Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Ah, the smile says so much!
It reminds me of a movie that I saw before my memories got scrambled, whereby an old and poor coffee bean farmer wound up fetching a very good price for his large bags of coffee beans, when shipped to North America, Even though he failed to remove the green stones from the beans.
The jeweler didn't seem to mind separating them his self... Win/win situation!!!
Oh, Jose Valdez... Er John Valdez, what an entrepreneur !!!
#};0{ ~

Mikel, what do you want me to do with the book ?? Do you want the memory card back /

Mikel, what do you want me to do with the book ?? Do you want the memory card back /

Don't spend the money to mail it back. Thumb drives cost less than the postage.

I wanted to save your eyes and your mind, all the more.

Somewhere around the fifteenth chapter I was in much more than my usual pain and I was having to stay medicated almost continually, and parts that I had removed, had only in my mind.

I thought it was going swell. Boy oh boy, was I wrong.

After I thought it was done and ready to go, I sent it to you. At the same time I was trying to populate the newer computer and downloaded the story from the thumb drive in my safe.

That's when I saw what was saved!!!

I was shocked at the multiple repetitious babbling and errors from months of saving and deleting that hid in three chapters and more.

For the sake of your eyes and your mind, I said stop.

I believe that with the better computer, that I can zip it and email you the corrected version soon!!!

The ending is happening in small pieces, but it will end much better than the copy that you have.

Feel free to format that drive and use it to store your story...

I promise to send a cleaned up and hopefully error free version as soon as I can, and thank you for your patience.


Mikel, my eyes are now better than ever.so things will go back to normal also. Garcias for your preoccupation Dit knows of what I speak from th epast.

:notworthy: Yep, I've seen you do it time and again, Jefe, you never cease to amaze me. Keep up the good work and that book will be ready in no time. :read2:

I'd hate to think that we might have to rely on La Mule to do the proofreading....:tongue3::coffee2:


It seems that Jefe's book is still waiting for still more amazing things to be performed by its author...

Ironic, isn't it.?.


Mikel, my eyes are now better than ever.so things will go back to normal also. Garcias for your preoccupation Dit knows of what I speak from th epast.

Jose, read what makes sense... Once you get to about chapter 16 or so, just pick up at chapter 19 or 20, when it starts making rational thoughts again.

Unless you just want to see how far I went down that rabbit hole.. Not recommended !!

Weekender and I made another trip out to the site yesterday. We paused at the last low water bridge and started backing away to turn back, when a local fellow came around us and looked at the depth of the water going over the bridge.
He figured he could make it, so we watched and then we followed.

Four inches of rain overnight didn't stop us. It just made us watchful.

I lost count on the number of times that gravity got the best of us. Thick moss and water made every step a challenge and even made four wheelers a bit ornery.

It'll take a few days to process the new data and the bumps and bruises.

We aren't giving up on the next vault, yet. There are clues, not yet processed.


Dit, omce again . due to computer problem s in the recent past, do you remember the name of that lil black book on cellular communication ?

He may be thinking of the one that changes his eye color?

True, true.....as many excuses as we've all heard for the delay with his book, "mañana, mañana", they must be totally brown by now. His only hope, in that case, would be to...ahem....finish the book. :icon_thumright:

Of course, there's always the possibility a good enema might do the trick. ;D

Puleeze, Nyah corozone :laughing7::coffee2::coffee2: and one for DIT ^ Unicorn.coffee2::coffee2:

Yada, yada, yada.....you may have everyone else convinced you need a seeing-eye mule, but I know what you're up to. :nono:

Siesta is over. Get busy. :whip2: :-*


Dare I say it, but I have been on and off several times this past week due to password trouble.... I have had to change my email password just to open the password reset link here.
Now I need to go back and reset my password again before the 24 hr. deadline.

Between moving and floods and changing laptops and ip. address, I'm almost to tired to read.

I don't want to complain. There are many folks here in my area that have lost homes and belongings and for one family, two young children have not been found, after a river crossing swept the car that they were in, off the bridge.

The area north of here is much worse off than here. I have emptied my rain gauge twice with 4 inches and it has run over today and washed across the steps to the porch this afternoon.

Dare I say it, but I have been on and off several times this past week due to password trouble.... I have had to change my email password just to open the password reset link here.
Now I need to go back and reset my password again before the 24 hr. deadline.

Between moving and floods and changing laptops and ip. address, I'm almost to tired to read.

I don't want to complain. There are many folks here in my area that have lost homes and belongings and for one family, two young children have not been found, after a river crossing swept the car that they were in, off the bridge.

The area north of here is much worse off than here. I have emptied my rain gauge twice with 4 inches and it has run over today and washed across the steps to the porch this afternoon.

That's way too much water. Hang in there.
I'm on high ground but they are warning of high water with half or less of what you are dealing with. If ' n we even see that.

Anyways...speaking of porch steps and water.....

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Thanks Rel, I am in for the night, and have my password troubles behind me for now...

My wife just told me that the search and rescue team is still out looking for the two children. If I were able to be there, I couldn't imagine making decision to stop.

I'm sure that there are other folks from here on Tnet that are in harm's way, as there are several from NW Arkansas and southern Missouri.

Stay safe, my friends.

Prayers out for those children, wish I could do more.

Prayers for sunshine going up...


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