Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

I don't know which would be worse, getting bit by a snake or eviscerated by a wild hog. You made the right choice, Rock, yikes.


One time I was walking around the desert in AZ near Arivaca. Happened to look down just as my foot was coming down on a rattler. That was the day I learned that, given enough inspiration, I could levitate! I ended up about 2 feet beyond the snake, facing back the way I was coming from, looking down on that snake, with no idea of how I got there. The snake seemed to be asleep, since it hadn’t moved. I backed up a little (okay, a lot) farther, and threw some pebbles at it. When the first one hit, it woke up, and moved off rather quickly, Fortunately for the snake, not in my direction, since I had him covered with my shotgun….


Levitation with a back side flip....Awesome! Woulda paid good money to have seen that, JB, lol. You deserve a nice glass of Zinfandel for that trick. :notworthy:

Haven't had time to check any out yet, just got here on Tuesday. But this place is almost in my back yard and on the top of my to do list, just as soon as I finish unpacking :icon_thumleft: ......

About The Biltmore Winery | Biltmore

Jose. Earlier today I stepped outside the back door and made an agreement with the snakes, that I wouldn't harm them if they stayed out of my yard....

About 5 PM one of them broke the contract ,



63 inches, tip to tail....


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Now ya know why many societies require a woman to walk first. :tongue3:

OK, Snakes and levitation. Back when I was 18 and living in Florence, AZ., I would go out hunting Jack Rabbits normally with my brothers .22 Field Master Pump. As shorts were cheaper than Long Rifles, I had 22 shorts in the gun. One in the chamber and 21 in the tube. I was walking down a cow trail with brush on the left side and 2 inch high grass on the right side. A rattler went off on my left (in the brush) and I jumped to the right. I was shooting as I was air borne and when I landed all I heard was the click click as I was still pumping it and there was no more ammo in the gun. I picked up 5 rounds that I didn't even fire as I was pumping so fast, that they never got into the barrel to fire. I figured that I scared the snake as bad as he did me, so I walked really wide around the area where I thought he was, after I had reloaded, of course. Glad I was a couple miles out of town when it happened or someone would have called the police about someone shooting a full automatic gun off. ;)

I went hog hunting in Georgia once. The locals which were to show me where to go, all put stovepipes on their legs before entering the swamp area. I decided right then and there that I was our of my element. I decided I didn't really want to go hog hunting after all. rockhound

Come on Rockhound ! They don't hit so bad .:tongue3:


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What those men were afraid of was not the hogs, but the large number of cottonmouths and timber rattlers in the area. Also a good number of alligators. I didn't have any special snake gaiters, so I decided I better not go hunting in the swamp. In the swamp everything either bites, stings or tries to eat you. rockhound

What those men were afraid of was not the hogs, but the large number of cottonmouths and timber rattlers in the area. Also a good number of alligators. I didn't have any special snake gaiters, so I decided I better not go hunting in the swamp. In the swamp everything either bites, stings or tries to eat you. rockhound

A lot like the areas in Arizona. If it doesn't have spines, thorns, poison, or bites, it's not native. ;)

Eight paces.....seven.....

I don't think the count will ever be zero.
It will go, from one behind to one ahead!


great memories and a great time in life. thanks for sharing the memories with us, i sure would like to hear more it feel like sharing or pm me if you like.
again, thanks much.


Welcome to the campfire, Davin...have some coffee and stick around for a bit. :icon_thumright: :coffee2:

DAVIN, I ditto the broads invitation. But watch her, she'll try to get you on wine next. p.s. she is one smart female.:notworthy::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

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Heheheh....thank you, Marius...I just love a man who thinks on his feet...:-*

Unfortunately...sigh...his head is so hard the stick would do very little to convince him of the error of his ways. I'm thinking a few well placed pellets to his hind parts might shorten the distance and soften his attitude just fine.....:wink:


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