Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

It is Not Peralta that loves the Burro excretions type coffee, not Real de Tayopa. Eggshells do not harm the coffee in any way, and if you have any "foot odor" in your sock coffee, you used the WRONG sock! :laughing7:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

So YOU must be the originator of the " Sock Coffee ", I presume? I've been hearing that it's a staple in your camp, and there are widely disparate opinions as to it's merits, lol.

Once again, my apologies, I can see I should have included the rest of the conversation from the other thread ( which we inadvertently hijacked ). I will remedy that omission now. :wink:

But I am still a bit confused. :icon_scratch: Was this "Not Peralta" one of the compañeros in Sir Tayopa's expedition party? If so, I'm afraid the poor fellow may have been scarred for life.....

This was recently posted in Misc adventures of a Tayopa hunter" here in Treasure Net. It gives a good example of ACCOUNING FOR everyone,

WHY NOT ??, you shoulda seen the water from that cattle catchment dam, It was the only water for miles and the cattle just stood there shoveling it in one end and letting it flow out the other end, even boiling it several times it still tasted like burro juice, but it was the only water we had while looking for our lost companion in the Bacatetes ( (Yaqui country)

we never found him, and so gave him up for lost, when he showed up in a borrowed truck full of fresh vegetables and other goodies. He had quite a story to tell, including finding the skeletons of two soldiers with their arm wrapped around each other, part of the garrison of the Fort Tetacmbiate which the \yaqui had over run through sheer numbers.

He had an interesting tale to tell, getting lost, traveling miles in the wrong direction until he came to a lonely small ranch where he picked up a ride to Guaymas, then by commercial bus back to Obregon then by borrowed truck into Yaqui country again to our camp, perhaps some 299 miles. but we were so glad to see him alive that we forgave him - specially with his load of fresh vegetables and soft drinks

So you see why i have an aversion to P's burro juice

Yes, I saw that post when I visited your camp yesterday. But STILL, I refuse to drink downstream of the herd. :-X

You gave him up for lost, then "forgave HIM" when he brought you fresh victuals after surviving on his own? :icon_scratch:

I think I'm beginning to understand the sock coffee.

Hola Dit, cause it was his stupity that caused the problem, .We looked for three days, only taking time out for sleeping and re replenishing our ( ugh ) water supplies in 130 degree weather...:laughing7:

Stupidity? ??? He doesn't sound stupid to me. Got lost in brutal country, traveled miles all alone in the wrong direction, found his way back by using only his wits, and even managed to bring back provisions for his so-called companeros. All 299 miles in blazing hot sun without having to resort to drinking mule pee, I might add. Sounds to me like someone I'd like to have on My team.

No offense, of course. I'm sure it was hot out there....and dusty....and your backsides were sore....and it was...hot....

Well, you did say "ACCOUNTED FOR" after all, didn't you. Yessir, I'd say he accounted For Himself pretty well.

Coffee? My pot, if you don't mind. :wink: :coffee2:

hi DIT, your pot ???? You're a bit over weight?:laughing7: Nope, Edwardo wasn't ;overloaded with smarts. Since he was out of condition, we left him at an old Yaqui,campsite with most of our water to wait for our return, n0t to move. After about three hrs he decided that the Yaqui' had killed us and took off almost running, he went away from our camp, crossed that dam where we lost his tracks due to the cattle overrunning them. From there he went north and crossed the ridge of the Bacatetes between Samajuaca, and the Cerro de la Abispo, to emerge on the north side, and on, and on, In other words, he did absolutely every thing wrong except staying alive. We almost lost a man looking for him. Three days in that country, at that time of the year, means your death

So yes,we forgave him .

I see. My apologies, obviously I wasn't in possession of all the facts ( as are you regarding my weight ). Details are important, you know. Something to remember when writing a book, which I've gathered you are, slooowly. Without them we are left with only half the picture.


" ....we left him at an old Yaqui,campsite with most of our water to wait for our return, n0t to move.... "

I have to ask, have you considered adding a female to your team? A female wouldn't have let you leave camp under-provisioned to begin with, much less without clear instructions on what to do should you not return within a specified time. While your companero may have used poor judgement in his original flight from your deserted camp, I still believe he acquitted himself heroically in face of those omissions ( and "out of condition" at that). It appears your team lacked organization and adequate survival skills, not to mention competent leadership. Skills a female was designed for. ( Btw, mother nature provides the perfect way to purify urine for drinking, a Solar Still. Boiling only kills bacteria, it doesn't remove sediments or other impurities. Distilling also removes the "flavor" ). Survival skills are a must when exploring hostile environments. :wink:


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G'd morning people, in Mexico they make a strainer of flannel , put their coffee in it, then pour boiling water over it. Thay also roast their coffee in a fryin pan with sugar. AND I agree with ORO on the cow/.mule/.burro/ tainted water. :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

MUCH better, I'll take a cup, Muchas Gracias! :icon_thumleft: :coffee2:

Hi dit, i was just trying to show the merit of accounting for everyone in your party. This was to show just how far we went for Eduardo. It wasn't hijacking the thread, but now that you are here, an enjoyable offshoot, remember anything goes in adventures and opinions in here Just imagine a cozy campfire with plenty of coffee and misc relaxing conversation about whatever..

The coffee is safe, made with a CLEAN sock, :laughing7:

:icon_thumright: I may be able to tolerate a clean sock, lol. But I can see I am going to need plenty of white chocolate to navigate this thread unscathed. :laughing7:

Lead on, Sir! :coffee2:

:icon_thumright: I may be able to tolerate a clean sock, lol. But I can see I am going to need plenty of white chocolate to navigate this thread unscathed. :laughing7:

Lead on, Sir! :coffee2:
Needless to say the sock is to keep you from filtering the coffee grounds with your teeth. Glad to have you with us on this thread and enjoy your White Chocolate. BTW when cooking dinner and having baked Potatoes, always cook 3-4 extra at night, so you can cook good quick Hash Browns for Breakfast. Learned that as a "busboy" at a restaurant in Sunny Slope, Az., now part of North Phoenix. All tricks/magic are simple when you know how it is done. ;)

:icon_thumright: I may be able to tolerate a clean sock, lol. But I can see I am going to need plenty of white chocolate to navigate this thread unscathed. :laughing7:

Lead on, Sir! :coffee2:

Might I suggest a few crumbs of brown sugar cured BACON to the mix. Just to add the subtle seductive aroma to the sock!

As for accurate history.... I read some time ago, on this very thread that the first person to make sock coffee was in fact, the famed lady of refined repute,
Mrs. "O". And that is recorded in the credits of my book.


Might I suggest a few crumbs of brown sugar cured BACON to the mix. Just to add the subtle seductive aroma to the sock!

As for accurate history.... I read some time ago, on this very thread that the first person to make sock coffee was in fact, the famed lady of refined repute,
Mrs. "O". And that is recorded in the credits of my book.


I stand corrected, lol. Thank you Mrs. "O", for the Clean sock! :notworthy:

Needless to say the sock is to keep you from filtering the coffee grounds with your teeth. Glad to have you with us on this thread and enjoy your White Chocolate. BTW when cooking dinner and having baked Potatoes, always cook 3-4 extra at night, so you can cook good quick Hash Browns for Breakfast. Learned that as a "busboy" at a restaurant in Sunny Slope, Az., now part of North Phoenix. All tricks/magic are simple when you know how it is done. ;)

Excellent tip. :icon_thumright:

Do you by any chance throw some onion in with your hash browns?? If so, count me in. I'll bake the potatoes tonight. What time should I expect you for breakfast? ;D

And no magic needed for someone of such refined discernment. :wink:


P.S. Don't forget to bring the bacon. ;)

So YOU must be the originator of the " Sock Coffee ", I presume? I've been hearing that it's a staple in your camp, and there are widely disparate opinions as to it's merits, lol.

Once again, my apologies, I can see I should have included the rest of the conversation from the other thread ( which we inadvertently hijacked ). I will remedy that omission now. :wink:

But I am still a bit confused. :icon_scratch: Was this "Not Peralta" one of the compañeros in Sir Tayopa's expedition party? If so, I'm afraid the poor fellow may have been scarred for life.....[/QUOTE Welcome Amigo:hello: Plenty of burro juice :coffee2: for you. you will need it for future posting here, I am very scarred for life for hearing about sock :coffee2:,but the best way to get over it is to add burro juice to your sock:coffee2:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM so good,Lots of luck to you.:hello:NP:cat: PS, always add onions to everything.

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Oh...my... :icon_pale: :help:

coffee emoticon.gif

Oh dear. Where does one start in order to restore peace. Hmmmm.

It was Mrs. O that first served the sock coffee on the trail, to her grateful crew, of hard working fellow expedition Sir Oroblanco and Don Jose de Le Mancha de real Tropical Tramp.
Mrs. O, being the most modest and quiet and probably most talented of the trio, first served the brew. She is much too modest to brag on herself, and did not take credit until the matter came out early on this thread, where seniors Oroblanco and Jose were discussing the marvelous brew that credit was placed upon her head, like a crown.

As time moved on Don Jose spoke much about the Brew of Kings, and folks forgot the short entry that cleared the name responsible.
Because Jose spoke often of it folks just naturally assumed it was from his mind, when he was speaking from his heart of the wonderful brew that he is so fond of.

As for breakfast... I am southern born,
Of course I have onions in hash browns as with any form of cooked "taters" and anything fried should be fried in bacon grease.

For now
, I need to go eat my oatmeal... Getting old sucks.


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Excellent tip. :icon_thumright:

Do you by any chance throw some onion in with your hash browns?? If so, count me in. I'll bake the potatoes tonight. What time should I expect you for breakfast? ;D

And no magic needed for someone of such refined discernment. :wink:


P.S. Don't forget to bring the bacon. ;)[/QUOTE]
Grill the onions separate until they are just right, then mix them into the Hash Browns. Yummy ;)
Always hated burnt onions when people tried to cook them with the Hash Browns.

Digger, I once ordered, in one of my favorite restaurants, for breakfast, two eggs easy sunny site up, limp bacon and " cut potatoes "with diced onion.

The dish came to me with the diced onion on the side and raw.... I returned it with instructions and it returned to me with sliced onion ... I diced them and left a small portion on the plate for the waitress to show the Cook what they should look like for the next time...

She caught me before I left and said that the cook said that he had never seen them before.

I told her to have him make an order for the Yankees to try in the kitchen.

The next time I ordered the same..
She tilted her head and said"Whaaaat?"

So I just ordered them smothered in gravy and they sent a bowl of brown gravy...

After that I stopped going out for breakfast for a while, but I did explain the lack of southern cooking that was the main stay of the restaurant! To the owner.

I now order hash browns and order a bowl of sausage gravy with my order.

Dang Yankees!
For any one that doesn't know what
" Yankees" comes from it is two words
Yan and Kees , which mean
Go figure!


Hola amigos;
Yes it was Mrs O that 'invented' sock coffee, and it was of necessity. What are you to do, when you are miles from any kind of road, it is getting dark and too late to head back to your vehicle, you start to make coffee and discover that the basket/innards of your coffee pot has been somehow forgotten? There was no instant coffee, and while I have had 'cowboy' coffee more often than I would like, Beth had a pack of brand new socks (all cotton only! Any other kind may give your coffee an unwanted taste) so she came up with it. Or she re-invented it, I don't really know. To my surprise it has even appeared on TV now, in an episode of 'He11 on Wheels', in a scene with two men in a caboose, one tastes the coffee and says it tastes terrible, the other one looks at his coffee pot complete with sock hanging over the edge and says "I must have used the WRONG SOCK"! Fortunately that mishap has not YET happened for us. Anyway please keep that part a secret, about using only a new cotton sock, as it is more fun to watch the reactions from people that imagine some manure-soaked, dry-sweat-caked sock brewing up coffee! (haha)

As for the burro juice, aka donkey excretions, I would think that would only be in the most extreme of emergencies, otherwise I will stick to the sock coffee and brick tea! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

By the way, as a Yankee, I am deeply offended by your statement there ProspectorMikel, the correct statement is "DAM Yankees!" :laughing7: I will have to bake you some of my famous macaroni and cheese, in the dark! :tongue3: <Complete with moths, June bugs, beetles, ashes, dirt, leaves and God-knows-what ever falls into the pot in the dark!>

To each their own of course, in the meantime coffee anyone?

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

You forgot the stick for the Mac cheese!

I read for two hours to find that post last night, after meds...
Glad to see your post this morning.!


Yep Oro, cream please - less acidity, sides they claim it tends to eliminate Alzheimer's, which you are suffering from - where is your book on Custer's last stand? Since I am 93 now ---???

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Hola amigos;
Yes it was Mrs O that 'invented' sock coffee, and it was of necessity. What are you to do, when you are miles from any kind of road, it is getting dark and too late to head back to your vehicle, you start to make coffee and discover that the basket/innards of your coffee pot has been somehow forgotten? There was no instant coffee, and while I have had 'cowboy' coffee more often than I would like, Beth had a pack of brand new socks (all cotton only! Any other kind may give your coffee an unwanted taste) so she came up with it. Or she re-invented it, I don't really know. To my surprise it has even appeared on TV now, in an episode of 'He11 on Wheels', in a scene with two men in a caboose, one tastes the coffee and says it tastes terrible, the other one looks at his coffee pot complete with sock hanging over the edge and says "I must have used the WRONG SOCK"! Fortunately that mishap has not YET happened for us. Anyway please keep that part a secret, about using only a new cotton sock, as it is more fun to watch the reactions from people that imagine some manure-soaked, dry-sweat-caked sock brewing up coffee! (haha)

As for the burro juice, aka donkey excretions, I would think that would only be in the most extreme of emergencies, otherwise I will stick to the sock coffee and brick tea! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

By the way, as a Yankee, I am deeply offended by your statement there ProspectorMikel, the correct statement is "DAM Yankees!" :laughing7: I will have to bake you some of my famous macaroni and cheese, in the dark! :tongue3: <Complete with moths, June bugs, beetles, ashes, dirt, leaves and God-knows-what ever falls into the pot in the dark!>

To each their own of course, in the meantime coffee anyone?

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

WONDERFUL Story!!! :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

So at last the truth is told, lol. I can see why Mrs. "O" is held in such high esteem! I need her on My team, though, I very much doubt my chances in stealing her away, lol. She is definitely an asset, and you are blessed to have her. May you Both have a very long and prosperous life together. :notworthy::icon_thumleft:

Hey! Count me in on that mac & cheese....nothing wrong with a little protein in your pasta. :wink::icon_flower:

Coffee all around! :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Digger, I once ordered, in one of my favorite restaurants, for breakfast, two eggs easy sunny site up, limp bacon and " cut potatoes "with diced onion.

The dish came to me with the diced onion on the side and raw.... I returned it with instructions and it returned to me with sliced onion ... I diced them and left a small portion on the plate for the waitress to show the Cook what they should look like for the next time...

She caught me before I left and said that the cook said that he had never seen them before.

I told her to have him make an order for the Yankees to try in the kitchen.

The next time I ordered the same..
She tilted her head and said"Whaaaat?"

So I just ordered them smothered in gravy and they sent a bowl of brown gravy...

After that I stopped going out for breakfast for a while, but I did explain the lack of southern cooking that was the main stay of the restaurant! To the owner.

I now order hash browns and order a bowl of sausage gravy with my order.

Dang Yankees!
For any one that doesn't know what
" Yankees" comes from it is two words
Yan and Kees , which mean
Go figure!


Tis those from Wisconsin are cheese heads.
One test for identifying Yanks ,myself included , is facing a bowl of grits for breakfast ,even with cheese! :sadsmiley:
Coffee though can vary, at least the first pot, before getting picky.

Tis those from Wisconsin are cheese heads.
One test for identifying Yanks ,myself included , is facing a bowl of grits for breakfast ,even with cheese! :sadsmiley:
Coffee though can vary, at least the first pot, before getting picky.
Grits with butter, a little pepper and the yolks from the over easy/medium eggs with buttered toast. Yummy.

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