Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


Don't be worry about the payment . The book will be a gift for your 120 years birthday anniversary .

Joe, for you there is no charge, but first it has to be finished. :laughing7:

Don Jose,

My days, as well as everyone else's, are numbered. Try to pick up the pace......just a smidgen.:thumbsup:

Have you considered a limited edition, first printing in hardback leather? That can produce a pretty good number$

Take care,


Don Jose

And about the stimulus issue , i believe since CWP left the forum you have lost some whipping curative treatment sessions :tongue3:

Take care my friend of your health and don't worry about the book .

Short finger, I have wondered how you came up that alias.
I have not suffered such a wound, but I did manage to pull a fingernail out. Those little suckers start growing at the knuckle and I felt every nerve pull loose.
I showed it to the guy that was working with me. When I got back with it bandaged, he said that I made him throw up.


Yep, I managed to get my left thumb nail pulled out when I was working at the shipyards....not pleasant at all. When it grew back, it was (and still is) about twice as thick as the right thumb nail.


Yep short finger, I have a stimulus, my eyesight is slighty deteriorating, I need to get it done, no more procrasting ( also I need more expoosure to the sun, among other things)

Psst, free asvertising.


I don't really need to say anything else. Not about your eyesight, that is BAD news, but the progress on the book is good.


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Geeze short, a finger prtially cut off and a nail pulled loose/off , yer accident prone How have you managed to stay alive this long ?:coffee2::coffee2:, before you manage to damage anything else - remembr your poor wife depends upon you for food etc.

Jose. You do know that we all expect you to outlive the rest of us.

Oh yeah, print that email and hang on to it.
It's not exactly self-explanatory.

Keep all your fingers clicking away.


Shortfinger, my fingernail didn't get thick, but when the nail bed got leathery it started getting waves across it and stayed that way for about ten years.


The Good Samaritan,
Coming home from a softball game one night, spotted 2 damsels in distress, on the side of road,
hood up, steam rising up. Hey, pull over there and lets give them a hand. Your car looks
hot,you probably just need some water. Not a big deal, slowly turn the radiator cap, tilting
slightly to relieve the pressure, until the cap is loose. Lift up the cap, nothing happens, Wow,
your radiator must be completely empty, I've never seen one do that before.
Now, remember the part about just leaving the ballfield? I am wearing a pair of shorts, cleats,
shirtless, radiator cap in hand, slightly turned talking to girls, and the radiator blows out, covers me
from neck to waistline, right down my chest..Oh sh__!, are you alright?,
I take my shirt from the front seat and head for the ice chest, dunk the shirt, put in on, dries out almost
instantly, repeat again and again. Yes, yes I'm fine, barely got me, lets go ahead and fill your radiator, so you
can get on your way. Pull the Prestone jug full of water from back of truck, fill radiator, exchange phone numbers and
leave. Still dunking and wearing tshirt again and again. Man, you OK? Nope, take me home.
Wake up nice neighbor lady, RN nurse, You need to go to hospital, No, No, I'll be fine. Gave me a few painkillers, some salve
and went home, turned window unit on to Hi cool, laid down and started the shakes till the pain killers kicked in. Woke up a few
hours later, called in sick, put on more salve, laid back down. Neighbor lady checks on me next day, She says, usually these kind of
burns are hard to treat because the antifreeze/coolant won't wash off and makes the burned area even worse. Aftermath,
the ice cold water from the tshirt, re-applied many times, helped to wash off the anti-freeze and the salve moistened the skin. I came away
with no scarring except for about a dime sized spot on my chest..
Thank goodness for the Good Samaritan, My RN neighbor lady.


Ah the joys of being a "Nice Guy". The tales I could tell. LOL Only time I ever had a gun stuck in my face. Wish he had asked for money, instead of "Where's my Daughter?"

Don Jose, I saw this currently on E-Bay. Not "new" news by any means, but was a map I had not seen before. Shows the sunset on March 7th, then again on March 18th. Not sure I understand why March 18th was shown as it was suppose to be an eight day journey from there to one of the Tayopa's. Anyway, maybe this helps to prove these guys had been looking at Tayopa #2 and not yours ?

This is the E-Bay link and it doesn't work every time for me, but the auction # is 390731972044

Sometimes good link is: Mexico Search for The Lost Tayopa Mine Custard Dobie Dorr Ferguson Flipper Orr | eBay

Bear cutting door entrance.webp

As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Received PM and thanks Don Jose, now I can scratch that off my bucket list. :notworthy:
P.S., what is a bucket ? :tongue3:

Simon, most of what that article says has been posted in here, and many more from personel experiences. save your money.:laughing7:Tayopa HAS been found. gracias

tayopa is

Week ender, I thought that I was the only one to pull that stunt. The coolant is way above the temp of boiling water. However I only got my hand.. Your upper bady, sheesh, I do bet that it smarted a bit. At that you were very lucky, it coald have hit you in te face and eyes :occasion14: a cool one

Jim swickard, the owner of the hacienda hotel -[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]www.haciendadelossantos.com [/FONT] -- here in Almos posted this reminder to me. It is the men that died at Normandy. It was a British paper that published it, no mention of this in the yank papers.

I doubt that I would have had the courage. My experience was only limited to the Guadalcanal

campaign on Auf 11, 1942, which was nothing .in comparison.

I remember a street interview of people on the meaning of July 4 th, many simply did not know., the same is startiing for Normandy, sheesh.

Peace Day: Reminder of millions of lives lost in war as artists stencil 9,000 bodies onto Normandy beach | Daily Mail Online


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