Hola amigos;
Yes it was Mrs O that 'invented' sock coffee, and it was of necessity. What are you to do, when you are miles from any kind of road, it is getting dark and too late to head back to your vehicle, you start to make coffee and discover that the basket/innards of your coffee pot has been somehow forgotten? There was no instant coffee, and while I have had 'cowboy' coffee more often than I would like, Beth had a pack of brand new socks (all cotton only! Any other kind may give your coffee an unwanted taste) so she came up with it. Or she re-invented it, I don't really know. To my surprise it has even appeared on TV now, in an episode of 'He11 on Wheels', in a scene with two men in a caboose, one tastes the coffee and says it tastes terrible, the other one looks at his coffee pot complete with sock hanging over the edge and says "I must have used the WRONG SOCK"! Fortunately that mishap has not YET happened for us. Anyway
please keep that part a secret, about
using only a new cotton sock, as it is more fun to watch the reactions from people that imagine some manure-soaked, dry-sweat-caked sock brewing up coffee! (haha)
As for the burro juice, aka donkey excretions, I would think that would only be in the most extreme of emergencies, otherwise I will stick to the sock coffee and brick tea!
By the way, as a Yankee,
I am deeply offended by your statement there ProspectorMikel, the
correct statement is
"DAM Yankees!" 
I will have to bake you some of my famous macaroni and cheese, in the dark!

<Complete with moths, June bugs, beetles, ashes, dirt, leaves and God-knows-what ever falls into the pot in the dark!>
To each their own of course, in the meantime coffee anyone?