Today for some reason while having a granpappy nap I found my self remenicing on my Border Patrol days. At that time we only numbered about 5000 men for the entire US boders and interior. We had more effective power than almost any other agency. We were only stoped from enterng a private dwelling, but that was easily bypassed. We would goin to a sherif's office and have us temporailly named a deputy at which time we could search and as BP officers required to act upon any illegals encountered. We were not hamstrng by an Obama then.
In one incident -- no bloody shoot outs today-- I was located at the Riviera check station, which controled all traffic north from Brownsvile. It was a hot humid day when a large car arrived. I courtesly asked unde oath "good after noon, are you an American citizen:? " Hell no, I'm a Texan". he bellowed , "Thats nice", I replied, "but until you declare yourself an American citizen under oath, I cannot let you pass" While he was sitting ther with his mouth open I reached in and tok his keys - as I mentioned we were not hamstrung by Obama in those days.
I left him stewing in his hot car, finally he gave up and came to the office and growled "I a United States Senitor on my way to washington, and am exempy from any police action. I want your badge no" Thats fine since you have answered my question, here are your car keys, as for my badge no. you can easily see that."
Later I heard that he had filed a report on me but the BP head quarters squashed it, and instead gave me a commendation...
We were on a 7 day week' but even so we were required to act upon any supected illegal activity
I noticed this hulobuloo on sanctuary cities, the fed law specfies " anyone that harbors, aids or furthers an ilegal entry is guitly of a felony" this includes the city concil members, but the Patrol has be so emasculated that --'
In those days we had a tremendous Epirit de Corp,no members would do anything Illgal as witness my next story
One morning we picked up a gorgeous young Mexican girl from a bus,, she even smelled as if she hd just gorren out of a shower, reminds me of our CWP, Well about lunch time we tossed to see who would take her to a nearby resturant for lunch - at gov't expense - I won. Later I heard that they were making bets that I would somehow come back alone.without her.
When we arrived at the resturant and she was seated at a table I noticed that somehow -- due to the heat no doubt - that the upper 4 buttons to her filmy blouse had become undone as she leannned overr to tell me what she wanted to eat. She then looked me straight in the eye and murmed in a low sexy voice "Isn't there anything that I can do to make you let me go officer "?
Being a stalwart BP guy I conquered any inclinations for any hanky panky and returened her to the office intact, to the disappoinent of some of the other BP's
I could go on for hours without any bloody shootouts.
Course I doubt that I would have kept her if'n she was our CWP