??, you shoulda seen the water from that cattle catchment dam, It was the only water for miles and the cattle just stood there shoveling it in one end and letting it flow out the other end, even boiling it several times it still tasted like burro juice, but it was the only water we had while looking for our lost companion in the Bacatetes ( (Yaqui country)
we never found him, and so gave him up for lost, when he showed up in a borrowed truck full of fresh vegetables and other goodies. He had quite a story to tell, including finding the skeletons of two soldiers with their arm wrapped around each other, part of the garrison of the Fort Tetacmbiate which the \yaqui had over run through sheer numbers.
He had an interesting tale to tell, getting lost, traveling miles in the wrong direction until he came to a lonely small ranch where he picked up a ride to Guaymas, then by commercial bus back to Obregon then by borrowed truck into Yaqui country again to our camp, perhaps some 299 miles. but we were so glad to see him alive that we forgave him - specially with his load of fresh vegetables and soft drinks
So you see why i have an aversion to P's burro juice
