Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Prayers out for those children, wish I could do more.

I think everyone in the county feels the same way, most folks here are related to most of the other folks in the county. No man is an island...

Yes, I am a brunette.....at least what I haven't pulled out in frustration with SOMEONE I know, who shall remain nameless ( but his initials are Joseph Curry ). :tongue3:

As for your own pleasant weather, count your blessings as not everyone has been so lucky..... :'(


This was a real dragon of a storm. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1493617818.880619.webpImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1493617878.000313.webp
Those were 2 out of 3 storms from this last week... Missouri got the most rain.
My oldest daughter took her "in-laws" that were visiting from western Arizona , to Eureka Springs for diner, and drove back in one of the worst downpours of the bunch. Top speed was 5 to 10 mph with only a few inches of clear vision behind the wiper blades.
Her poor father in law still has white knuckles from the return trip!

A very old story

In the very ancient times , humans were in wars for a piece of land .
God , seeing this and being against wars and killings , called a representant of all the human races to share the world's land to them .
Of course , God kept the best and wonderful piece of land for Himself . After the share , and all being satisfied ( for the moment ) , a last representant came to the share . He was a Greek , and was late because of a long party after they won a difficult war .
God told him he was late and how didn't remain other piece of land for share . Then the Greek warrior begged for a piece of land and said how they ( the Greeks ) will serve Him and will pray in His name for ever .
God is kind and merciful , and without any more thoughts , gave to the Greeks His own land ....

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MARIUS, Who ever called Grick lands God's choice ??? although I must say it is very desirable, especially since it is full of beautiful Grick dancing girls/.

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MARIUS, Who ever called Grick lands God's choice ??? although I must say it is very desirable, especially since it is full of beautiful Grick dancing girls/.

Don Jose

This is the old story . I like the very old stories with Gods and Titans .
BTW , what colour have your eyes at this moment ? :tongue3:

Yada, yada, yada.....you may have everyone else convinced you need a seeing-eye mule, but I know what you're up to. :nono:

Siesta is over. Get busy. :whip2: :-*


Aren't you being a little hard on the old reprobate? I must say, I've about given up pushing him for the book, but your last few posts seem a little harsh. After all, he is quite frail......


Hogwash. The man's an insufferable procrastinator.

But I love him anyway.


Aren't you being a little hard on the old reprobate? I must say, I've about given up pushing him for the book, but your last few posts seem a little harsh. After all, he is quite frail......


I believe Dit was kind enough , considering she left the whip and the stick at home .

The price of the lesson is too high, in this case.
She lost her entire family.

Behind Ingram Mall in San Antonio, a guy was waist deep in water, waving and yelling at people not to drive into the water. They did anyway. What they didn't know was he was standing on the top of his pickup truck roof. 6 cars from both directions tried to cross in brown water. No current so no one was sweep away, they just sank in the dip full of water. Sorry for her loss are they going to put her on trial?

Behind Ingram Mall in San Antonio, a guy was waist deep in water, waving and yelling at people not to drive into the water. They did anyway. What they didn't know was he was standing on the top of his pickup truck roof. 6 cars from both directions tried to cross in brown water. No current so no one was sweep away, they just sank in the dip full of water. Sorry for her loss are they going to put her on trial?

I don't believe so. She followed the 911 operator's instructions , from within the submerged vehicle, to get them out of their car seats and break the back window.

Most of the low water bridges around here are safe to cross with a few inches of water over the top...

Trouble with that is, you can't see if part of the bridge is missing, etc.,,,

Folks cross them every day, and just become complacent.

I need to update a few things that I learned today.

She does have two other daughters,
One is in her early twenties and the other is about nine years old.

And hundreds of volunteers including off duty State Police ( I believe the past to days, into the night) numbered around, forty, plus LEOs and hundreds of civilians are All searching day and night.

Her son was found, but the eighteen month old girl is still missing.


Diy luv, I called you a BRUTUS_ETT Female hair color changes on a whim. :coffee2::coffee2::tongue3:

Condensed from the book'

someday I'll have to go into the odd, supernatural happenings associated wi my search for Tayopa.. Somehow I knew from the start that I was destined to find Tayopa, I honestly believe it was a Jesuit involvement in my finding it., like when I was riding the rickity, three times weekly, bus/station wagon to San Benardo, my co seated was an Indian. He was well covered with Chu chu pati, a very pleasant herb, and pine pitch. smoke

He told me how to get to a remote mining operation and as later facts proved he was right. He told me that he came from a certain Guayajro village. Later when I had an opportunity to visit the village 4 days rid trip by mule, no one had ever heard of him, although he fit the description of a miner who had lived there in the past ????

.We got into discussing the world,we eventually got around to lost mines and he told me to go tothe arropo Hondo where it drains to the north, follow it where it turns west, cutting through the range , then south. continue following it to the south until it forms a small waterfall and turns to the west. do not follow the stream but climb the small waterfall up, and over,do not lose the sourthen direction. then the old trail drops into a hidden valley. . There you will find the works o the ancient black robes., t

Incidentally, his directions led directly to the valley of Tayops. Explanations ????

Thus I was handed my White Elephant which I have carried to the present. Then the work started,I had to prove many many things and i couldn't let go

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Keep writing here Don Jose and perhaps we can piece together your book for you......
More stories please....

Doc, juat for you, I have located our prelanding pep taLk for Guadalcanal, . It's on one of the book's data discs. I'll see if I can figure how to pull it and post it here.

Doc, just for you. Guadalcanal l pre invasion pep talk Aug 1942

A Bomb witness pp2©.webp
pre-landing pep talk© - Copy - Copy.webp

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I don't believe so. She followed the 911 operator's instructions , from within the submerged vehicle, to get them out of their car seats and break the back window.

Most of the low water bridges around here are safe to cross with a few inches of water over the top...

Trouble with that is, you can't see if part of the bridge is missing, etc.,,,

Folks cross them every day, and just become complacent.

I need to update a few things that I learned today.

She does have two other daughters,
One is in her early twenties and the other is about nine years old.

And hundreds of volunteers including off duty State Police ( I believe the past to days, into the night) numbered around, forty, plus LEOs and hundreds of civilians are All searching day and night.

Her son was found, but the eighteen month old girl is still missing.

She has my condolences, but I learned in Arizona, never drive into "Brown Water". You can't see what it is hiding, rocks, holes, logs/telephone poles coming down stream, ect. I could tell lots of stories about "Brown Water", but most would not believe them unless they saw it themselves.

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