Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

how come no one except me is posting ??? am running thin on strories( well not really, but I have to go back to remember - do ant of you remember when we were under siege up at the mine ? if I'lll repost it. Incidentatlly I am having troublt with this new (second hand) computer, gift from my son who works at te HP development plant here in Tucson. They have a enormus area dedecated to reaerch and dew programs.
they periodically toss away their lap tops, first removing their hard drives, mw son has a ebormus locker for of the HP laptops minus hard drives of the latest laptops, I am jst learning some f the quirks of onre.. He is of no help, he has gone over the programs so many times that he just ships over tto what are to him non esentials,while I am still trying to decide what are to me nonesentials I hate it when he makes me feel old or useless, as if I can't solve the slightest problem, ror example he has installed on physical contact mouse, and other things yeh, I have removes a few things, but it is only a bit of tine before he finds out and I have to relearn something. sigh

Well Don Jose...I do not think that I could ever compare to you...Nor would I ever try to do such a thing...

But would you please post your under siege once again for those who have never read about it...

I had a hp many years ago and they are very good computers but I have grown accustomed to Dell...Even IF they are easily hacked...One of these days I will go Apple and avoid most of the hacks and only worry about the apple eating worms...lol

Maybe one day I'll be as lucky as you Don Jose...And maybe...Just maybe...I'll stumble upon Tayopa...rofl...

Ed T

how come no one except me is posting ??? am running thin on strories( well not really, but I have to go back to remember - do ant of you remember when we were under siege up at the mine ? if I'lll repost it. Incidentatlly I am having troublt with this new (second hand) computer, gift from my son who works at te HP development plant here in Tucson. They have a enormus area dedecated to reaerch and dew programs.
they periodically toss away their lap tops, first removing their hard drives, mw son has a ebormus locker for of the HP laptops minus hard drives of the latest laptops, I am jst learning some f the quirks of onre.. He is of no help, he has gone over the programs so many times that he just ships over tto what are to him non esentials,while I am still trying to decide what are to me nonesentials I hate it when he makes me feel old or useless, as if I can't solve the slightest problem, ror example he has installed on physical contact mouse, and other things yeh, I have removes a few things, but it is only a bit of tine before he finds out and I have to relearn something. sigh

Hola Don amigo

I have yarn for you? Coffee.

Come and pull up a seat, get comfy and enjoy this little following yarn.

I cannot believe how quickly the years have past since the world trade center was attacked and destroyed as world watched in horror of the events of 9/11. In many conversation I have had over years where was you when it all took place?

I was in the North Pacific on mysterious voyage paid for by a rich Texan man and his wife and 18 year old son. I have forgotten his name but I recall he was from Austin Texas. He and his wife was quite very well off. He claimed he was related to one of the founders of a large electronic component company, I and my wife met the couple while vacationing in Honolulu staying at the Halekulani Hotel.

The wife and I was siting around the pool feeling a little out of place. Strange because we was on holiday with pool etc... but hey I live on an island and have my own pool and it seemed a little silly. we was gone on holiday to do exactly what we do every day at home for free but now paying through the nose for it?

In we was there in fact for my daughters weeding. After wedding we had book in hotel there decidedly proud we got daughter number 2 married off. Having a large brood of family instead of paying for flights I traveled by my old Love tub brig "Drumbeat" Having an old sailing brig always inspires people dream about sailing away amigos. Yet some time due to size and type of vessel I could not get suitable berthing at the time.

I had the Drumbeat berthed at Kewalo Basin is a commercial boat harbor that serves as home to some of Honolulu's commercial fishing fleet, and charter and excursion vessels that serve the Hawaii tourist market. Yet here we were wedding over spending the last few days before heading home. There we were drinking Mai Tai cocktails. The Mai Tai is a cocktail based on rum, Curaçao liqueur, orgeat syrup, and lime juice, associated with Polynesian-style settings. It amigo definitely livens up the scenes.

We was on our second or was it the third? When we met the couple on next to table to us. He was a middle aged man with that long distinctive Texan drawl was rather agitated and frustrated on the telephone with charter company that pulled out of charter he was trying to arrange. His wife rather embarrassed looked across and smiled trying to cheer he husband up. We had inadvertently over heard the conversation he knew nothing a ships or sailing in Pacific. A real land lubber so to speak. Being a wee bit tipsy we broke the ice and a conversation commenced between us. His wife said in small talk where did we fly in from as she could not quite understand our accents

I told her that I and my family had sailed my daughter for her Wedding in from an island in the western Pacific. This off course perked interest in me by the husband who bombarded me with questions about the western Pacific? He was suitable impressed when I told him I have sailed the Pacific all my life. He and his wife invited us to dinner.

He told me he had arranged a charter vessel to take him and his family on voyage to the far north west pacific and the charter had fallen through as they could not deliver on the promises they had made. So you have a boat my friend? Not a boat my friend a brig capable in voyaging anywhere. They said they were heading to Marina to find another charter company. The very Marina that the Drumbeat was berthed. So conversation came around to so you have a brigantine the Texans wife said impressed Me trying to focus as the cocktails had began to take effect and blurted out why not you both visit the drumbeat for lunch tomorrow while you visiting marina?

The other half elbowed me as she had other plans and wanted to go sight seeing before we left. But there it was in trouble with the other half by returning the kind gesture of being invited to dinner by offering lunch on the drumbeat.

Well amigos if ya interested I shall continue this yarn just pull up a seat around the campfire and grab yourself a coffee. So you see amigos a casual conversation can lead to strange journey.

To be continued....


Kanaci. You had better not act as Don Jose and get side tracked for a couple of weeks

Hola amigos

I hope you have good coffee?

Well the next day my other half panicked at state of drumbeat being pig sty from all relatives from the wedding did a whirl wind of cleaning by roping our teen age children still cursing me for inviting the couple for lunch. At dinner the night before we had talked about children etc. They said they had few children and their young son was with them. At lunch they arrived at the marina looking at the brig in disbelief. You imagine the site I was sporting beard big enough to give black beard a run for its money. With my sons daughter a their friends climbing to work on the rigging. We must of looked like a throw back to the days of pirates?

Especially when nursing a hangover from the night before. Hang over or not you could see the jaw dropping expressions of this couple and son. As they watched the The drumbeat was gently rocking and rigging creaking to the swell leaking into the marina. She was and still is handsome tall ship as a romantic ghost of past still sailing the high seas. There she sat in marina like a stallion itching to run my friends.

People have an awesome respect for old sailing ships harking back to a time when the world felt more distant and exotic and life was free. Far from the reality of course. I cannot count the amount of people dreaming of adventure but never capable of ever achieving it asking dreaming of what it would be like to sail on voyage on her?

to be continued..


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Is this the pause for station identification?

Or is this part two of the trilogy?
I just got my eyes synced with the voice inside my head, not to mention my lips moving with the words!
Don’t make us wait until next week, same time, same channel....


"Same bat time...Same bat channel" I used to watch Adam West in the 70's...lol...Dang I feel I am growing old...

Ed T:(

Hello all

Patience my friends a good yarn like fine wine takes time to mature?

Besides living on a very remote island with sketchy internet in the middle of the Pacific has its good and bad points. So my apologies in advance my yarn has to be told in parts.


Well continuing the yarn. Well the other half and me enjoyed wonderful lunch with this couple who turned out to be a lovely friendly couple. Their son was a fine young man entering his gap year. I truly surprise how well my wife can whip a fine luncheon out of nothing? But I suppose being the mother of my 8 well fed eating machine kids and now grand kids I should not be.

The converting came back to me question they why they was so intent charter a vessel from Hawaii to sail to the far western pacific? Would it not be better to just book a cruise in the destinations where they wanted to go. The Texan smiled cruise ships do not go where we want to go? Puzzled I was rather straight forward and said they did not seen like sailors or adventures. Looking at him he looked tired mid 50's and spent his life on desk job and wife was head of P and C of local school. However they beamed that it was sort of a mid life crisis as joke for them. They had spent comfortable lives and never wanted for much. They wanted an exclusive adventure.

Intrigued I inquired more. He lean forward secretly almost whispering because of letter that was handed down in his family. He went on it was passed down from the family as curio. I stared at this couple. I in truth I expected see at a casino on cruise ship not adventurers spending weeks at sea on Drumbeat or as our Don Jose puts it "love tub" But this couple sensing I thinking they could not afford such a charter as I told them it will take 2-may 3 months to allow for depending on winds currents and weather. And what people do not know some islands you cannot turn up on without visiting a port of entry first in which you had to have valid visas. In good conscious I informed them of the pitfalls.

His wife proudly revealed they already had visas and himself looked me in eye as gauging my thoughts and said do not be fooled we have money. We will pay you wages and your family wages as crew. We will pay fuel all costs for the voyage.

Well my friends old Kanacki had really stretched himself to buy the drumbeat in vain attempt to start a charter business and found it hard if not impossible to get charters. Simply most people do not understand the cost involved owning a sail brig. A real money pit. I had virtually given up on the idea. And now out of nowhere I can this couple throwing money at to charter my vessel.

I told him for me to calculate the cost I need a more specific location. He learn forward and said I need you to sail an island group near the The Kuril Islands. I began to see why the other charter company backed out. My temporary delusion of actually making some money evaporated?

I could not help it and said Why The Kuril Islands?

The Texan gave a sly grin well is because of this letter and teased me and said Do you know one of the last official military action of the United States Civil was not on American soil?

Sorry boys for the teaser to be continued but its late and old Kanacki is tired....

Gee must need one of Don Jose's infamous sock coffee?


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The Kuril Islands. I began to see why the other charter company backed out.

A "too hot of water" area created by friction between at least two countries!

An interesting proposition for Knacki.......With great variables of logistics to consider.
Politically alone..... Interesting indeed.

I tend to forget that there are different time zones between my house and where ever the Drum Beat, may be afloat, or anchored.

No worries nor hurries!

I doubt that anyone will miss the next portion of the tale......


Based on what I have heard of the gentleman and his companions, it would seem to right up his alley. IMHO.


Indeed. When younger...And in less idyllic circumstances.

My suffering a lesson in patience while waiting for further intrigue leads me to trying to see behind K's perspective clients eyes/ motives.

Is it worse thinking they are potential Trojan horses , or is it worse that they may be oblivious to what could follow by finding what they are after (if a letter related value exists on an island )? Let alone divesting themselves of such after. Both tangibly and mentally.
They seem quite out of their element already. Or are being taciturn about their own research and experience..

We'll see.
(Maybe they'll become corrupted by rum and treasure...Or get dismissed. Or both!)

Indeed. When younger...And in less idyllic circumstances.

My suffering a lesson in patience while waiting for further intrigue leads me to trying to see behind K's perspective clients eyes/ motives.

Is it worse thinking they are potential Trojan horses , or is it worse that they may be oblivious to what could follow by finding what they are after (if a letter related value exists on an island )? Let alone divesting themselves of such after. Both tangibly and mentally.
They seem quite out of their element already. Or are being taciturn about their own research and experience..

We'll see.
(Maybe they'll become corrupted by rum and treasure...Or get dismissed. Or both!)

Yes, I hadn't thought that they might be Trojan Horses. That does add another complication to the equation. I just suspected that they were rank amateurs, and had no idea what they might be getting into, in which case, they happened to stumble onto one of the few people who might be able to help them. Coincidences do occur, but I usually don't trust them. I guess we will just have to wait for a while to get the answer......


Hello All

Indeed it was mysterious proposal. And yes all your comments are correct. The Texan couple while indeed a well educated and well off. They had little understanding of the logistics, legalities and the workings of an old sailing ship that relies on winds not its engines to get from A to be. Sailing ships do no always sail in a straight line they have to seek the best winds. Some times they have go through a series of tacking against the wind. I told them I accept their proposal with the following conditions I will take them to the islands but when on my ship I am legally responsible for the safety of crew and passengers.

I informed them that the Drumbeat is not cruise ship and even paying passengers will have to do chores. Due water carrying capacity a short shower once every few days. and toilets system is challenge a hand pump. At sea everything moves creaks and groans continually. I stared at them and continued...Well you can say you really are following in footsteps of your ancestors. Most of all I get the final say. I cannot guarantee of getting you there because of political situation and prevailing weather condition are out of my control. As there is no safe anchorage in those island shore visiting is limited. However I will make every attempt providing it is safe to do so.

I went on the show the three of them chart of the western north pacific. I made them the following proposal either meet up with the drumbeat at given date in Japan or sail with from Hawaii down to line islands to get the west ward blowing winds to Carolines. I can fit out in Carolines for a week the follow the sweeping north the eastern Philippines pushing us north past Taiwan to Japan in Japan we can get formal permission to visit. We have put an application in now before we get to Japan. Having a sailing brig would be a more curious adventure charter? Better than turning up with a dedicated salvage ship that would raise suspicions. Other yachtsmen have visited the islands and it has by in large not a problem visiting as tourists.

So I proposed the two options either meet my Brig in Japan or sail with us back to My island be a guest at my house for week as we stock the vessel then sail to Japan with us. I said take good long hard thing which option you prefer?

The Texan drawl I have been dreaming of having this adventure all my life after been shown the letter by my father. I have taken a year off for this venture. And my wife and son are committed for this journey. They brief talked in private and said we will come with you to your island. As for them it was not just what might be buried on this remote island but the adventure.

I think was helped them make a decision is the fact that near all the crew on my vessel was family or related in some way. While we might look like pirates my friends we live pretty decent lives and I think that seeing how we interacted with each other impressed them. Especially seeing my kids of all ages well drilled. Sliding down the rigging like monkeys. Getting things ready. Looking at them as we developed our new discussed plans I wondered if they really under stood what they was in for?

Once again coffee break my friends...coffee. Just out of curiosity which option you would of taken if it was you? Met up in Japan or experience the real deal crossing the Pacific like the sailors of old?

To be continued...


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Hello All

Indeed it was mysterious proposal. And yes all your comments are correct. The Texan couple while indeed a well educated and well off. They had little understanding of the logistics, legalities and the workings of an old sailing ship that relies on winds not its engines to get from A to be. Sailing ships do no always sail in a straight line they have to seek the best winds. Some times they have go through a series of tacking against the wind. I told them I accept their proposal with the following conditions I will take them to the islands but when on my ship I am legally responsible for the safety of crew and passengers.

I informed them that the Drumbeat is not cruise ship and even paying passengers will have to do chores. Due water carrying capacity a short shower once every few days. and toilets system is challenge a hand pump. At sea everything moves creaks and groans continually. I stared at them and continued...Well you can say you really are following in footsteps of your ancestors. Most of all I get the final say. I cannot guarantee of getting you there because of political situation and prevailing weather condition are out of my control. As there is no safe anchorage in those island shore visiting is limited. However I will make every attempt providing it is safe to do so.

I went on the show the three of them chart of the western north pacific. I made them the following proposal either meet up with the drumbeat at given date in Japan or sail with from Hawaii down to line islands to get the west ward blowing winds to Carolines. I can fit out in Carolines for a week the follow the sweeping north the eastern Philippines pushing us north past Taiwan to Japan in Japan we can get formal permission to visit. We have put an application in now before we get to Japan. Having a sailing brig would be a more curious adventure charter? Better than turning up with a dedicated salvage ship that would raise suspicions. Other yachtsmen have visited the islands and it has by in large not a problem visiting as tourists.

So I proposed the two options either meet my Brig in Japan or sail with us back to My island be a guest at my house for week as we stock the vessel then sail to Japan with us. I said take good long hard thing which option you prefer?

The Texan drawl I have been dreaming of having this adventure all my life after been shown the letter by my father. I have taken a year off for this venture. And my wife and son are committed for this journey. They brief talked in private and said we will come with you to your island. As for them it was not just what might be buried on this remote island but the adventure.

I think was helped them make a decision is the fact that near all the crew on my vessel was family or related in some way. While we might look like pirates my friends we live pretty decent lives and I think that seeing how we interacted with each other impressed them. Especially seeing my kids of all ages well drilled. Sliding down the rigging like monkeys. Getting things ready. Looking at them as we developed our new discussed plans I wondered if they really under stood what they was in for?

Once again coffee break my friends...coffee. Just out of curiosity which option you would of taken if it was you? Met up in Japan or experience the real deal crossing the Pacific like the sailors of old?

To be continued...


Cross the Pacific!

Keep it coming

The more I read, the farther I lean toward the big picture.
And I never want to be more than knee deep in saltwater, ever again!

Even if it was a free trip.
I am just a little bit older than I was yesterday, and I have my adventures right here in the Ozarks.

But I can still dream....


Hello Again the opportunity arose to post a little more. We are getting awesome thunderstorms at present. We got hit by lightening that fried our modem. The internet has since been very poor.

The crossing from Hawaii I managed to break up with short visit in line islands. The couple son while they may land lubing middle again couple who never went to sea. They to their credit put on a brave face. Although you could see once we left Hawaii into open sea their demeanor changed with a little apprehension like with anyone who first goes to sea. The drum beat a'int no cruise ship with stabilizers. When she hits the deep ocean swell she can buck like any bucking bronco. Pitching and rolling as her bow cut through the waves like a sharpened lance my friend.

My family had little secret bets on who of our guests throw up with sea sickness first? The motion of the ship churns your stomach like blender causes your stomach content to foam to the point your violently sick. While some say ginger is good combating sea sickness. Crow always used bananas. He would stuff himself with bananas and the stomach acid in his stomach could not wash around this prevent the acid to foam.

We for my family it was entertainment to see who spews first. My oldest son set it in motion as you see the Texans wife going green. He walked past and said do not hold in it will make it worse. No doubt of who my oldest son had bets on? :-) He had place the sea bucket of water in front of her and she spewed. Of course the motion of boat set a chain reaction finally the Husband let go also. The son to his credit handled it well but concerned to see his mum and Dad spew in chorus for few minutes. Even so he felt queasy.

By then you see in face WTF expression have got our selves into? My wife being the caring soul she is comforted them as they went through a series of vomiting fits. Its as anyone who has experienced a horrible experience. But the human body My friends is amazing able to adjust to different environments. At first you see their whole center of gravity. A first you could see then trying to walk like if they was on land. The brain has to adjust to the fact you are walking on continually shifting surface. My wife tried to cheer them up by telling it will get better in a few days when they will get your sea legs. Your brain will eventually tune your balance to pitching and rolling deck. So much so when finally get ashore on land you have a swaying swagger like if your still sailing. I have poor old Crow many a time refused a drink at a bar on mistake concept that he was drunk.

So my friends that was one first realities of my passengers voyage. The next couple of days unable eat function or sleep they both looked like death warmed up. Their son was the opposite as his body was already adjusting to the ocean environment. My better half was right over time their bodies started to adjust to their new environment. Having not eating much my wife fed them boiled eggs then progressively other food as they adjusted to life at sea. In all fairness they earned my respect for having ago. Although it was funny to see their expression in their faces when told them this was small waves wait to get the North west Pacific and encounter big waves. :-)

The Drumbeat is a sturdy Brig rigged vessel my friends. Yet no one who has sailed on her can not say she at one time or another earned the title "Spew Bucket" or " The vomit comet " for nothing.

While to sail on a tall ship in quest of mysterious island may seem romantic and adventurous. It does have its challenges my friends.

Once again my friends to be contained

Some more of Don Jose sock coffee needed amigos.


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Not sure ...Japan for rendezvous , or get over the hump of sea sickness earlier.
I've been aboardship sailing uuuup and dooown and upppp and dooown before on the North Pacific. It's swells were not like the chops of the great lake near home...Being young then helped , and I only turned quite green around the gills.
Maybe I'd have gone with the inevitable weight loss program first also as your Texans did. Mainly for the side trip.

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