploration site supported the project.

Villagers were hired to begin cleaning the site and a Manus geologist would help him in the exploration’s initial stage.
Ken was part of PNG-registered company Golden Success and they were recently granted an exploration license by the Government to prospect over 272 square kilometers in the center of Manus.

We short of lost touch with him. He we believed has passed away as his company was deregistered in 2006. But other other adventurers and explorers are following in his footsteps.

A new company Canterbury resources in following in the footsteps. I am amazed at all the new technology they have these days to determine the size of the ore body.


Kanacki, as usual, you captivate the mind with names and places that the rest of us might never have heard of, if not for you and your yarn spinning talent, and head for details.


Thank you PM

It is my pleasure. It is my intention to inspire people on the forum in whatever they pursue in life. Whenever I have time available. Posting here is a about nurturing inspiration and ideas. After all some times it the journey and not the destination.

Sharing a yarn a laugh and a coffee is priceless.


Kanacki. You do it well...

Bless all of the mums in your family, and on your island home, with the thanks that they deserve.

Or was that yesterday for you?....


I met a man yesterday, that wore a silver ( or white gold) ring that bore the shape and insignia of the shield 🛡 of the Knights Templar!

I questioned him about the ring and any relationship between him and just about every organization, from Free Masons, Illuminati, and through the Knights Templar...

His response was “ I am just a Christian.”

My response was “ As am I.”

So, now I wonder...

Nothing wrong to wear a Cross.
I wear one around my neck, and I am a Christian, only. And that is why I wear it.

But still, I wonder.....


Now if we can entice a few more, this forum will see a rebirth I have not run out of true adventure stories, but now I need a little encouragement ever since my Berte passed away. Having been involved in two wars, one might think that I had become accustomed to death, but ?? Anyhow, gracias to Kanaci, for bringing news of places that I was involved with / in, Thanks Kanaci. feels like I am a kid again stead of a "mature" veteran and explorer again Thanks Knac. Also for different reasons, Dit. and of course the faithful ones.


This is not necessarily the biggest oak tree that I have seen, but it is the biggest one that I have parked behind.

It dwarfs my truck pretty well.

New home, at least for now...


I don't have much of a story to tell, but I was talking to my friend last week, who is also a treasure hunter, mostly metal detectorist. He shared a story about one of his adventures last year. He and another guy, whom he detects with were granted permision to hunt a farm near where the American revolutionary troops had camped befroe their march to meet the British. After covering nearly all of the field, and finding very little to shoe for their efforts, his buddy found a brass button from the same period of time. Next week, after lightly cleaning it he went to an antique dealer to determine its value. He claimed the dealer got excited aftwer examining it and offer to purchase it, which he declined. Sometime later the Smitsonion called him and wanted to examine the button. It seems they had the original uniform worn by George Washington and it was missing a button. After examining it theyt determind it was a match for the uniform. He didn't know how much money he received, only that he no longer was in possession of the button. Good Luck. rtockhound

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers here...
Just noticed we are on page 500.......wow!
Time for :coffee2: with supplement of course!

I don't have much of a story to tell, but I was talking to my friend last week, who is also a treasure hunter, mostly metal detectorist. He shared a story about one of his adventures last year. He and another guy, whom he detects with were granted permision to hunt a farm near where the American revolutionary troops had camped befroe their march to meet the British. After covering nearly all of the field, and finding very little to shoe for their efforts, his buddy found a brass button from the same period of time. Next week, after lightly cleaning it he went to an antique dealer to determine its value. He claimed the dealer got excited aftwer examining it and offer to purchase it, which he declined. Sometime later the Smitsonion called him and wanted to examine the button. It seems they had the original uniform worn by George Washington and it was missing a button. After examining it theyt determind it was a match for the uniform. He didn't know how much money he received, only that he no longer was in possession of the button. Good Luck. rtockhound

Hello Rock hound that was an amazing story.


Ditto, happy Mothers day to all mothers!

Keep 'em coming amigos...

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Don’t worry about it...
something will pop up, and you can tell us, when it comes to mind.

We are not going anywhere....

This is like a Radio station for all of us and we are always listening for our favorite artists!!


I have a request, El Jefe, if you have time. Where I am now we are having a huge problem with the Border and the influx of illegals seeking asylum. They are positively flooding across the border and overwhelming the local Gov facilities. In fact they just released hundreds who had been detained here into the community due to overcrowding and lack of funds. They have been housing them in old airplane hangars and at the fairgrounds until their court hearings, now they are just abandoned to the community with no supervision.

As my friend and I have been out exploring the mountains that separate the countries, there have been many instances of illegals all around, you can hear them whistle to each other from their cover as they move through. Eerie feeling being surrounded. The most concerning part is that it is not so much Mexican Nationals coming across anymore, but refugees seeking asylum from other Central American countries, and the Cartel is moving M-13's in with them. It's a scary place down here knowing that, a whole different ballgame. Of course we are carrying, but we are only two against who knows how many.

In your years as a Border Patrol, was there ever this many non Nationals coming through, and how worried should we be?

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