In many ways I am a flop, failure, I have found las Pimas, Tarasca, la gloria Pan and The fabulous Tayopa, all lost mines yet I have yet to do anything with any of them. I guess my promotional skills are just not there. But it has been a wonderful ride and I saw and experienced things that can no longer be done
At one time my wife was 1/3 owner of the Lluvia del Oro, but the Molino bros let it go for taxes with out advising us, while she (we) were approaching te majors. It is now producing millions every year,
I also had a finger in the Palmrejo mine near Chinapas, Stranahan of Ventres showed me a check for one million dollars that he was authorized to pay for it, this was in the 50's, I had an interest in it, but lost it. Now a billion dollar silver mine. sigh
I found the actual entry for the Gloria Pan mine then walked off and left it when my partner died, a of a memory or monument to him. It is still closed..
As for Tayopa, I never had enough money to clean it out enough to interest a major, and have probably lost it due to unpaid taxes.
In other words while I am a very successful lost mine finder I am a flop at promoting. a typical treasure hunter

La[/QUOTE Amigo's

Your Spirit is always in charge of your destiny, It will always win over any situation, In every situation as a human being you are always confronted with the thoughts of right and wrong, good decision or bad one,thats the human experience, then later you say I should have listened to my intuition, thats your spirit saying next time you will listen to what I have to say. It's never to late my friend .:hello np