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Real de Tayopa
Tayopa lay resting behind the veil, It's legend grew to quite a tale.
Searchers came from far and wide, but the Jesuit treasure continued to hide.
Jose appeared from out of the mist, his mind held the map that could not miss.
For years he fought to make it his prize, but it stood protected by thousands of lies.
The door creaks loudly as he pushes it back, he peers inside and his smile cracks,
The bones of the padres are piled inside, they crumble to dust as if trying to hide.
Jose is in awe as he gazes at their treasure, the souls of the natives too many to measure.
The Jesuits had mined this land too well, their leaving had opened the gateway to hell.
He steps back in fear and closes the door, leaving Tayopa and its souls, to return no more.
Joe Ribaudo