Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Jose, the chicken/egg issue...

According to Herbert Spencer, the five manifestations of the known and unknown universe are summed up in these; time, force, action, space and matter.
The works of a scientist.

I think he plagiarized an earlier work, that explains and goes on to state that the chicken came first.

Note the order is the same in both accounts.

Genesis 1: 1.


And here I thought a chicken was only an eggs way of making another egg.

Don Jose,
Yes, while you were abandoned on Guad. (you can thank Rear Admiral Richmond Turner for that), I was being force-fed pablum back in the States; listening to the war reports on radio from my high chair.

Marticus , my friend, but what if you had changed inet servers in the meantime ? I tried that but they did not recognize the new em address, and I could no longer acess the old one, so, Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Grascous for the sugestion.
The egg came first. Since a bird is an evolution of a reptile.
I think you said your email was a hotmail account. If thats right. Go to. Live.com
Click forgot password down the bottom
Then forgot password on next page.
Then you need to put in the email address of the account you forgot then below enter the code they give you.
Next page with give you a few options like text to your phone or another email account. Or if you dont have any of these.
Click that then follow the rest of the steps

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Hey Amigo,:hello: Today I am doing something different, I am having chicken and pork fajita's with yellow and orange and hatch peppers , and Swedish vodka with tonic and lemon wedges,and for later I will have dewers with seven. trying to watch my health. HEY WHY NOT.:hello: NP:cat:

Now we know what your recipe is for burro juice...

Much less ominous than the name sounds!

Very clever using lemon for color!


Today, TWO full wobbly blocks, accompanied by the neighborhood dogs, guess they were curious about a gringo wobbling down deserted streets at 430 am. although I am of the opinion of having good relationship with them. Must be an interesting sight of a wobbly gringo being traidled by 5 or ten misc doggies.

NP no nopales for breakfast ?

Perhaps it is the smell of bacon, sock coffee and Old Spice in the morning...

I remember Dad slipping a pork chop bone in my hip pocket to get our Great Dane distracted following me so he could get into our VW Bug to get to work without muddy paw prints all over his uniform shirt...
When he came home, at night when he drove in, Mom would have to go pull the dog down from the car so Dad could get out, as Duke's front legs reached all the way over the top of the car and Dad couldn't get out without getting mauled.
Duke had a habit of chasing the Greyhound bus, from the bus stop just a few blocks up the road. One day, I guess he followed it too far and couldn't find his way back...
Dad didn't look for him very long.
I guess someone must have had a pork chop bone in their pocket too.

Now we know what your recipe is for burro juice...

Much less ominous than the name sounds!

Very clever using lemon for color!

#/80):~[/QUOTE Amigo,WRONG:coffee2::hello: Lemon juice is Lemon juice, Burro juice is Burro juice, no more no less, Just remember don't drink down stream of the cattle.:hello:np:cat:

WHY NOT ???????????????????????, you shoulda seen the water from that cattle catchment dam, It was the only water for miles and the cattle just stood there shoveling it in one end and letting it flow out the other end, even boiling it several times it still tasted like burro juice, but it was the only water we had while looking for our lost companion in the Bacatetes ( (Yaqui country)

we never found him, and so gave him up for lost, when he showed up in a borrowed truck full of fresh vegetables and other goodies. He had quite a story to tell, including finding the skeletons of two soldiers with their arm wrapped around each other, part of the garrison of the Fort Tetacmbiate which the \yaqui had over run through sheer numbers.

He had an interesting tale to tell, getting lost, traveling miles in the wrong direction until he came to a lonely small ranch where he picked up a ride to Guaymas, then by commercial bus back to Obregon then by borrowed truck into Yaqui country again to our camp, perhaps some 299 miles. but we were so glad to see him alive that we forgave him - specially with his load of fresh vegetables and soft drinks

So you see why i have an aversion to P's burro juice :laughing7:.

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Question. why can't I change my avatar for the Tayopa book cover as I used to have. When I click on avatar nothing happens ?????

Right click?
How would I know I'm on my phone!


Morning, :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: coffee ? Nothing like a hot cuppa after ones morning exercise, Three blocks this morning -- got a bit wobbly -- but made it with the usual stops to say HI to my faithful furry friends one is behind a solid sheet metal door and only her nose pokes out, but there is sufficient room to stick my hand through to scratch her ears, she loves it. The one near my house is a buffoon, he barks and throws his weight against the door to show me that he is a real macho, however whenever he is free he loves his ear scratching .

Every one else is still in bed asleep except for a nutty gringo and his furry friends. If things turn out . Ill be back in those hills ( mts ) soon = who is kidding who ? I guess that it is time to pass the torch. and go sit with the rocking chair group .

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Yes, Don Jose, do sit with the rocking chair group--for ten minutes--while you rest and think of a New Beginning for when you get up.

Question. why can't I change my avatar for the Tayopa book cover as I used to have. When I click on avatar nothing happens ?????
Amigo,:hello: Maybe your Avatar is in line with the rest of us waiting on your book? sooner or later they may show up.:hello: NP:cat: P.S. :dontknow::nono::nono::nono::nono::violent1:

gelling, gelling, NP, contacted another agent / publisher, patience Go drink some of your burro juice, I can't due to some squirly rxperiebces.

I wish it was only that simple my friend Mac. :occasion14:join me in some Kalula ?

WHY NOT ???????????????????????, you shoulda seen the water from that cattle catchment dam, It was the only water for miles and the cattle just stood there shoveling it in one end and letting it flow out the other end, even boiling it several times it still tasted like burro juice, but it was the only water we had while looking for our lost companion in the Bacatetes ( (Yaqui country)

we never found him, and so gave him up for lost, when he showed up in a borrowed truck full of fresh vegetables and other goodies. He had quite a story to tell, including finding the skeletons of two soldiers with their arm wrapped around each other, part of the garrison of the Fort Tetacmbiate which the \yaqui had over run through sheer numbers.

He had an interesting tale to tell, getting lost, traveling miles in the wrong direction until he came to a lonely small ranch where he picked up a ride to Guaymas, then by commercial bus back to Obregon then by borrowed truck into Yaqui country again to our camp, perhaps some 299 miles. but we were so glad to see him alive that we forgave him - specially with his load of fresh vegetables and soft drinks

So you see why i have an aversion to P's burro juice :laughing7:.
Amigo:coffee2::coffee2::hello: But it's so good when it's hot and steamy,can even add some of that kahlu-eeeeeeeeee; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,so good,:hello: NP:cat:

NP,, ya ole coot, yer not coercing me into any of yer vices :icon_thumright::coffee2::coffee2:


Such a small word for such a large problem.

Jose, how can we help this poor man?


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