Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Being prepared for what ever comes my way while in the field, has been many different things over the years. The one thing that it has been all along, is quiet time, and that is neither good nor bad on its own.

It has changed from necessity to have the tools ⚒ as needed, into expecting the need of just what I expect to find.

Subtle changes to offset for old bones. Time seems to be moving faster now days.

Where are our next generations ?
Please tell me that they are the ones who walk around with their cell phones in their pocket, and not the ones that walk around with their nose stuck to the screen.

We need them to read our yarns, and talk to their mules like Don Jose, and seek greater treasures than any of us have dreamt!!

Speaking of mules, Jose, how many generations of mules have you outlived.

For that matter, how many pigs and panthers?!?


Don Jose, que paso? I have trouble walking on level ground when I am sober. I walk a little better when drinking since it takes the pain away, and the bottle helps as a counter balance. I also talk to my animals every day that I tend to them. Goats are very negative about everything I ask, and a mini pony snickers at every thing I say.

Amigo Mikel, glad to see you posting, those were some bad storms, a little to close to your place.


Don Jose, que paso? I have trouble walking on level ground when I am sober. I walk a little better when drinking since it takes the pain away, and the bottle helps as a counter balance. I also talk to my animals every day that I tend to them. Goats are very negative about everything I ask, and a mini pony snickers at every thing I say.

Amigo Mikel, glad to see you posting, those were some bad storms, a little to close to your place.


Hi Homar.
Now I understand what I am doing wrong... I should put the Cain in my left hand and a big-ole jug of the corn squeezin’s in my right hand for the balance!!!

Then I can explain to my wife, why my daughter’s cats answer me when I talk to them.

I’ve been looking at this from the wrong perspective, for way too long!!


My next post may not make sense, but I should be standing straight up on one leg!!!


Edit ps. Also Homar, thank you for your concern about the storms. I have at times felt the wall at the head of my bed move when the wind would cause the house to shift a little.

If moving my pillow away from the wall, doesn’t let me sleep, I will get out of bed and take one more pill to make the wind die down.


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Kanaci, The other day I was having a conversation with my son and his son. We were discussing illegal immigration,r when my grand son made an interestingr emark , he said 'but grandpa, you are white while we are brown"' I was stopped how would, you have answed ? I beliveYou having a lovely Polynesian wife have had this problem. I belirvr that I am color blind, itt just never occured to me.

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Kanaci, The other day I was having a conversation with my son and his son. We were discussing illegal immigration,r when my grand son made an interestingr emark , he said 'but grandpa, you are white while we are brown"' I was stopped how would, you have answed ? I beliveYou having a lovely Polynesian wife have had this problem. I belirvr that I am color blind, itt just never occured to me.

Hello Don Jose

Having been born in a country of New Guinea and lived there was 2 million Natives and 2500 Caucasians. So growing up there was never an issue..but perhaps I got taste of what its like to be minority?

Through life I do not and have never judged people by "ethnicity" but by their strength character. Discrimination is not the sole Provence of the white man either? I have seen it from all races. There is good and bad in all races. I tried to pass that onto my kids not to let those people bring you down to their level. Because when you encounter racism it is they who fear you because you are much better than they could eve inspire to be. My kids are straddled between two races and can chose whatever they want to be? I brought them up to be confident, proud strong and more than able to find their place in the world if they do so chose.

You can be good honorable person regardless of "ethnicity" and should never use victim politics as a excuse for failure in life. I sent one of my daughters to study in California. She came back and told me I got all my wealth from "white privilege" Where the hell was my white privilege? I had to bust my ass for every cent I earned. It seems today universities are filling kids heads with so much crap about race or gender and sexism as predetermined answer why they are not going to succeed. Its about time people get over it move on and get on with life.

Don Jose I have the color blindness too amigo.


Hello Don Jose Amigo.

You know there are many content to live just to exist. However there are others exist just to live. Pushing themselves beyond the boundaries of everyday person in what ever they do in life. And rise up above adversity. And I am privileged to been in the company of such people.

Your long life pushing those boundaries is duly respected by the trio my friend.

Now how about some your famous sock coffee?


Kanaci, long life ? I came up here to die, the shock of losing my beloved Bertis was too much, and here I thought I was immune.
having seen enough death, but I find that I am human. I admit now that I was wrong, I promise that I will live to 150 + so that there will be coffee all around. What I was referring to in my last post is that i am color blind to the point that I never considered my offspring, but I woun't change my life with the Bertie, but perhaps I was being selfice in passsing this problem on to my off spring.they have to live with it! It represts a problem 27751717_10216434886648071_5802439965570351430_n.webp

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Horses care little what color another horse is.
Buying a horse by color alone determines , color alone.
Has very little to do with what is under that color.
Depends on your values as to what constitutes a good horse , but if depending on it as a compatible companion; color is going to be low on the list when measuring success after.
And until you travel together , what do you really know?

Pink , blue ,or green. None tell a hearts true color.

Hello Don Jose

If everyone had a DNA sample most would be shocked to find out what our ancestors was up to. Racial purity is myth for most. One of My granddaughters she has Polynesian, Micronesian Philippine Scottish Australian heritage mixed again with Greek and new Zealand heritage. And there is a little bit of Spanish thrown into the mix also. Her mum has a pretty good job in labor hire company. Yet her daughter still in school modeling nearly earning as much as her mum.

My 3rd oldest son once whined to me that his mixed race held him back from opportunities? I point to his two older brothers how well they are doing. And his younger brother well under way to success also? They too have mixed ancestry just like him. Then his sisters. So the argument of being held back was a very weak one. So nothing to feel guilty of.

To marry the person you love my friend you are richest person of all. And with a long marriage you had with your late wife is something to be very proud of my friend. Attested to that love. Most marriages are lucky to last 5 years these days.

So amigo shall we toast to better to have loved than never loved at all.



I am about the same age as several others, here on this thread 🧵 (and I don’t care what color the thread is!) So we mostly came of age in or circa the 1960s.

Even before then, I never understood why my friends, had to have “labels “ ?!?
Some, if not most of my best and most loyal friends were black or brown or red skinned people, but not to me!

They were my friends and I hated other people in my life, that called them by those damned labels!

Some of my best memories of my youth were in the company of the families of my friends.

Even today, I can smell fresh tortillas just off the flat pan and sometimes with it whisp of cinnamon and drizzle of honey from Big Jose’s mother’s kitchen, anytime we were at his house (I remember his name because my middle name is Joe. So we were Big Jose and Lil Jose as I was short)
There, no one ever went hungry [emoji39].
And later in life there was Caywood, always watching my back. He was a defensive lineman, and he understood loyalty better than most.

And even later in life was Hal. We were always in trouble, but when we were together, I was always safe.

So if any of my friends wore a label, I always covered it with my own label , “Friend”.

As a child, I never asked them where they came from. As an adult I don’t care.
I do have concerns about people that hate, being able to come and go, into my home and sadly, I have learned that I must lock my automobiles and doors, that were once upon a time, were safe.

Those days are gone but my friends are welcome in my home any time, as I know each of them well.

I allow others as well, because we all need friends.... When we become friends, they become trustworthy.

All of the hate talkers that stir the pot of dishonor, have become maggots!
For they have taken the job of stirring up the smell that is making our doorway unapproachable.

But it is our doorway to open and close as needed.

Times are changing, and they always will.

We have a welcome mat at our front door, but we generally lock the back doorknob at night.

Even my friends enter through the front door.

The hospitality has always started at the front door.

I truly hope that I don’t harm the feelings of my friends and family here on
Tnet. I love and care for my TNET family, and I remember when I was a stranger, and you let me in.


Hello Don Jose

If everyone had a DNA sample most would be shocked to find out what our ancestors was up to. Racial purity is myth for most. One of My granddaughters she has Polynesian, Micronesian Philippine Scottish Australian heritage mixed again with Greek and new Zealand heritage. And there is a little bit of Spanish thrown into the mix also. Her mum has a pretty good job in labor hire company. Yet her daughter still in school modeling nearly earning as much as her mum.

My 3rd oldest son once whined to me that his mixed race held him back from opportunities? I point to his two older brothers how well they are doing. And his younger brother well under way to success also? They too have mixed ancestry just like him. Then his sisters. So the argument of being held back was a very weak one. So nothing to feel guilty of.

To marry the person you love my friend you are richest person of all. And with a long marriage you had with your late wife is something to be very proud of my friend. Attested to that love. Most marriages are lucky to last 5 years these days.

So amigo shall we toast to better to have loved than never loved at all.



Kanacki, I will toast to the same, with all of the many people that have known Don Jose and his ,
Obviously beautiful and loving “child” bride.
We all have come to know her through Jose and his proclamations of that love.

Love knows no color, nor does it flaunt it.

We are all God’s children, no matter where we were born.

And even on the heels of these things.

Not a matter of bloodline, but because I have wondered where in the Pacific Ocean is that beautiful island on which you live.

Your last yarn did not put a dot on that part of the story.

Imagining that part of the world has gotten the best of me, especially since I have started marking the trails that so many of our TNET family have traveled.

If you wish to keep it a secret, to keep it mostly an undiscovered, haven of rest and seclusion, I can and will respect that choice.

If I were able to move to your little taste of Heaven, I would certainly be tempted.

No risk of that from me, but I can see in my mind that others might be overcome by the temptation.

No worries one way or the other.


Kanacki, I will toast to the same, with all of the many people that have known Don Jose and his ,
Obviously beautiful and loving “child” bride.
We all have come to know her through Jose and his proclamations of that love.

Love knows no color, nor does it flaunt it.

We are all God’s children, no matter where we were born.

And even on the heels of these things.

Not a matter of bloodline, but because I have wondered where in the Pacific Ocean is that beautiful island on which you live.

Your last yarn did not put a dot on that part of the story.

Imagining that part of the world has gotten the best of me, especially since I have started marking the trails that so many of our TNET family have traveled.

If you wish to keep it a secret, to keep it mostly an undiscovered, haven of rest and seclusion, I can and will respect that choice.

If I were able to move to your little taste of Heaven, I would certainly be tempted.

No risk of that from me, but I can see in my mind that others might be overcome by the temptation.

No worries one way or the other.


Hello PM

Very perceptive of you. I tend to keep my Paradise secret so it does not get discovered. We have lowest crime rate in Pacific. In fact the public persecutor on island has only pursue two cases in 2 the last 2 years. One was drunken brawl on Friday payday. And some ones pig strayed onto some one else's property. We have not had a murder in over a hundred Twenty odd years. The weekly newspaper on prints a paper if there is some thing interesting to print. We virtually have no tourists and the one hotel usually has visitors who are visiting from overseas who are related to people on the island. And the odd bureaucrat visiting the island.

So you see we bask in the fact we being forgotten by the rest of the world with all their problems. If your doors locked most people think your sweet sweet loving making babies? ;-)

Driving around only road around the island and there is always some one walking. We always give a lift. I remember once I drove from my place on the island to the main grocery story the island for some shopping. I gave people lifts here and there. I ended up being given in appreciation lobsters, dolphin fish. A smoked leg of ham. 2 chickens, a bunch of bananas, sweet potatoes, lettuce tomatoes and various other vegetables. by the time I got to the grocery store I had everything?


Hello PM

Very perceptive of you. I tend to keep my Paradise secret so it does not get discovered. We have lowest crime rate in Pacific. In fact the public persecutor on island has only pursue two cases in 2 the last 2 years. One was drunken brawl on Friday payday. And some ones pig strayed onto some one else's property. We have not had a murder in over a hundred Twenty odd years. The weekly newspaper on prints a paper if there is some thing interesting to print. We virtually have no tourists and the one hotel usually has visitors who are visiting from overseas who are related to people on the island. And the odd bureaucrat visiting the island.

So you see we bask in the fact we being forgotten by the rest of the world with all their problems. If your doors locked most people think your sweet sweet loving making babies? ;-)

Driving around only road around the island and there is always some one walking. We always give a lift. I remember once I drove from my place on the island to the main grocery story the island for some shopping. I gave people lifts here and there. I ended up being given in appreciation lobsters, dolphin fish. A smoked leg of ham. 2 chickens, a bunch of bananas, sweet potatoes, lettuce tomatoes and various other vegetables. by the time I got to the grocery store I had everything?


Oh Kanacki, how I envy you!
I can still remember when pickups were left unlocked and the windows down with two hunting rifles hanging in the gun racks.

Also, a latch on the screen door was enough to deter a fugitive from coming in.

I love that you have such a wonderful home, and I have respect for your privacy for all of your reasons.

I still live in the same town that my dad started his Law Enforcement career as a Deputy Marshal.

His first ticket was written for a one armed man driving around town pulling a snow sleigh! He asked the driver where the tags were on his sleigh. His response was to tell to throw the ticket away or he would when it went to court.

Dad’s response was that he needed to refrain from making demands!
The driver told him that he would throw out every that Dad wrote to anyone if he continued writing.

He finally introduced himself as the City Judge!

Small town politics are still alive and well here

And your “hole in the wall”, hideout is safe.


k. on my son and grandson I told them " you are both as white as your mother and I am. You can make a choice, go through life as a brown person, as a white , or any other color you wish, color doesn't make you a success, but since you have decided on brown, which most consider a negative color for some damn reasor, it appears that you have already partially made up your mind. just remember, color doesn't make you a success or a failure, we even had a lousy President.that was black See what I mean.

k. on my son and grandson I told them " you are both as white as your mother and I am. You can make a choice, go through life as a brown person, as a white , or any other color you wish, color doesn't make you a success, but since you have decided on brown, which most consider a negative color for some damn reasor, it appears that you have already partially made up your mind. just remember, color doesn't make you a success or a failure, we even had a lousy President.that was black See what I mean.

Hello Don Jose

I also tell my kids stories of people who inspired me. Both men and women in extraordinary circumstances pushed to limits and then ask them what they would of done in such circumstances? There is a whole host of people achieved amazing feats of survival. My voyages had many reasons but there was some lessons my kids could not get in any school I taught them to be not just survivors but "thrivers."


A man’s reach should always exceed his grasp.


Hello All

Pm seeking treasure is nearly always out of ones grasp and bit like chasing rainbows? But what happens if you do the impossible and actually find the gold at the end of the rainbow? Very few ever get there in the end?

Some times its the journey and not the destination matters. Determination and methods used to to find that end of rainbow can flow onto life's everyday journey making you do things better and more efficient at work or in home life.


Hello All

In reality 99.9% who search for treasure are unsuccessful. There is point one of one percent however do make discoveries. Most are by chance or educated guesses. At the end of day regardless of how well researched a project is you still need a little luck on your side. The following discovery in 2015 made the discoverer Paul Coleman from Buckingham in UK nearly 1.8 million USD

buckhimnshire treasure troves.webp

Coleman found 5200 coins dating back 1000 years from the time of king Canute and Ethelred the unready. The coins are on display in the British Museum.

I know of heaps more of these discoveries. Some will be made public other will not depending on country, the laws of country in question. Some will grace museums others will grace private collections and sadly other will never see the light of day again.


Hello all again

In 2009 Hertfordshire England Terry Herbert while detecting farmland in Stafford shire discovered on of largest Anglo Saxon treasure hoards yet so discovered. Worth about 4.3 million USD

terry hurbet treasure trove.webp

The hoard contained a massive collection of sword hilt, silver and gold crosses dating back to 1500 years.

Not a bad payday for days metal detecting?


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