Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hey Amigo,:hello: Today I am doing something different, I am having chicken and pork fajita's with yellow and orange and hatch peppers , and Swedish vodka with tonic and lemon wedges,and for later I will have dewers with seven. trying to watch my health. HEY WHY NOT.:hello: NP:cat:

A much better choice than Burro juice, IMHO.....


WHY NOT ???????????????????????, you shoulda seen the water from that cattle catchment dam, It was the only water for miles and the cattle just stood there shoveling it in one end and letting it flow out the other end, even boiling it several times it still tasted like burro juice, but it was the only water we had while looking for our lost companion in the Bacatetes ( (Yaqui country)

So you see why i have an aversion to P's burro juice :laughing7:.

Well, Don Jose, boiling the water probably killed all of the germs, but it also concentrated the solids that give burro (or, in this case cattle) juice its unique flavor and texture....


PS. Sorry for all of the somewhat behind the times posts and comments. I have been off the grid for a few weeks and am slowly catching up.

In this case, Sir Prospector, I believe I would rather have La Mule's choppers in front of me, than behind. I hear she has a nasty bite. Sort of like NP's coffee. :wink: :icon_pale:


A Greek method to avoid mule/donkey bites .


Gracias my friends. I have basicaly stopped counting them. Marius kin I have one of those grick girls ?? assuming my wife will allow it, she's a pretty darn fine shot, and very possive,and if DIT allows any playing around.

Individually and collectively I thank you, my friends.

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Happy Birthday! Them there birthdays must be bad luck... they make you old! :? (of course it beats not getting old). :)

Well, Don Jose, boiling the water probably killed all of the germs, but it also concentrated the solids that give burro (or, in this case cattle) juice its unique flavor and texture....


PS. Sorry for all of the somewhat behind the times posts and comments. I have been off the grid for a few weeks and am slowly catching up.

A Voice of Reason in the wilderness! Thank you Sir!! :icon_thumright: :notworthy:

Hit, how did you know that my origonal name for the net was Don Jose de la Mancha. I was tilting those overbearing and crude posters that tended to domoneer, or demean others. others.:occasion14::laughing7:

Today was a red letter day on my old phone, as was July 7,(sliced bread turned 88)...
The dates of both slipped up on me, but they are now in my new phone.

Live, laugh, and love today and be happy every day amigo!

I am happy that I did not miss it.

<(:0•) *=()))]

Hit, how did you know that my origonal name for the net was Don Jose de la Mancha. I was tilting those overbearing and crude posters that tended to domoneer, or demean others. others.:occasion14::laughing7:

Happy Birthday pard! :icon_thumright::notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I recall those 'early daze' here on T-net, and HAY now, wait a minnit there! Over-bearing and crude! So NOW I know why you were giving ME such a hard time back then! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Roy,Beth, Overbearing and crude are/were not in your voculary my firends, You always have been a gentleman, except for those sheep and Tayopa, trying to worm te secret of Tayopa from me which you eventually did :laughing7::notworthy:

Hit, how did you know that my origonal name for the net was Don Jose de la Mancha. I was tilting those overbearing and crude posters that tended to domoneer, or demean others. others.:occasion14::laughing7:

I saw it in a dream. All the windmills were silent. The dragons slain.

Then I swore off the Ayahuasca and had some white chocolate instead. :wink:

Hi dit luv, ya mean that you no longer have use for a Knight errant ?? Does that mean that I have to fnd a new profession ?:dontknow:

Hi dit luv, ya mean that you no longer have use for a Knight errant ?? Does that mean that I have to fnd a new profession ?:dontknow:

Not at all, Sir. I believe we need more men like you. :notworthy:

With a proper wind we can make the windmills turn again, in the right direction. :icon_flower: :coffee2:

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Happy late birthday Don or real, which ever you prefer to be called. Don't know how I missed the party? Wishing you many more and better health in the future to possibly finally open Tayopa, with a little help from you friends. Good Luck. rockhound

youre allwat=ys welcom Mac, specially with your Kalula:laughing7:

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