Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hola all where is this book I keep hearing about????

I think you guys have to write this fabled book for Don Jose.....before its to late....


MAL, I’m not sure that we could do that collectively.


Where should we start?


I’ve been thinking [emoji189]. Which means I’ve been working without tools again.

So first step should be gather the troops....

Step two, find out if Don Jose wants us to help.

Step three, if we are gonna chronicle his adventures, we need to get it into chronological order! Who is qualified to work on that. None of us are old enough to go back to the beginning.

Maybe we need to explore TNET’s copyright claim on everything posted.

I don’t believe that they would want to be in control, but they may own everything that we do on forums?!?!!

Step four, someone physically close to our beloved, fearless leader, will need to stack a manuscript, in his original wording.

We need a wizard that has mastered the art of “ copy and paste “

JOSE, pull out your pistola and fire off a take off, shot.

We need an ALL IN and hands on plan.

I m in for whatever I can do. I’ll even postpone my own book to get this DONE [emoji736]



Now I’m starting to ask questions...

Is there a form of methodology here that makes this possible on TNET ?
Or will we need to create an off site to work from/on????

We need a round table with everyone there to roll up our sleeves , pull up our pants , grab a stool a spit out a working plan.

It’s too datburn easy to antagonize Jose about this. He needs only to stamp OKAY on our work and fill in the cavities !

Pretty much everyone here is smarter than me. So step up, let’s see your leadership skills


I know it’s late , but I hope to see a line forming in 24 hours.

Let’s get this done before his next birthday and give him a better reason to dance with Dit!


Thank you Simon!

I have reached out for “permission “, so to speak, and a little technical information. I hope that it goes well.

We need to hear from those, that have known him for decades for the old stories.
And someone that knows how to setup and structure a place to do this.

I’m excited and terrified at the same time.


OK Hints and Tips for out in the hills. A 30 gallon trash bag after cutting head and arm holes works as rain gear and another for covering the back pack if rain comes up. You can also go to the Dollar store if lucky and get a cheap poncho that is very small folded up for sticking in the pack. I saw one of the "Fire Starters" Magnesium with flint for starting a fire, better than fighting with matches or propane lighters. Heavy rain is always a pain hiking in the hills, footing is not as good and then there is the wet and cold.

Here is an oldie for Don Jose...

Folks, I haven’t stopped nor given up on the book building... At the moment, it’s on the mod’s forum, for discussion. I guess these things take time as it’s probably new ground.

But our peculiar situation is at least worthy of of their due diligence.

So I will wait and watch for a message, to turn the burner off or up.


In the mean time, I suppose we could start tracking all the relevant posts and start a data base. One we get an "All clear" then we can go back to the targeted posts and copy and paste into a larger and possibly "shared" data base. Just a thought as I have seen Don Jose's name with posts all over the internet with respect to Tayopa and border patrol. I don't know Mikel, we are getting up there in age and even we and the others may be biting off more than we can chew. But his story needs to be told by someone.

In the mean time, I suppose we could start tracking all the relevant posts and start a data base. One we get an "All clear" then we can go back to the targeted posts and copy and paste into a larger and possibly "shared" data base. Just a thought as I have seen Don Jose's name with posts all over the internet with respect to Tayopa and border patrol. I don't know Mikel, we are getting up there in age and even we and the others may be biting off more than we can chew. But his story needs to be told by someone.

I agree! I’ve been making notes and trying to categorize posts.

Border guard
WW 2 Navy
Post WW 2 USAF.
General exploring with unexpected turns!!!

The time line
Mule stories
Kindness of strangers, both ways!

That’s 8 categories “ chapters “

I don’t know how to store it and sort it!

I’ll start out from this thread making paper notes and try to categorize them so that we can figure out what to do next, once we get the clear sign.

If you want to pick a group, or thread?
That work for you?

Or do you have a better idea, let me know. This is new ground for me too.


To review all of Don Jose's post you would have to go back 13 years, to 2004.
That wouldl be quite a challenge.

Don. Do you have a thread that you would like to tap into?
You are right. It’s a lot!


Geeze my friends, do you actually think that I can post one true story a day for a year 'all alone' ? HALP!! ORO, Crow, Truckin, Rockhound, and the others. This would wipe out my base for the Book.

Don Jose de La Mancha

This is post 10, This thread.
Post 1 is under “border guard “

And the work is begun....

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In my opinion, whatever is written about Don Jose should include his own words from several years ago. Here's his quote from Mar.27, 2011:

"While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful
memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling
by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top
of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love
found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of
frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not
seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of
complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is
difficult to put into words."

"I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.
this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,
heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,
then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which
while rough, I would never change."

Source: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/182238-history-tayopa-13.html
Post 190

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In my opinion, whatever is written about Don Jose should include his own words from several years ago. Here's his quote from Mar.27, 2011:

"While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful
memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling
by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top
of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love
found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of
frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not
seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of
complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is
difficult to put into words."

"I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.
this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,
heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,
then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which
while rough, I would never change."

Source: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/182238-history-tayopa-13.html
Post 190

Does that mean that you are gathering his posts?

That is exactly what I am looking for.

All that I’m doing now is finding his posts and writing the post number into the categories that seem best.

Since I’m working on this thread, the subject matter changes a lot.

I’m still not sure if we have permission to move forward, but cataloging posts like that one are about the best! As a matter of fact, that one is a must, and may be the best opener!!

There may be a few folks that are waiting for the green light to start, but for me.... I have to start early so I can finish in the same year with the rest.

We will build his story with his own words.

It’s the only way.

Thanks Don.


To review all of Don Jose's post you would have to go back 13 years, to 2004.
That wouldl be quite a challenge.

I know Don, that is what is scary and as I said, we , ( some of us ), aren't as young as we once were and this is going to require a couple boat loads of time. A few years ago I read some of his postings on Gun forums talking about his trusted weapon of choice as well as the border patrol. It is going to be a huge undertaking since we have to start at square one and can't pick up where Tropical Tramp left off.

Quote Originally Posted by Mackaydon View Post

In my opinion, whatever is written about Don Jose should include his own words from several years ago. Here's his quote from Mar.27, 2011:

"While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful
memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling
by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top
of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love
found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of
frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not
seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of
complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is
difficult to put into words."

"I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.
this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,
heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,
then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which
while rough, I would never change."

Source: The history of Tayopa
Post 190
This could work Don and MIKEL, instead of it being a "Story", we copy all the things he wrote, then put them in a chronological order and make it look like a "Diary" ? I'm probably trying to put the mule before the cart. We get the quotes like you both suggested and then later can decide. Should we divide up and take different years so as to help reduce duplication ? If someone stumbles upon something in another site for a year being worked by a researcher then we could send them a link for that particular year?

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