Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Kanaci, almost as good as your Haka dance story. Unfornately I have tailored my simple stories to one page design. You have a very interesting technique. makes for excellent reading -- keep em up, including New Guinui (? forgotthe Spelling) stuff , loved it when you put Crow out on the main street in his bed, naked with no clothes
available he, he. Ever thought of writing a book on your memories?/?

Kanaci, almost as good as your Haka dance story. Unfornately I have tailored my simple stories to one page design. You have a very interesting technique. makes for excellent reading -- keep em up, including New Guinui (? forgotthe Spelling) stuff , loved it when you put Crow out on the main street in his bed, naked with no clothes
available he, he. Ever thought of writing a book on your memories?/?

Hello Don Jose I am about 25 years behind you in age my friend. Even so having a hard physical working life has had its toll. I sit down hunched around computer my back gives me grief. Being a one finger typist it takes quite some time top tell the yarn. So that is why its in parts. And besides I think if it was in one single long long post it would be hard for the reader. As book my friend the next generation do not know what book is...

You have the fleeting memories posted here for a price of sharing a cup of your famous sock coffee on line.

For me that is more priceless than any book.


Hello All

I can remember back in 1973 new guinea first got a black and white TV. It was an old cathode ray tube type TV. That used to flicker and ghost like if the signal was coming from mars? ;-) the old native residents used to shun their eyes at first as they thought they was seeing ghosts. Their kids adapted to it straight away glued to it every morning at mum and dads place on the back veranda in Rabual. Mum would dish out a free breakfast for the kids who would then go to school. They would have a 50 or 60 kids glued to watch this magic box. As the locals called it. I was still home then working and if I had time help feeding the hungry hoard. In fact some of that hungry hoard are now government officials today and have sweet memories of my families generosity.

Well some of you might remember the Rocky and Bullwinkle show? We there was segment called Peabodies improbable history. Well there one scene of mighty emperor like figure marching with imperial army getting adorned with flowers and at the there is a little poor guy with broom at the end of the procession sweeping up the mess. We my friends that is us. We are all the poor guy with broom sweeping up the mess of rich and powerful in life.

History never remembers those guys stories.

So for a price of coffee you can get the chance to read some of them is magic.


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Getting back to the yarn before my back dictates otherwise.

Our stay on the island was problematic as I found out as RC rightly pointed out the island chain is disputed territory between Russia and Japan. While both sides military refrains from paroling the chain as not inflame tensions on it. Both countries allow tourist vessels under permit only as the island group have be designated wilderness reserve apparent the only thing both countries can agree upon. So I was suspecting a visit from either the Russians or Japanese to come and make problems. I only found out that permit only allowed us a 24 hour visit.

So on the second day I told my second oldest son went an assisted the couple who I gave express instructions if you see another vessel arrive hide your metal detectors. Later that day I came ashore. and explored the island for about 2 hours or so. I suggested to the couple that work out a square are of the four points of extremities you can see the landmarks as per letter. place sticks at that point the work with in boundaries that complies to the line if site. Then metal detect with in those boundaries in which narrowed the search area roughly the size about half a football field. I had told them my job was to get them to island safely and back. Their search was in the confines to how much time we could have as per wind and weather.

However with limited time ashore I managed to scale the crater rim looking back into caldera.


On returning to the shore along the caldera. I had a bath in hot thermal pool. It was lovely like a hot bath. Nothing like to relax tired old muscles my friends. On the island we discovered we was not alone. We encountered curious black foxes haunting the rocks watching us with suspicion. But tame enough to see if we was going to offer them food. Apparently later I discovered Russian and Japanese tourists visit the island to bath in thermal pool and feed and take photographs of the foxes.


Before long later that day we got a visitor.

To be continued...


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Kanaci, you say that I have 25 years on you ? , then you are now 70, whippersnaper as my grandfather usedh to say. He was a genuine New England sailor. I have often regreted not sitting down and listening to his stories. his longest sailing from the Atlantic to the pacific took 6 months. He claimed that he never had any dry clothes on during that time and also consumed tons of insects from spoiled food he said that voyage chainged him from a sea going man to a nice warm carpemtars job. I took him at his word and enjoyed a life as an explorer and a pilot Regarding the one finger typing. it is because my right Scapula (shoulder blade) is now on my right side instead of my back, I can't use ny righ arm over shoulder hieght, due to an aircraft accident, , my left arm has has numbness at the finger tips, my right knee is slightly shorter due to a 20 mm almost cutting the tendon above the knee in two, the left leg is far weaker due to eliminating the cancer almost 15 years ago, ubt then I have enjoyed life as an explorer and Mule driver instead intead of a pilot. Found the Lost mine Jesuit mine of Tayopa although it is provisionly a Patromony of Mexico,
I have enjoyed two wars,been in Fidel Castro's army to retake Cuba from Batista, etc., etc. I have enjoyed life but in many ways I envy you and the unholy trio
lot always wanted to sail the pacific, as most red blooded men do/did I find your (the unholy trio, absoloutely fascinating, and always will.

Hello amigos

Our stay was interrupted by a small Russian adventure cruise ship. I called my son with couple to pack up and go back to Drumbeat and me and my other son cruised out in the other zodiac to the boat. It was hard a first as they was all speaking Russian until the captain leaned over and spoke to me in English and invited me aboard. I came aboard and formally met the old soviet sea dog.

He said he was quite surprised to see an old brig at anchor there although in his years taking tourist there. he never saw anything like that? He was amazed as he loved old sailing ships. He had seen the odd Japanese tourist vessel and occasional private yacht visiting. He offered me a drink of vodka as the tourists was going to be lowered into the boat with crew to go ashore exploring. He ask which way did we came from I said via Japan? He face soured a little then smiled. I am only a humble captain of tourist vessel these days. He explained he was from Vladivostok and we should of applied for a permit to visit from there. Because this territory is technically Russian although it is still under territory dispute.

Technically I as supposed to report all shipping movements back to a--holes in Moscow. So to hell with them he smiled. Clearly an old brig with some tourists is hardly worth the effort and besides there was bigger thing happening my friend he said sadly. I really hope my a--holes in Moscow was not behind it. He led me down from the bridge into the Saloon.

The ship could hold in theory about 100 passengers in practice the was about 60. They sailed regularly in summer but this was the last voyage for the year perhaps for ever he strangely commented. In saloon of this fairly luxurious cruise ship they had big Satellite TV screen and it was broad casting the two towers of world trade center burning and the reporting commenting in Russian. But you did not have to understand the language to see the tragedy of it all. Of course the news kept repeating images as new came through the the first tower on fire then the second airliner smashing in the second tower and exploding.

Here was I in the saloon of Russian Cruise ship watching the attack on the twin towers. As world watch with horror as the attack was unfolding. There was secret dread of what was to follow if some how we was going to drawn into nuclear war? And my Texan friends was blissfuly unaware on the Drumbeat worried about me and my crew on the Russian ship.

I explained to the Captain my passengers are some American tourists I think they should know? The captain kindly offered some of his crew to pick up the couple and his son to see this on TV. The weather was fine the sun had come out yet we were all haunted by the drama unfolding. The couple arrived with son onto Cruise ship and the Russian captain gave his deepest condolences to them. The couple and their sons mouth open looked devastated not only because of the inhumanity of that attack being played over and over before our eyes.

More so for the Texan couple because they had a daughter worked for a banking insurance company that had offices in one of the Twin towers. So you could imagine how devastated and worried they were? We conference with the Russian captain which was quicker to get the couple back to Untied State as the fear now had became as all flights was be suspended. The Texans wife was overcome with worry that daughter might of been in the building. So their only solution was to take them back to nearest port in Japan and they get flights to United States?

Thus so ended any more effort to search for this alleged buried civil war treasure on the beach of this some what remote disputed island in the middle nowhere in the North west Pacific. The Drumbeat tacked back down the island chain to a Port in Japan where the couple and their son and the young Japanese American lad who helped them enormously obtain flights a permission to get back on a flight to the United States.

Us remaining on the Drumbeat we was left in Northern Japan. While everything was paid for we ourselves was never out of pocket, we had no taste to return to the island ourselves elected to sail home as the winter was approaching anyway.

Ironic is it not as the humanity of all unfolding, my oldest daughter gave birth to baby boy living in Australia at the time on September 11 2001.

So my friends we have arrived in full circle of where I was at the time of 9/11?

Was there any treasure on the island? Or did some one find it? Or did one of original conspirators come back few years after it was buried and recovered it? I have no answers for a long time. Until found out some more information only a few years ago?

But that is my friends another yarn?



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Kanaci, you say that I have 25 years on you ? , then you are now 70, whippersnaper as my grandfather usedh to say. He was a genuine New England sailor. I have often regreted not sitting down and listening to his stories. his longest sailing from the Atlantic to the pacific took 6 months. He claimed that he never had any dry clothes on during that time and also consumed tons of insects from spoiled food he said that voyage chainged him from a sea going man to a nice warm carpemtars job. I took him at his word and enjoyed a life as an explorer and a pilot Regarding the one finger typing. it is because my right Scapula (shoulder blade) is now on my right side instead of my back, I can't use ny righ arm over shoulder hieght, due to an aircraft accident, , my left arm has has numbness at the finger tips, my right knee is slightly shorter due to a 20 mm almost cutting the tendon above the knee in two, the left leg is far weaker due to eliminating the cancer almost 15 years ago, ubt then I have enjoyed life as an explorer and Mule driver instead intead of a pilot. Found the Lost mine Jesuit mine of Tayopa although it is provisionly a Patromony of Mexico,
I have enjoyed two wars,been in Fidel Castro's army to retake Cuba from Batista, etc., etc. I have enjoyed life but in many ways I envy you and the unholy trio
lot always wanted to sail the pacific, as most red blooded men do/did I find your (the unholy trio, absoloutely fascinating, and always will.

Hello Don Jose

No shame in that Bio my friend in fact your bit of legend in the Trios eyes. If I get to you age I will be a happy man. Yet I have no doubt if we had met many years ago in different circumstances we might have many adventures together. But alas such is life my friend we can only travel on one path at a time.

Once again my back is aching .... need some more of your famous sock coffee my friend.


Bravo Kanacki!
You delivered , on all accounts.

[me and my other son cruised out in the other zodiac to the boat. It was hard a first as they was all speaking Russian]

Were I there facing the ride over to the Russian craft , I would have needed to pee first. Twice!
And stock my belly with bananas....Write out my last will and testimony , ect.. Bravely of course.

Don Jose is the definition of legend, to many of us landlubbers.
But he also has a history with a few sea men, in some of his writings.

I have a healthy respect for both sides of the shoreline.


Hello all

On a final note the Texan family sent us Christmas cards and small letter thanking me helping them have a wonderful adventure. They told me their daughter although working at world trade was not one of the victims of 9/11 she had stayed home sick with the flu that day and saved her life. And the Japanese American lad was wonderful in helping them get a flight back to United States. We have had several Christmas cards of them for a few year then they have stopped over time. Did they ever go back and search again. Some how I do not think they did.

I found out several things years later. In fact I came across the Log of the very confederate raider. And found an entry where the ship heave to before daybreak near an island. As per this Texans couple ancestors letter.

I had found some thing else some one else made and attempt to go to Kuril Islands in search of a treasure. In 1892 a ship called the Harvest Home was traveling in northern line island west of midway when when they found a man in a small yawl. His names apparently Williams and the officers on board took him on board although he spun an improbable story of how he came to there all alone out in the ocean.

They were heading East to United States this Williams was heading west. His age was about 35. The crew of harvest home took him on as sailor. However her started telling the crew in forecastle about where he knew treasure was buried in the Kuril islands. He managed to get the crew to mutiny against the captain, mate and Bosun that they was given food water in long boat and cast adrift for themselves. However a storm had came up a the mutineers had hauled too much sail on and vessel turned turtle capsized. The 3 came across the upturned hull and wreckage of their former vessel the very next day.

What is interesting further research found a name of ships cook that was on this confederate raider by the John Atkins Williams born 1846 mariner. Who had a son not long after returning to united states after the civil war. Was this 35 year old Williams the son of the Williams the Cook that was on this confederate raider in 1864-1865? Or just coincidence? With evidence from the log of the ship in question, A newspaper account from Australia in early 1865 and this Texans couples ancestor letter telling of treasure.

Kuriel islands.webp

What is interesting I even found the ships accounts of what was taken as privateer. There is no mention of any money taken at all? Not so strange if the crew decided to steal it. The whalers was making big money for several years before returning to port. Having no banks the money would of accrued over several years of selling whale oil with hugely inflated prices to the rich citizens of gold rush San Francisco?

Perhaps there was more truth in story?

Of course there may of been others who may recovered not long after the war? Or perhaps it might just be still there but missed by the Texan family who searched for it in haste?

Either way I leave it too you.



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Excellent yarn Kanacki!
What shall we hear about Next?!

That was one of, or, the best yarns that I remember reading anywhere.

The subject matter and time frame, leave no doubt about it.

I am sure that you have created an epidemic of wanderlust, among the readers and all of the silent readers that never leave any information behind, just waiting for a tale such as this one.

They, no doubt, are planning a trip to find the treasure without leaving a clue.

Thank you for sharing it.


Nice yarn Kanacki, thank you to share it.


Great yarn Kanacki, my hat's off to you. Thanks for taking us on one of your many adventures from start to finish. Glad to hear that the daughter was saved by the flu. The question of whether the treasure is still there, is what makes treasure stories exciting. In my younger years I would have done the same as my fellow Texans, and I know most here would have done the same. Nowadays I have trouble walking in level ground.


Marius, that overhead picture is almos exactly as I imagined it frrm Kanacki pictures, i have thr route as soon as I worm the details ut of him,

Drinking eh Corozone ?he, he. I have been almost a loner in my travels,I couldn't find anyone that I trusted with my life or had the same interests. although I did, for some reason they clicked, the terrible trio, I can'.t explain it, but it is true from exploreing the forbidden city by myself, the care takers had taken off with the communtist takeover, they had comepletly abandoned it. to trips to parts of the Gobi, to the Phillipines etc. there were times that the mule actually made intelligent conversation. I believe that I would have gotten along with the unholy trio, Kanavki, you sturck a chord with your Haki dance story and with Crows remark. I love you-all. I haven't given up yet, I am waiting for a Canadian to raise the money for an attack on one of the Tayopa depositories. He is getting close. Remember the Jesuits were formenting a take over of North America from Spain, for which they actually were expelled by Spain, not for mining, since they were mining like crazy in S. Amierica, but for insurrection. They used this particular depository for the rev expensesas as it stands we MAY recieve 1/2 . , although what would I use the money for, wild women??. They have approximately a billion dollalrs in there, we have no records of any salvage, theft,or any hanky panky. Or maybe We should just leaveit there ? or maybe the Jesuits themselves?? Maybe a ketch rigged 70 - 90 ft rig with all powered equipment to go visit your Paradise? Maybe, mayne, maybeeeee? It is fun to speculate Once a Treasure hunter always -----? More on Tayopa later.

Hello my pleasure you enjoyed the yarn.

I forgot to tell you the name of this confederate raider. Regardless of politics of righteousness of the confederate cause no one can dispute the gallantry and bravery of crew of this raider. Even if unofficially some of crew was plundering money with or without the knowledge of the officers?

CSS Shenandoah which formerly Sea King was an iron-framed, teak-planked, full-rigged sailing ship with auxiliary steam power chiefly known for her adventures under Lieutenant Commander James Waddell as part of the Confederate States Navy during the American Civil War.


The Shenandoah was originally a British merchant vessel launched as Sea King on August 17, 1863, but was later re-purposed as one of the most feared commerce raiders in the Confederate Navy. During a period of ​12 1⁄2 months from 1864 to 1865, the ship undertook commerce raiding around the world in an effort to disrupt the Union economy, resulting in the capture and sinking or bonding of thirty-eight merchant vessels, mostly New Bedford whaleships.

That is a hell of a lot of whales ships they captured and boarded if each on average have money say 15-20000 dollars. as you can see the list of value of whale oil cargoes below. The whalers had been out in Pacific whaling over three years some of them. They would have considerable sums of money on them.


She finally surrendered on the River Mersey, Liverpool, England, on November 6, 1865, six months after the war had ended. Her flag was the last sovereign Confederate flag to be officially furled. The Shenandoah is also known for having fired the last shot of the Civil War, across the bow of a whaler in waters off the Aleutian Islands.

A lot of the American crew was afraid to return to the united State in fear of being tried for piracy. There was many crew members from other nations joined not particular for the Confederate cause but for fortune and glory. By 1870 most of the american had returned to us. Many never went to sea again.

So you see bit of history my friends. By the time the ship got to Kuril islands there was already rumors that the civil war was over and to be caught red handed with stolen money would be paramount to piracy not acting under the letter of marque issued by the confederacy.

So there you a are a little known treasure yarn forgotten to history of infamous ship virtually forgotten because of political correctness and simply this gallant ship was on the losing side.

Don Jose treasure hunters my friends always travels on the fringe margins of society my friend. It lonely old road to travel where ever the wandering spirit takes you in search of treasure. You see many people and have many relations ships with people coming and going that is all part of the journey.

You as Crow says it so well you meet saints and sinners and everything in between.


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I'm lapping it all up! Just wishing, wishing I was 20 years younger ... (sigh).
Thank you ever so much, Kanacki!

I'm lapping it all up! Just wishing, wishing I was 20 years younger ... (sigh).
Thank you ever so much, Kanacki!

Hello Loke

There is part of me wish I was 20 years younger but the body is telling me different these days. We all have limited amount of time in this world unless you have drank the waters of the fountain of youth like Don Jose? :-) So my life has been on the outer fringe margins of the so called civilized world. I cannot complain if I die tomorrow as I have lived every living breathing moment.

Besides I promised my wife no more roaming the Pacific like a pirate with no place to go. I have a place to go now on my island, my mana, my resting place forgotten to the outside world enjoying the simple things with no need for money anymore. Most of it I have given away anyway.

Hell trust me you learn that pretty quickly my friends after having 8 kids. :-)

No longer I Worry about Environment, politics, world events, government policies, taxes paying for services I am free from all those things in my ramshackle paradise. And so no more chasing treasure because the greatest treasure of them all my be more closer than you think?

The Kuril island story I toyed with making a trip again their a few years ago but in the end I have no need to. For most people in their lives felt as if they are confined to the proverbial chicken coop of life? I to was once a battery hen who managed to flee the coop. I have been lucky to have tasted freedom few will ever really experience trapped by the confines society puts us in. The greatest illusion off all why treasure yarns my friend is so popular? Its not really about treasure but about freedom.

Freedom is where you find it.

Coffee anyone?


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