Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

:laughing7: Gib, that was my son trying to locate this site. it happened to coincide with your post, but you may be assured thar it wasn't. Keep posting my friend, so far fascinatng.

Alamosjefe, welcome.
Hope that you hang around to keep Jose in line.

Whether it's God's own truth, or a wonderfully told symptom of Thunderbolt toxicity, he is always a joy to read.

#/;0{~ (c)

Hi TT,

Seen this one; this chap that found the nugget was/is a treasure-hunter of sorts and has spent many years looking for the missing ship. Naturally the tabloid newspaper tries to make it sound as if he got 'lucky', but quietly way down the article states that he was and has been specifically looking for this ship and was not taking a stroll on the beach but diving into the sea.

But we can all hope and dream...

Not for me this one I' afraid, not that great a swimmer and the chances or locating, planning, retrieving and then benefitting from such a project are outside of my experience and skills...:thumbsup:

Much prefer land-based searches where there is solid ground underfoot and you don't have to act like a fish or wear rubber suits...:laughing7:

Where I am going soon, it will be pristine rainforest (don't know for how many more years sadly:BangHead:), where the locals carry guns (never used one in my life!), and 'deals' with gold-miners and dealers can and do go awry in a split second. But this doesn't deter me, what is life and achievements without an element of risk and unfamiliar surroundings and new environments?

If it comes off, I will set-up a project or two for my clients and will make a small fee for my services.

Can't wait to get out there to be honest, it will feel very special and rewarding (I hope..).


Hello IUK, yes I have but not seriously.. I have never soliciated in here since you are all my friends & I know just how hard you have to work, and any mining project is just too chancy. Even the depsitory is chancy in that I do not know the exact point of entry, just that lt is in there.

LIving down here in Mexico in a backwoods town, I do not have any contact with the big miming companies, In one case by E-M I offered Tayopa only to be told by the chief Geologist that no economical deposit of prescious metal would be found in Basalt. when I tried to explain the unique conditions at Tayopa , he asked if I was a Geologist and when I stated no, he terminated the conversation..

Hi Don,

I understand what you are saying about the major mining companies and corporations, but what about to an independent outfit that is not constrained by "Aims and Objectives"?

If you honestly and truly believe that there is wealth hidden away in that cave, know the location (don't worry about the point of entry), believe that it is still all intact, have the legal documents to verify ownership and right to the title deeds, don't mind entering into a contract with British folk and are willing to split any proceeds fairly and squarely, please tell me and I will make this my next project. I am totally committed and focused on my 'new' career and can start planning straightaway...

After my trip to South America soon, ol' Mexico can be my next stop for sure...:goldbar::occasion14:


Hi TT,

Seen this one; this chap that found the nugget was/is a treasure-hunter of sorts and has spent many years looking for the missing ship. Naturally the tabloid newspaper tries to make it sound as if he got 'lucky', but quietly way down the article states that he was and has been specifically looking for this ship and was not taking a stroll on the beach but diving into the sea.

But we can all hope and dream...

Not for me this one I' afraid, not that great a swimmer and the chances or locating, planning, retrieving and then benefitting from such a project are outside of my experience and skills...:thumbsup:

Much prefer land-based searches where there is solid ground underfoot and you don't have to act like a fish or wear rubber suits...:laughing7:

Where I am going soon, it will be pristine rainforest (don't know for how many more years sadly:BangHead:), where the locals carry guns (never used one in my life!), and 'deals' with gold-miners and dealers can and do go awry in a split second. But this doesn't deter me, what is life and achievements without an element of risk and unfamiliar surroundings and new environments?

If it comes off, I will set-up a project or two for my clients and will make a small fee for my services.

Can't wait to get out there to be honest, it will feel very special and rewarding (I hope..).


Thanks IUP...yeah I noticed that he was diving and actually he found the nugget some 5 years ago and kept silent until he searched the area for other gold ,,and it is when he was sure he couldnt find more that he announced his find,,,He is lucky they didn't press charge for keeping silent this long,,kkk
I agree for us land based TH is the better option,,,but dont rule out shore based searches including river bank walls and caves near sea shores or in this case potential washed out treasure near shores that u can search without diving by just looking at the shore's shallow waters or on the edge of the beach on land.
Good luck bro!

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a handwritten journal of a British officer from the Napoleonic era surfaced in a second hand bookshop in Australia tucked away without being noticed for years.It is quite a sensational story given the unique writing ability and broader knowledge of this well known globetrotting British officer...now where did I hear the last time somebody mention about a diary from the Napoleon era:laughing7:
check below
Napoleonic 'treasure' unearthed in Tasmanian bookshop - BBC News


Hi Don,

I understand what you are saying about the major mining companies and corporations, but what about to an independent outfit that is not constrained by "Aims and Objectives"?

If you honestly and truly believe that there is wealth hidden away in that cave, know the location (don't worry about the point of entry), believe that it is still all intact, have the legal documents to verify ownership and right to the title deeds, don't mind entering into a contract with British folk and are willing to split any proceeds fairly and squarely, please tell me and I will make this my next project. I am totally committed and focused on my 'new' career and can start planning straightaway...

After my trip to South America soon, ol' Mexico can be my next stop for sure...:goldbar::occasion14:


For every "major mining company" operating in Mexico, Central and South America, there are dozens of lean, mean smaller exploration companies beating the bushes. Most of them are Canadian-based. All are looking for economic deposits. Most are penny stock corporations hoping to sell to bigger outfits higher on the food chain. Low grade, high volume heap leachable deposits are a major focus, but minable load deposits are always being considered. Third-party wildcat local miners are contracted to operate these, for the most part - nearly all of the lode deposits are silver. These guys don't have the luxury of chasing lost mine legends, but they will consider properties with core drill results, positive surface sampling evidence or encouraging geotech sampling indications. If you want someone to look at your project, do a Google search, get yourself a hundred websites, contact them all and see if any of them respond.

Well played, JB..... :notworthy: View attachment 1310977

But alas, my fellow wine swilling friend, I'm sure you have not failed to notice that due to one of my recent...contretempts....both Tayoper and Oro have chosen wisely to hold their spouses up before them in shield formation, heheheh. :laughing7: ( As has a Nordic friend, from another venue, who passes through these venerated halls on occasion :tongue3: ). Wonderful women, those...and discerning husbands who obviously recognise their value and honor it. :icon_thumright: :notworthy:

Of course, these same gentlemen are also aware that my own dance card is full....so there are no misunderstandings. :wink:. I must confess that, at present, I am honor bound to share a glass of....*shudders*...Gallo Thunderbird with a very possessive Sasquatch in the near future.

Still...we can tip a glass, pass the virtual peanuts, and indulge in a little verbal jousting now and again....Ni modo, así es la vida, sigh.

En garde, Gentlemen..... :whip2: View attachment 1310964

No worries, cwp, and thanks for the compliment. My dance card is full as well, and it would have been surprising to me if yours wasn’t (all of the best ones are taken). If it had come to that, I would have had to hold my own shield/spouse up as well, so no misunderstandings on my part. But, I have enjoyed the virtual Zin (pun intended), peanuts, and especially the verbal jousting, and hope to continue with it in the future. Besides, it was a little gratifying to have the Don admit that he was, at least, slightly jealous……

So, sweet lady, bring it on!!:laughing7::laughing7:



[ The history of Thunderbird is as interesting as the drunken effects the one experiences from the wine. When Prohibition ended, Ernest Gallo and his brothers Julio and Joe wanted to corner the young wine market. Earnest wanted the company to become "the Campbell Soup company of the wine industry" so he started selling Thunderbird in the ghettos around the country. Their radio adds featured a song that sang, "What's the word? / Thunderbird / How's it sold? / Good and cold / What's the jive? / Bird's alive / What's the price? / Thirty twice." It is said that Ernest once drove through a tough, inner city neighborhood and pulled over when he saw a bum. When Gallo rolled down his window and called out, "What's the word?" the immediate answer from the bum was, "Thunderbird."]

Shudder indeed.:blackbeard:

'Proof' of my devotion, if ever there was any... :wink:

No worries, cwp, and thanks for the compliment. My dance card is full as well, and it would have been surprising to me if yours wasn’t (all of the best ones are taken). If it had come to that, I would have had to hold my own shield/spouse up as well, so no misunderstandings on my part. But, I have enjoyed the virtual Zin (pun intended), peanuts, and especially the verbal jousting, and hope to continue with it in the future. Besides, it was a little gratifying to have the Don admit that he was, at least, slightly jealous……

So, sweet lady, bring it on!!:laughing7::laughing7:


Deal! :icon_thumright:


SDC what you say is quite true, but which of them will lsten if you just don't have the money for say,for a core driling program or a surface exploration team , and you can no longer do the physical exploration work yourself ????

Thsat is my problem. I had enough money to start, but the Cancer operations and the condiion that they left me in, 16 years ago cleaned me out, which is Why I took in Mexican partners who were like "the bull in a china shop" They meant well, but we had a cummunication bloc, they hardly ever cumunicatedwith me, and when they did they were off track.,

The Tayopa mine is unique, it's past record speaks well for it. It was in bonanza when it disappearred in 1530 due to
Apache attacks. My omly problem was to show it;spotential based upon it's geological situation, this The Head geologist of that company never gave me an oportunity to show why the area is of bonanza quality. Phelps--Dodge, until the reveloution kept a man full time looking for it, but that gradually died out when he could produce no appreciable evidence...


An erudite observation.

I am no miner and have no yearning for such.

What Don and I wish to consider, is the mysterious cave...


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