Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

IUK, yu are correct,. If I rember correctly the first strings were identifiers and classfiers,then came the distric/villlage, then what it was and content. Geeze it is sorta hazy to me today, possibly due to not sleeping last night.

We also collaborated on some island dialectswhich were of a similar consturction, .and '

Amaru Maru ' being mother nature's handwork, it is not a star gate..

Doorway of the Amaru Meru - Labyrinthina

NP, I, personally, am unfit to do it physically ( man it hurt to admit that ) and they don''tt move, when they do they try to out guess me. But I'll try once more. Sides what do I need tons of money for now ?
Amigo,I am physically in the same boat as you,but,sadly no matter how many buckets we use,we can not bale our selves out, don't worry ,the opening of it will not kill the story,or maybe not even make you a rich person,you are all ready rich in the spirit,and as a person, give yourself a brake,rest your mind,do it,the stories will live on,:hello:NP:cat:


These pictures are from a successful recovery of a treasure from the sands of Peru.


They reburied the remains but only to cover their tracks.

The shipment was surreptitiously flown out by private plane to the US....

Another instance of the old primary records and testimonies giving-up secrets that when acted upon, led to a gold site albeit a burial chamber of a priest or leading warrior/nobleman.


They reburied the remains but only to cover their tracks.

The shipment was surreptitiously flown out by private plane to the US....

Another instance of the old primary records and testimonies giving-up secrets that when acted upon, led to a gold site albeit a burial chamber of a priest or leading warrior/nobleman.


thanks IPU!
Gone are the days when one can dig up stuff inconspicuously...that is why 'buried treasures' may not be the suitable targets for one man bands unless u do it officially...instead 'hidden treasures' or caches in caves , underground tunnel structures etc that require no or little digging are the more practical avenues...
all the same a great yarn...
on another note continuing your hypothetical question of last time...you asked what would be the possibility of selling locally in black market ...we pointed there is risk of being prosecuted,, but even if there is no risk ,how can one possibly transfer the money? u cant take the money out on the plane ...bank transfer?( u have issues with tax etc)..or different swiss account?...:)


My understanding is there are still today, in Peru, locals who dig up graves from long ago…no doubt this continues in other countries as well.

Hey TT,

I'm afraid that the vast majority of countries would never allow individuals such as us to dig any treasure that they might class as 'cultural patrimony'. This would be the case regardless of how much work and effort had gone in by the individual.
They would soon find reason enough to get us out of the picture and where priceless artefacts of long-gone civilisations is concerned, I can understand why in view of what has gone on in the past.

Even in this age, there are numerous sites all over - if we are sticking to South America then I mean Peru in particular - where possible treasures are still buried awaiting discovery. Ironically, the value of gold and silver artefacts are not what they used to be and collectors now value exquisite textiles and pottery more due to demand. The only exception being outstanding pieces which are unique and expertly executed from certain groups over others.

To deepen the conundrum further, what if I told you I had the possible location of a burial site in the desert between northern Peru and south Ecuador which was dangerous territory due to drug traffickers?

What ethics and morals would be 'acceptable' in such an instance?

Do we tell the authorities and forget about the site?
Do we let local huaceros look and find and sell the artefacts for next to nothing?
Do we try and search ourselves with all the complex accumulaters involved?

It is my belief that there is several Mochica and Chimu sites still there, untouched, since the days of the Inca themselves....

With the question you pose about large amounts of money, there is a system in operation in South Asia called the "Havala", where a network of moneylenders, jewellers, traders and transient workers can send/receive funds based on promise and a handshake. It has been in operation for centuries. This is used to exchange literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year. I have seen trust-based meetings in Switzerland where deals have been made for hundreds of thousands of Swiss francs based on a nod and a nudge. Nothing untoward - just business deals.

It is mind-boggling and truly unbelievable unless you've seen it at source.

Maybe that is why I am so wanting to move on and enter this new career now....:thumbsup:


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Hey TT,

I'm afraid that the vast majority of countries would never allow individuals such as us to dig any treasure that they might class as 'cultural patrimony'. This would be the case regardless of how much work and effort had gone in by the individual.
They would soon find reason enough to get us out of the picture and where priceless artefacts of long-gone civilisations is concerned, I can understand why in view of what has gone on in the past.

Even in this age, there are numerous sites all over - if we are sticking to South America then I mean Peru in particular - where possible treasures are still buried awaiting discovery. Ironically, the value of gold and silver artefacts are not what they used to be and collectors now value exquisite textiles and pottery more due to demand. The only exception being outstanding pieces which are unique and expertly executed from certain groups over others.

To deepen the conundrum further, what if I told you I had the possible location of a burial site in the desert between northern Peru and south Ecuador which was dangerous territory due to drug traffickers?

What ethics and morals would be 'acceptable' in such an instance?

Do we tell the authorities and forget about the site?
Do we let local huaceros look and find and sell the artefacts for next to nothing?
Do we try and search ourselves with all the complex accumulaters involved?

It is my belief that there is several Mochica and Chimu sites still there, untouched, since the days of the Inca themselves....

With the question you pose about large amounts of money, there is a system in operation in South Asia called the "Havala", where a network of moneylenders, jewellers, traders and transient workers can send/receive funds based on promise and a handshake. It has been in operation for centuries. This is used to exchange literally hundreds of millions of dollars every year. I have seen trust-based meetings in Switzerland where deals have been made for hundreds of thousands of Swiss francs based on a nod and a nudge. Nothing untoward - just business deals.

It is mind-boggling and truly unbelievable unless you've seen it at source.

Maybe that is why I am so wanting to move on and enter this new career now....:thumbsup:


IP..great stuff as usual...and tough questions you posed there ...
I know the ''Havala'' system but I was not aware it is being deployed for large amounts of money..if so it is amazing..yes how it works is simple.. if I want to send money to a friend of mine in UK and if u have a brother where i live,, I give the money to your bro here and in the uk side u give the money (minus few commission) to my friend assuming you and your brother are in the same business (with same purse)...
by the way opening swiss account is rather simple than u think..for instance u can open an account now depositing some of ur savings,,,thier strict requirement is in the initial opening where a minimum sum should be there (one of the bank asks at least 25 K euro to open the account) and proof that u earned it legally...hence u can show ur salary slips of past years and if u have that kind of money u can open one,,,after that i dont think there is much regulation in how u use ur money or deposit further

You should have seen how lax the Swiss system was even only a few years ago. They have only stepped-up (if you can really call it that) their procedures and protocols after pressure from the US and EU to tighten their criteria and foreign account holders for tax purposes.

The €500 note is being stopped eventually as it is the money of choice for launders, smugglers and other criminals. One million euros in this note amount too only 2kg, and so the EU has stopped issuing them although they remain legal tender.

Guess which country shoots to the top the league again...?

The Swiss 1,000 franc note....


Ipk. Patrimony - the exact probem that I have with Tayopa. It has the potential to change early history of the SW and of the Jesuits.

Incidentally, I believe that I hold the smallest 'Union Bankof Switzerland' acct possble. A potential partner opened it for me,but our deal fell through, I kept the account :laughing7: although I doubt that it is still active since there is no in or out, hasn't been for some years, but they still send me a statment each year. Some day ??

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It seems universally true, that even in third world countries, that getting the money from collections from unknown tombs, that the simplest error could send you to jail, even if the only charge Is, commiting a grave error.

#/;0{> ~ (c)

You should have seen how lax the Swiss system was even only a few years ago. They have only stepped-up (if you can really call it that) their procedures and protocols after pressure from the US and EU to tighten their criteria and foreign account holders for tax purposes.

The €500 note is being stopped eventually as it is the money of choice for launders, smugglers and other criminals. One million euros in this note amount too only 2kg, and so the EU has stopped issuing them although they remain legal tender.

Guess which country shoots to the top the league again...?

The Swiss 1,000 franc note....


IPU...ofcourse transporting hard money within Europe/UK is not a problem generally using buses, trains or personal cars where is no check up of luggage...the problem is when it involves airtravel from overseas..

Fella, there is such long-ranging individuals and organisations out there, for a 'small fee', they will move what ever amount you want from wherever you want.

They have diplomats, air crew staff, security and airport employees, shipping detail, international bankers and suchlike at their beck and call. If you have the resources to play with them, nothing is too difficult or impossible...

Some antiquities smugglers got busted from South America using diplomats as their mules. Interpol shut the investigation down as it was deemed too politically embarrassing for too any countries.

I don't know if you saw how popular football is in Europe (soccer to chaps across the Atlantic), look how it's governing body was thrown into turmoil and its president and general secretary arrested on corruption and a whole host of its executives from across the globe also held on bribery and illegal money charges...

The 'Panama Papers' scandal, wait until the full amount of documents have been sifted...

These peeps who belong to the top 1% across the globe, they really have such disdain for us everyday folk.

Trust me TT, when you have a 'positive' query to find resolution for, opportunities will present themselves...


Don, I sincerely hope that the wealth of Tayopa and its real history, are both brought to light by you and that you reap their benefits and prove the reality once and for all to the 'disbelieving'.


PS. Once I have completed my assignment in South America, if you really need someone to support and assist you in opening up that cave with the gold and silver, I am at your service me lord...

Fella, there is such long-ranging individuals and organisations out there, for a 'small fee', they will move what ever amount you want from wherever you want.

They have diplomats, air crew staff, security and airport employees, shipping detail, international bankers and suchlike at their beck and call. If you have the resources to play with them, nothing is too difficult or impossible...

Some antiquities smugglers got busted from South America using diplomats as their mules. Interpol shut the investigation down as it was deemed too politically embarrassing for too any countries.

I don't know if you saw how popular football is in Europe (soccer to chaps across the Atlantic), look how it's governing body was thrown into turmoil and its president and general secretary arrested on corruption and a whole host of its executives from across the globe also held on bribery and illegal money charges...

The 'Panama Papers' scandal, wait until the full amount of documents have been sifted...

These peeps who belong to the top 1% across the globe, they really have such disdain for us everyday folk.

Trust me TT, when you have a 'positive' query to find resolution for, opportunities will present themselves...


Quite an intrigue of-course especially diplomats..But you need to be careful my friend so as not to end up in problem..the issue is not that the system is fair or not..the system is blatantly unfair serving less than 1 pct of the elites...but as it stands whether we like it or not you might be harmed by existing rules which applies to the masses and not the few...that is the reality,,,hence safety first bro...
by the way speaking of cash,,can you believe me if I tell you some families in some countries in Europe actually keep most of their money in a drawer or safe or in a hole under the floor ?:laughing7:

Thanks TT. It will always be a case of "safety first".

I can accept the fact that some countries in Europe have folks who keep their savings and valuables at home. Prime case was/is Greece. With the on-going turmoil there, people resorted to stashing their cash at home only for there to be a rash of home robberies..

I will always maintain that you should always know your limits and never,get yourself into a situation where you might not be able to handle the outcome.


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