Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

I don't want to be the wet blanket here but you would need to go back considerably farther than 12 or 13 years, I can remember some very interesting discussions here with Don Jose more like 20 years ago. Also on other forums, so multiple permissions will almost certainly be necessary.

While this might seem like a great idea, in a way it is an insult to our amigo Don Jose, to usurp his story from him and then publish it. I don't think many people would like that being done to them. Also, how many books do you know of, that were written by a 'committee', that came out good? I can't think of many.

Anyway not to discourage anyone just that it is my opinion this is not a good idea. Collecting up the posts with the stories is a good thing, but to proceed to publish this would be wrong IMHO.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

That is certainly something to consider Oroblanco. We all have way to much respect for senor Don Jose to insult or hurt his dignity in any way. This was all with the best intentions and respect for him. It was a way of trying to help him get his Life's story out there. As far as publishing anything, I had no intention of that, everything would be presented to senor Don Jose to do what he wanted with it. We were, ( IMO ), just doing some of the legwork for him. It is his quotes, his story, and his book period. Again, we meant no disrespect and sincerely apologize if it came off that way.

There is no one more scared than I.

Daring to attempt, against all odds, is what made Don Jose interesting enough to make the best effort, and its also what makes it terrifying.

We can’t write his story, nor can we repost every post that he has made.

We can find some of our favorite posts and group them in subject groups.

Anything that we do, is better than asking him to hurry up and finish his book.

We can skim some of the cream off the top. Even that is scary enough.

This must be understood. I have not wanted to write anything.

I want, only, to collect his posts and try to assemble them in such a way that we could be helpful to our mutual friend.

The only reason that the word
“Publish “ was brought up, was because TNET has copyright on everything that is posted.

At best, we are limited in what we can do by whatever the mods decide.

Somehow this has changed from doing something for a friend, into doing something about that friend.
And that feels less respectful.


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Im sure every person that has read the stories in this thread have enjoyed them. It's as good to me as any book of adventures I've read. The way you guys tell it. I see it. It's like seeing a gun fight of the old West without smelling the gun powder. I understand both sides here. One is to have the memories of the story tellers told again and again. That way other generations can enjoy as we have. As long as the story tellers name lives on with their story. The lives some of you have lived are amazing to me. The people these days are few and far between. I respect you older ones for your adventures. Sharing them you will live on in the minds of those who read it. I encourage all here that have our treasure hunting dream to write. I alone have learned a great deal from the one 's who came before us. The writing here may be copyright protection. But the story is the tellers. Thanks to all you and most of all God Bless.

Don Jose would have the final word on what was published; that's a given.
My recollection is that Don Jose and I joined TN in 2004; perhaps he was an earlier member.

Am I the only one other than Jose to have done really dumb things while looking and lived through it? Like inching across a rock slope spread flat aginst it for friction to help not slide off the rock face for a 100 foot drop? To climb up the side of a canyon not knowing if you can find a way back down? Breaking through brush and trees to step off an 8 foot drop? I did land still holding on to a tree branch in each hand, but I don't remember grabbing them. So many times I did stupid things and lived looking for the Gold. I know others have done things just as dumb, at least I hope I am not the only one other than Jose.

Am I the only one other than Jose to have done really dumb things while looking and lived through it? Like inching across a rock slope spread flat aginst it for friction to help not slide off the rock face for a 100 foot drop? To climb up the side of a canyon not knowing if you can find a way back down? Breaking through brush and trees to step off an 8 foot drop? I did land still holding on to a tree branch in each hand, but I don't remember grabbing them. So many times I did stupid things and lived looking for the Gold. I know others have done things just as dumb, at least I hope I am not the only one other than Jose.

Rest Assured,
You're not the only one!

I remember back in the 70's picking up a load of cardboard sheets 4'X8', for a float in the
Christmas parade. Filled up the back of the truck, no ropes or anything to tie the load down,
cardboard just sticking up a few inches above the bed. Hey, why don't you lie down on top of it.
That way it won't fly out of truck. We hit the on ramp on the interstate, merged with traffic, hit the fast
lane on the inside, passed a few cars. Hey! what was that? Where did so-n-so go? ( name witheld to protect the innocent)
Looked out the window of the truck, the cardboard flew out of the truck with so-n-so riding it like a magic carpet,
about 20-30 sheets hit the median, looked like a deck of cards spread out across the middle of the median.
So-n-so had a death grip on the last 3 or 4 sheets and rode it all the way to the end.
I can't repeat what was said, but....... it was one hell of a ride!!!!


I don't want to be the wet blanket here but you would need to go back considerably farther than 12 or 13 years, I can remember some very interesting discussions here with Don Jose more like 20 years ago. Also on other forums, so multiple permissions will almost certainly be necessary.

While this might seem like a great idea, in a way it is an insult to our amigo Don Jose, to usurp his story from him and then publish it. I don't think many people would like that being done to them. Also, how many books do you know of, that were written by a 'committee', that came out good? I can't think of many.

Anyway not to discourage anyone just that it is my opinion this is not a good idea. Collecting up the posts with the stories is a good thing, but to proceed to publish this would be wrong IMHO.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

As ever...a splash of cold water on a hot idea can leave a different view when the steam clears.
I would not be able to paint Tramps life accurately ,or with his hand. Even by quoting him.....

A question is ,what does he have written at this point in a work at home?
Another is , what became of the idea of his recording his voice to create a base for some one to type up?

With his approval ,collecting his posts and binding them is better than nothing.....though his touch would not be in the first person as far as the collecting/work.
I do not disapprove of such ( again if with his consent) but it risks dilution. Not enough to not make it worthwhile to future readers , just not enough Don Jose to picky fans ,( I again guess.)

Okay, I'm working out security issues with TNMntn.

Don Jose has been hitting the like button during most of this discussion...

at this moment, I'm waiting for info about the sight that the mods have offered us to work in....

I'm learning as fast as i can..

those that want this to move forward, want to do it safely, not risking Jose's life's work. so we move a little too slow.


We have been given the tightest security that there is on TNET. but there is no way to close a site within the walls of TNET, it is simply the way that the site is made.
Any changes to its structure would turn it into something that none of us would want. We are generally safe here thanks to the Moderators watching over all of our rights and our backs.
If this journal/book of quotes, were about me, I would say Fear Not and all ahead, full tilt boogey! but that's not my call..

There is no absolute safe way to do this. it's a risk/rewards world, and i guess the risks are too high to get this done.
I hope i don't look back some day and regret failing.

We have been given the tightest security that there is on TNET. but there is no way to close a site within the walls of TNET, it is simply the way that the site is made.
Any changes to its structure would turn it into something that none of us would want. We are generally safe here thanks to the Moderators watching over all of our rights and our backs.
If this journal/book of quotes, were about me, I would say Fear Not and all ahead, full tilt boogey! but that's not my call..

There is no absolute safe way to do this. it's a risk/rewards world, and i guess the risks are too high to get this done.
I hope i don't look back some day and regret failing.

Should Don Jose and his wiring and computing recover from too many lightning strikes , maybe you will get a note from him for direction.
Looking back with regret won't be one....

An adventurous friend thought of should be with a smile.
We ain't gonna catch up vacuuming up all his ( and or his mules) tracks all over hecks half acre...why be bothered with that?
Just preserve a few real good examples and the details of their creation to start.
Where more can be added ,great. If not , so be it.
To be remembered , Don Jose will be.

This thread alone if preserved by T-Net will allow an adventurous spirit down the road to blunder across a glimpse of extraordinary character...in it's titled subject.

Do what you can.
Nobody is letting Don Jose go un remembered ,now or ever, by not doing what we would like to see done......
He gave kids candy. And us ,tales of adventure.

Coffee and cold air outside helps the headache enough to spark feeble thoughts.
For those who desire action of something to do ( while I attempt to dodge the dearth) , perhaps a couple new threads could be started towards keeping an account of Don Jose's writings in house.
One thread to communicate among members in the gathering/ sorting effort , and one left alone for only Don's own writings.
One ,or if very connected ,a couple members posting accounts by chronological ,or by subject order on the strictly Don Jose's writings thread. ?????

And please folks ,don't let me steer your personal thoughts.
What was written years ago ...may or may not apply today.
I would have Don Jose's yarns preserved . But why? For others to find , and get a feeling of our subject and places.

Here is a bit of a time and place ...in the usual too humble reply to suggestion of his writing his adventures in a form that could be published.
Take it for then ,and not as if I suggest it still applies or should not. That is for it's writer to say...

(Quoting Don Jose).
"As for books? Well it is perhaps for some but for me and my old yarns are part of me and I could never sell them for a price. They are priceless part of me as they are mine to give and I give them in the spirit of true story teller not as book author. And I give them to those who care to read them just as you may listen to an tired old sailor telling yarn."

Regardless....Thank you Don Jose ,as you have taken many to places they/we can not ,or will not , go. And you have done so through your writings with polite grace.

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And please folks ,don't let me steer your personal thoughts.
What was written years ago ...may or may not apply today.
I would have Don Jose's yarns preserved . But why? For others to find , and get a feeling of our subject and places.

Here is a bit of a time and place ...in the usual too humble reply to suggestion of his writing his adventures in a form that could be published.
Take it for then ,and not as if I suggest it still applies or should not. That is for it's writer to say...

(Quoting Don Jose).
"As for books? Well it is perhaps for some but for me and my old yarns are part of me and I could never sell them for a price. They are priceless part of me as they are mine to give and I give them in the spirit of true story teller not as book author. And I give them to those who care to read them just as you may listen to an tired old sailor telling yarn."

Regardless....Thank you Don Jose ,as you have taken many to places they/we can not ,or will not , go. And you have done so through your writings with polite grace.

Well said, Releventchair. I have been ambivalent about the project, for many reasons, not the least of which is the overall scope of it. Many posts and threads, and, if truth be told, many different sites and forums. I, too, like Simon, have stumbled across traces of the Don in other sites and forums. The task is daunting, to say the least. However, I can see that there may be some value to everybody, including Don Jose, to having a catalog of his tales and stories, especially if they can be collated in chronological order. Difficult, at best. I will assist somewhat, as time permits (which won't be very much), if someone wants to set up a plan and a procedure.


I too would like to see Don Jose's tales collected. The defining one for me was the dignity he gave an old doorman, and the promotion he got for the respect. Thanks for the tales Mi Major. Good luck.

Okay, here is where we are at this point...

first thing.. SECURITY, will be a little bit better than it is here, as The mods will be watching as much as can be expected. they understand that this document will be looked at a lot for years to come.

I am working on the logistics with TNmountains , he has been very supportive of this project and very helpful, to the point of hitting the walls and fences on all sides. that is a lot.

what i have proposed is this. be patient, everyone that is going to help can pic a topic or thread that they can be comfortable and post here that it is for their wish list. there are more subjects than we can shake a stick at.

start by just reading/scanning the posts that you think is dear to you and write down on paper, the post numbers. so when it is set up all you will need to do is start copying and pasting.


the only part that you will need to do ONCE THIS IS OKAYED AND SET UP, will be place a few words into the last of a common title for each thread.. by doing that, we will be placing ourselves as the one for that subject, in case someone else has any posts that belong in some one elses thread. [ so if I find something on this thread that i have already started listing posts on paper, that needs to go on your thread, my job would be to PM you that is at a certain spot, (all off thread) and you can see where it should fit in and add it or redirect it. fairly simple] but still not cleared for us to do yet.

once cleared with mods and the bugs worked out,.... I ,or someone else, will do the only writing on the first thread, with the matching title base+<READ ME FIRST>, then the instructions about not posting or liking on the following threads with the same base title, with content label for your subject. and allow them to post ONLY ON that first thread,.. this gives them a chance to be involved there only.......

we need to find a base title to show what it is about. for instance ::;
POSTS FROM THE LEGEND, DON JOSE de REAL TAYOPA,+ subject name. or what ever is most liked. we don't want it to sound like his life story, but we will want them to know that nothing has been added by any of us. this will be somewhat shallow, but we cannot cover all of the ground, it is more that we could do in years.

The mods will try to pick the ticks off for us, but we will need to monitor each thread,... they can't see everything all of the time. that was a given fact from the mods.

Because of the nature of this project within TNET structure, it will remain watched over and problems will be handled according to the rules. so nobody can destroy or delete your work.
the only access that trolls will have will be on the opening thread, and the rules will be available to all in the same way that we have all done.

that first thread may have troublemakers but no one will have access to add to our works. they will be deleted by the mods and if missed we can report them to the mods to deal with them...

Now having said that, I'm sure there will be new twists and turns, but we can figure our way around those.

as soon as i know it you will know it.....

In the mean time. lets find a base title for this project.

this is a lot to take in, but the hard part will be set up. the rest will be copy/paste. no authors just a team of loyal and loving fans, trying to share a small part of a larger than life super man.

thank you all.

I know that i have left something out, i just don't remember what it was....

our Super moderator has passed this format request on the the mods to look at.//// The one from my previous post....
ifXXX when they pass it we will want to have a working title, that can carry the subject matter... ready
and we need to request a subject , so that we all don't work on the same one. repeat etc...

some that i had mentioned [and certainly not limited to] were;
ww2 Navy, post ww2 airforce, general exploring, mule stories, and let us not forget TAYOPA! That one, I personally wish that ORO will take. He is as close to that story as Jose.

remember that we are not trying to write Jose's life story. That is Jose's job. That is once he has regained his keyboard! only hit the high spots and the ones that have touched our lives.

so lay out your thoughts and wishes for subject and the base TITLE+....


A noble undertaking for sure.
One question: Are the quotes gathered to be found exclusively on TN threads or can they come from other Forums on which Don Jose has posted?
Sidebar: How about a 'Q and A' thread for this project?
I can't see any reason to have 'exclusivity' by anyone to a particular topic. I can envision a team effort wherein more than one TN members can seek out Don Jose contributiions on the same topic from TN entries (and other sources ??). All that would be necessary is to coordinate between 'team members' what each agrees to do--to omit overlapping research. An example would be to divy up the research by specific periods of years.
If this project goes forward, count me in on the subject of SHIPWRECKS.

I would like to see his posts from other sites listed as well as they help to define Don Jose. But that may be an issue in posting the quotes from a competing website. Maybe at the end recognize those sites in a "Credit" section ?
If we can't, we all know the amount of posts he did here is vast and covers many topics.

Thanks Don

I don't know how to pick out years. Im not sure how to go about it. there is much room for improvement, I've been it taking ideas and questions for a while. that post that you found is profound. I would have never seen it if not for you. If you can use it with what you wish to represent, you should even if it isn't in line on your subject. you found it and brought it to the surface.. everyone has seen it. i don't think that anyone would want to take it from you. the idea about each person having a thread to keep it simple was someone else's..

I am borrowing from everybody's wisdom and adding it to the mix. trying to get as much out of each person's interests as i can get thru the mods. because it is the TNET structure... we can all see everybody's post transfers as they happen, just like this thread.

no ONE person is in charge and that includes ME.... all I am trying to do is spearhead it into everybody else's hands. the Mods are in control of some things that some would rather do, I've been having to PM a lot to keep the clutter out of the groups.

having a subject is not a title to it. it is just a way of avoiding the multiple repetitions of the same posts,,,, that was an early request ,,,i have been PMing Tnmntn for three days now and with every wave there is a shift one way or the other... He has been very helpful, but he is limited by the group.

I'm just the guy caught in the middle... because no one else is doing it.

so claim both that post and the subject, if the subject is too big for one person, they can let others help by breaking it up into years etc...
there is no reason not to..


I will not alter what I wrote above this line ,BUT I will say that this was a continuation of an error on my part, from earlier.
There are folks that use the terms threads and sites interchangeably, I am one of them.

That has caused me huge embarrassments today. I guess I may need to either read like a lawyer or hire one to pre-read my responses because this error of language has lead me to the brink of being dis-bared from treasure net.

I have posted an apology a few posts down or up depending on your settings.
I fear that the moderators may shut this great experiment down based on my poor reading habits. If they do, I am deeply sorry and saddened.

This portion below my name is the only change In this edit.


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