Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Women minds wok different than men's minds for sure......and women minds change how they work with each months cycle......
I've given up on trying to understand it......

Hi Doc

The women's soul is like an abyss . Hard to approach and investigate .
Also , women are like an adventure book, full with unexpectable turns from a romance to a gladiator fight . The book fascinates you , you want to read all the stories but the book never ends ... Like Don Jose's book :tongue3:

Hi Doc

The women's soul is like an abyss . Hard to approach and investigate .
Also , women are like an adventure book, full with unexpectable turns from a romance to a gladiator fight . The book fascinates you , you want to read all the stories but the book never ends ... Like Don Jose's book :tongue3:
*chuckles* Not so much 'never ends' as 'hardly started' ...
With all due respect Don Jose - other than the cover - how much still to go? (and I'm not asking to be awkward, but _my_ time is running out as well - wanna read it while I still can ...)

Funny, I think someday having the honor of meeting Don Jose would end up being something like this for me. Especially the ending.


Just a greeting for yall from the warrior:
She is fine and still adding tail feathers to her warbonnet! (that's quote and unquote!)

Don Jose, with all these tales of yours, thinking your book may need to be like a set of encyclopedias.

And I have an opening for your book.
In the beginning there was darkness, and God said let there be the Don Jose. And when he gazed upon him he saw that it was good.
And so begins the story of the quest for Tayopa. Along with the data, adventures and misadventures of God's gift to all the treasure hunters.

Then we would find Don Jose's book in the "Fiction" section. :tongue3:
Just kidding, Don Jose knows I have the utmost respect for him. :notworthy:

But just in case things start to get to "deep" and smell foul, I took the liberty of special ordering some equipment just for the occasion.
AARC picture posting.webp

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Ladies ^ gentlemen. from one of he chapters.

45 auto. the symbol of an officer in the Mexican army. I was sitting on one ot the benches in the plaza in Alamos. The afternoon cooling rain had ceased and everything smelled fresh and clear, the flowers smelled wonderful. I was waiting for my child bride and her girlfriend to make their appearance for the evening promanade, meanwhile appreativly ogling the Senoritas passing by arm in arm displaying their wares for a potential suitor, I was still single.

When out of the corner of my eye I saw him ambling, very dejected, towards another bench. I got up thinking that I could cheer him up a bit, and as i arrived at his bench, stood at attention, and snapped off my best USAF salute while saying . Teniente Curry del fuerza aereo de los Estados Unidos presente mi col.'. He blinked, then a slow smile crossed over his face and he responded " descanse Teniente" manwhile gesturing towards a seat beside him on the bench

.I quickly accepted and we talked about this and that then we got into the source of his dejection. Ir seem that he had come to the Palacio that weekend on a request for help, but had been rejected by the young clerks. one of whom was looking at us very interesdly while we were talking, obviously impressed with a gringo Officer being very respectful of that old relic.

Among other things we gradually talked about wars,. He mentioned that he had been shot in the right knee with a 7 mm Mauser, when I remebered that I had 20 m/m fragments amost severe the tendon just above my right knee, giving me a slight limp at times, so without further ado we both had our pants leg rolled up and were cecking each others knee, to the delight of the interested onlookers, After carefully feeling the scar tissue on my knee,,he seemed satisfied, so we then rolled our pants leg down.

I then offered him a shaved ice limeade from one of the street vendors, which he accepted, since he was very thirsty and had spent his little retirement money on his Ejido. From that moment on we became very good friends, with respect towards each other, which was also accepted by the Palacio onlooker, The next day he easily won his point and received the aid he requested,

The last that I saw of him was at his Ejido on his invitation. He had been sunning by a barbed wire fence,on some sacks. That was a few years ago, I presume that he is dead now, and with him a part of Mexican history.,.

for some reasoon that didn't copy very well, so with your permision I'll repost it.:censored:

I can still see him in my minds eye, A tall, skinney, gangly figure, with his faded Col uniform draped over him and with his ever present 45 auto. the symbol of an officer in the Mexican army. I was sitting on one ot the benches in the plaza in Alamos. The afternoon cooling rain had ceased and everything smelled fresh and clear, the flowers smelled wonderful. I was waiting for my child bride and her girlfriend to make their appearance for the evening promanade, meanwhile appreativly ogling the Senoritas passing by arm in arm displaying their wares for a potential suitor, I was still single.

When out of the corner of my eye I saw him ambling, very dejected, towards another bench. I got up thinking that I could cheer him up a bit, and as i arrived at his bench, stood at attention, and snapped off my best USAF salute while saying . Teniente Curry del fuerza aereo de los Estados Unidos presente mi col.'. He blinked, then a slow smile crossed over his face and he responded " descansase Teniente" manwhile gesturing towards a seat beside him on the bench

.I quickly accepted and we talked about this and that then we got into the source of his dejection. Ir seem that he had come to the Palacio that weekend on a request for help, but had been rejected by the young clerks. one of whom was looking at us very interesdly while we were talking, obviously impressed with a gringo Officer being very respectful of that old relic.

Among other things we gradually talked about wars,. He mentioned that he had been shot in the right knee with a 7 mm Mauser, when I remebered that I had 20 m/m fragments that amost severe the tendon just above my right knee, giving me a slight limp at times, so without further ado we both had our pants leg rolled up and were cecking each others knee, to the delight of the interested onlookers, After carefully feeling the scar tissue on my knee,,he seemed satisfied, so we then rolled our pants leg down.

I then offered him a shaved ice limeade from one of the street vendors, which he accepted, since he was very thirsty and had spent his little retirement money on his Ejido. From that moment on we became very good friends, with respect towards each other, which was also accepted by the Palacio onlooker, The next day he easily won his point and received the aid he requested,

The last that I saw of him was at his Ejido on his invitation. He had been sunning by a barbed wire fence,on some sacks. That was a few years ago, I presume that he is dead now, and with him a part of Mexican history.,.

I have posted this before, but for the benefit of some of our new readers --------

Both legs were completely numb and unusable due to hitting the instrument panel, so I just opened the seat belt and dropped to the ground in case there was a fire.. I managed to pull myself to the road where, after a few minutes -----

We had finished spraying and were returning to Fredricton from Bathurst for clearance to return to the US. For some reason never explained, they refused to fill our reserve tanks and we had to fly almost to an empty tank to reach Fredricton. On the way a friend of mine ran dry and started gliding down for a forced landing.

Since his wing man was a bit err, inefficient, I broke and followed them down. We were over rolling farmland, but it had apparently just rained since when he attempted to land, he threw mud and went sideways, ending up on the aircraft's back. I flew to within a few ft of him for several passes to see if he needed help, nothing. So I made a new approach, throttled down and was just about ready to touchdown, when he crawled out of his aircraft and waved at me.

I promptly poured on the power, gained a bit of altitude and headed for a 2 story farmhouse about 3 kilometers away. I circled it a few times with no activity showing, so I then flew extremely close, hit the throttle and changed my prop pitch a few times. this must have lifted the beds a few ft into the air . Almost immediately the farmer stuck his head out of the window - nope , no shotgun, I then wriggled my wings a few times then still wriggling them headed to where my friend was, circled him twice then headed back to my farmer. He waved and gave me the OK sign so I collared his wingman and continued on to Fredrickton..

Unfortunately Fredericton and the st Johns river was blanketed with a thick fog, the airport was unusable and there were no alternates within my remaining flying time. Since I didn't have enough gasoline to return to Bathurst I decided on an emergency landing on one of the lesser traveled side roads.

I made two slow approaches checking for cables etc, . then lined up and came in on my final approach. To line up with the roads I had to put my left wingtip to within 6 inches of a telephone pole. Naturally I was watching the tel pole carefully when it suddenly exploaded ?? The aircraft naturally slowed down , stalled , pivoted on it's wings and went straight down.. I hit the asphalt at about 50 + mph..leaving an imprint in the surface of about 2 ft deep. it then flipped forward also at about 50 mph and inutes, I could stand again. I waved his wing man off and he successfully landed in a near by field.
Later examination found that I had missed a cross road cable and had hit it squarely on my nose spinner. pulling the cable out of the tel pole. The loose end had whipped just over my head scratching the top of my helmet, and cut through the cabane struts then sawed back out of the aircraft, again hitting the top of my helmet. It was estimated that a few inches lower and it would have cut my head off.

So there I was, heroically, naturally, withstanding the horrible pain - which honestly I never felt at all due to a previous self hyp suggestion.. However an hour or so later I began to feel very tired and the broken bones were beginning to complain as the auto hyp suggestion started to wear off., so they took me to the hospital where they had a RCAF medical doctor that specialized in aircraft wrecks waiting for me.

He put me to sleep, and when I woke up a pretty nurse was trying to get a date from me, honest, hehehe. He confirmed the broken neck and ribs, so I asked him "will I have to wear a neck brace for very long"? "Nope" he replied," I don't believe in them, I believe in giving the neck full mobility so that it heals normally, otherwise many problems develop later.'. the rest of this story continues in the last post in flying back to Phoenix.

However, in line with Tayopa, my neck hadn't fully healed when I started on the Tayopa hunt. At times on the trail, when I looked to the left it would lock up on me for a day or so and HURT. However the worst hurt came later.when at times I couldn't move from the pain at night. Mi tiger soon learned to put hot water in a mason jar, cover it with a towel, then let me lie on my right side with it under my neck. Once she forgot to screw the lid on tightly and the boiling water saturated the towel, however since I didn't know it was escaping, to me the heat felt wonderful, later we found that I had a blister the size of my palm on my neck, yet that had felt wonderful compared to the basic neck pain. It has been years since it has given me any pain, although it still cracks loudly once in a while


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I salute you Sir. DON Jose. men of your statue are hard to find. If this country had just half of your kind we would be in the mess we are in. Today the people in this country have forgotten what it takes to keep what we have or had. We have let this country go straight down like that plane of your when it hit that wire. Glad you made or we wouldn't be hearing your amazing life stories. For that I think God for allowing us to learn from the men that who payed their dues so we can learn from it. I didn't know my Grandfather on my Dad's side of the family. My Grandfather on my mother's side had his fare share of stories. I still like talking to your generation. There is so much information being lost. It hard to trust historical facts. Most have their own spin to glorify the rich. There are those true heroes who stories are lost in the mix. I've really enjoyed listen to you guys story's and adventures. My God bless us with time for hearing more. Thanks again.

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I salute you Sir. DON Jose. men of your statue are hard to find. If this country had just half of your kind we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. Today the people in this country have forgotten what it takes to keep what we have or had. We have let this country go straight down like that plane of your when it hit that wire. Glad you made or we wouldn't be hearing your amazing life stories. For that I think God for allowing us to learn from the men that who payed their dues so we can learn from it. I didn't know my Grandfather on my Dad's side of the family. My Grandfather on my mother's side had his fare share of stories. I still like talking to your generation. There is so much information being lost. It hard to trust historical facts. Most have their own spin to glorify the rich. There are those true heroes who stories are lost in the mix. I've really enjoyed listen to you guys story's and adventures. My God bless us with time for hearing more. Thanks again.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Thank for that Mikel.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Never fear Bob, if the occaison arises, you will find plenty of your generation capable. It's just that they were rased differently and sujected to Gov't controled importance in their education, it's not that they are different just uneducated in certain factors. :coffee2::coffee2:

Never fear Bob, if the occasion arises, you will find plenty of your generation capable. It's just that they were rased differently and sujected to Gov't controled importance in their education, it's not that they are different just uneducated in certain factors. :coffee2::coffee2:

I have to agree with you, Don Jose. Although there are many of the younger generation that I have questions about, I know several with whom I would be glad to have around in a crisis, including my own sons. Maybe I, or someone else, was able to give them what they missed in their formal education. Whatever the case, I think we'll do okay in the long run. By the way, thanks for the excerpts. It looks like you are making progress. I had read at least some of the airplane story in a previous post somewhere, but I never get tired of hearing the old tales, and you always seem to add a few new details.



Just a greeting for yall from the warrior:
She is fine and still adding tail feathers to her warbonnet! (that's quote and unquote!)

You can tell the warrior that she has been missed around here. There were a couple of recent discussions on this thread that I wish she had been able to comment on.


Ok, laugh or cry. My brother and I were on a flat rock that stuck out from the ridge. It gave us a good view of the valley below. I walked away and left him still looking. As I went between that rock out crop and another with a sharp slope down between them. As I stepped on the dirt, I started to slide. I threw myself backwards up slope and landed right on an Aguve cactus. It ringed my anus with its spines. I arced my body off it with nothing but my heels touching the ground. My brother came up to me as I was dropping my pants with his gun in one hand and knife in the other. "What happened?" I told him and said "You have to look and see if it went inside". as that would mean a trip to the hospital.
He looked and said "nope".
Me "Why the gun and knife?"
Him "Well I had just backed away from the edge when I heard a scream of pain and rage and someone was about to be killed. Without thought I jumped up, turned around and looked with the gun and knife in my hand. Then I looked behind me and realized that I had jumped backwards 3 feet and was about 6 inches from the edge."
The drop from there was over 70 feet to the first bounce, then another 100 feet to the next one.

Yeah so many "adventures" when out looking for gold. I really don't like Aguave, make Tequilla from all of them until they are wiped out. Just my bigotry.

Thanks for sharing the great stories.....
And Senor Don Jose........why is it your book is not near completion?

Anybody have any updates on the old black feather one, Señor Crow and the little bird and lovely señorita of his?

Frankly Doc, I didn't do anything unusual that you people haven't done , youre the ones that need the thankis, I just escaped reality for a while, this makes it hard to write without going to "look at me " status.

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