Ok This will take a bit, please excuse the typos, I have FF(Fat Fingers).
I was 18 and Bill (I thought was a friend) called and asked me if I would take his sister out, as she was driving him crazy and she was grounded. I said OK and called his house. His mother answered and I asked if it would be ok if I took her daughter out Friday Evening for the movie in town. "Sure, let me get her for you." She said that would be fine. They lived 3 miles out of town, so I showed up just after 7 as the movie started at 8. Drove in to town, parked 1/2 a block from the movie house and went up to the window and bought 2 tickets. As I turned around I saw her shutting a car door as it left the curb. I did what any 18 year old would do. I turned around and asked, "Can I have my money back for this ticket?" I went inside and used a pay phone to call her house. Bill answered and I told him what happened. "It looked like Kennedy's car." "Yeah, that's why she was grounded." "But Kennedy is 21 and married and she's just 15!" "Yeah," "Be sure and tell you parents!" I watch the show and then went out and found some friends and got home at 11:30. As I was getting undressed, I heard someone knocking on the front door. Oh no, some of my dumb friends, they will wake up my folks. I pulled up my pants, ran to the door, opened it and there was a .38 about an inch from my nose and a voice saying, "Where is my Daughter?" All I could see was the gun and a brown long sleeved shirt. What ever I babbled, he didn't shoot. Her dad was a Pinal County Deputy. I retold the story I had to Bill. He had me get into his patrol car and for the next 3 hours we looked for Kennedy's car out in the desert. At 3 AM he called home and his wife told him, "She got home at 2:30, saying my car broke down and I had to walk her home." He then took me home and I went to bed. Never felt that friendly towards Bill after that. BTW she was 15 and as he was 21 in Arizona she has no consent for sex. She would have to have been 18 for him to be safe from Prision.