It was in the early 1960's in the Harris Wash here in southern Utah. (now the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument). At one time, we could drive from Escalante, down the Harris Wash, cross the Escalante River, and drive up Left Hand Silver Falls canyon in to the Circle Cliffs where all of his uranium mines were. At the place where Left hand Silver Falls canyon meets the Escalante River, he had built a 40 bed bunkhouse, and a 6 holer privy. Too bad in later years after the designation of the monument, the gov. boys decided it was out of place and burned it down. Also, in the Circle Cliff country, at the head of Death canyon and Wolverine canyon, there is an old train caboose, and a 3 hole outhouse, along with a spring that my father developed. Best water in the world! (I may be a little biased on the subject). As a kid, I got to spend my summers there with my father and his crew working the tunnels, best place ever to grow up. Never a bad day there, a kidl, a 22 long rifle, and a million caves to explore in what is called the Onion beds...
Sorry....I reminisce too long....