Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Doc, bit by bit. Ya want the whole book ahead of time ???:dontknow::laughing7: What do you wish, marine salvage, war, BP stories, Treasure hunting in general. Law Enforce ment or :censored: blushing. :coffee2::coffee2:

P.s experiments in the panormal ?

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This weekend we have still yet another surprise from the Arts world...we already saw a lost and found Caravaggio in an attic in France and a lost and found Van Gogh in a Norwegian Attic...today we return to France ,Lyon where a struggling mechanic who lost his job and resorted into buying and selling arts online ordered one art for 700Euro thinking it was something else.But when it came the son of the mechanic observed something which lead them to identify it to be a long lost work by the famous impressionist painter Renoir from one of his pre impressionist works.It is being evaluated further but some experts have already voiced positive comments...
What a wonderful surprise to this mechanic in Lyon. You can check the story below
French mechanic finds 'long-lost Renoir' online for ?700 - The Local

IUP,,,hello amigo Any yarns for the weekend?,,:)

Now you can name a wine after your book, "Zin Fin". :dontknow:

Undoubtedly another wine I'll never taste since the fermentation process would be ad infinitum. boredsmiley.gif

Hmm, Me thinks Don Jose is not telling us the whole story here.
Just something I noticed. First we have the story of the hot tamale from the bus stop.
Then the bit about pollination. And some monkey or burro business.
Followed by a photo of the lovely Mrs. with child.

Hmmm, Sounds like one of those romance novels with Don Jose playing the part of Fabio on the cover.

Alright Don Jose, give us the Paul Harvey "rest of the story" :coffee2::coffee2:

Parables, Dear Doc, parables.....as El Saintly One is prone to speak in when digging himself out of a hole. smiley angel whistling.gif

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TT, happy to oblige my dear man.

Today, we shall look into an intriguing mystery that takes in the last remanents of the Inca against their Spanish overlords, a mountaintop lonely castle shrouded in legend, an aristocrat forced to leave his home due to one too many indiscretions and the alleged rightful heir to the ever-sought after legendary last great missing treasure of the Inca.

During the 18th century, a member of the aristocracy was forced (some say voluntarily) to leave the Old World for the New. He settled in present-day Peru where after some time, he met and married an Inca princess who was still part of the nobility in its reduced form due to the Spanish conquest. They were happily married and the princess bore him a daughter.

As the daughter was growing-up, she was 'allowed' in both camps: she enjoyed the confidence of the last Inca nobles and the upper echelons of the Europeans due to her father's race and background. As an adult, she met and married a relative of the Inca insurrection leader Tupac Amaru ll. The last of the Inca tried their utmost to remove the Spanish and restore the previous order but were harshly put-down by the Spaniards. They executed all the remaining prominent Inca and their supporters in very public executions and attempted to suppress the Quechan language, traditions and remaining culture of the Inca.

Due to the European chap's daughter who was married to a relative of the rebel Inca leader, he, his daughter and his Incan son-in-law were forced to flee back to Europe. They apparently settled in Italy. The European's wife had died whilst still in Peru. The daughter had a baby born to her during this time but her Incan husband died under mysterious circumstances and her father took his daughter and grandchild back to his family's home - the lonely castle - and settled back there away from prying eyes.

As the boy grew-up under the supervision of his mother and grandfather, he lost his mother when she was mysteriously murdered as his father had been when they had lived in Italy. The unfortunate boy was now an orphan and only had his elderly grandfather as his close kin.

In amongst the boy's possessions that his mother had left him, there was supposedly a quipu which the mother had left him that she said belonged to the boy's paternal people- the Inca - and when it was unraveled by a true Inca, it would reveal the resting place where the great Inca hoard was buried in anticipation of the new rise of the Inca people.

As the boy was unable to do much, the quipu was kept in his possessions and not discussed much. As he grew-up, the quipu and the associated papers from his mother and his father's possessions, were lost and dispersed...

Some years later, some expeditions left the Old World again and centred some searches and investigations at certain spots around Lake Titicaca and wTT, happy to oblige my dear man.

Today, we shall look into an intriguing mystery that takes in the last remanents of the Inca against their Spanish overlords, a mountaintop lonely castle shrouded in legend, an aristocrat forced to leave his home due to one too many indiscretions and the alleged rightful heir to the ever-sought after legendary last great missing treasure of the Inca.

During the 18th century, a member of the aristocracy was forced (some say voluntarily) to leave the Old World for the New. He settled in present-day Peru where after some time, he met and married an Inca princess who was still part of the nobility in its reduced form due to the Spanish conquest. They were happily married and the princess bore him a daughter.

As the daughter was growing-up, she was 'allowed' in both camps: she enjoyed the confidence of the last Inca nobles and the upper echelons of the Europeans due to her father's race and background. As an adult, she met and married a relative of the Inca insurrection leader Tupac Amaru ll. The last of the Inca tried their utmost to remove the Spanish and restore the previous order but were harshly put-down by the Spaniards. They executed all the remaining prominent Inca and their supporters in very public executions and attempted to suppress the Quechan language, traditions and remaining culture of the Inca.

Due to the European chap's daughter who was married to a relative of the rebel Inca leader, he, his daughter and his Incan son-in-law were forced to flee back to Europe. They apparently settled in Italy. The European's wife had died whilst still in Peru. The daughter had a baby born to her during this time but her Incan husband died under mysterious circumstances and her father took his daughter and grandchild back to his family's home - the lonely castle - and settled back there away from prying eyes.

As the boy grew-up under the supervision of his mother and grandfather, he lost his mother when she was mysteriously murdered as his father had been when they had lived in Italy. The unfortunate boy was now an orphan and only had his elderly grandfather as his close kin.

In amongst the boy's possessions that his mother had left him, there was supposedly a quipu which the mother had left him that she said belonged to the boy's paternal people- the Inca - and when it was unraveled by a true Inca, it would reveal the resting place where the great Inca hoard was buried in anticipation of the new rise of the Inca people.

As the boy was unable to do much, the quipu was kept in his possessions and not discussed much. As he grew-up, the quipu and the associated papers from his mother and his father's possessions, were lost and dispersed...

Some years later, some expeditions left the Old World again and centred some searches and investigations at certain spots around Lake Titicaca and were rumoured to have some 'specific details' which had allegedly been found in Europe from descendants of the "Last Inca".

The story is very intriguing as apparently the family when fleeing Peru after the failed insurrection, had some gold and silver artefacts on their possessions which had allowed them to buy safe passage back to the Old World. Apparently this is why the boy's mother and father met grisly and premature ends. There was also rumoured surreptitious searches of the castle and some leaden chests were removed after the mother's death without the grandfather's knowledge...

This story has been discussed previously on TreasureNet, and me and old Crowy discussed it in some other thread. It was also intriguing as I came across an old travel journal from an Englishman travelling across South America in the 19th century who came across the widow of an Inca resistance leader who showed him gold and silver artefacts leftover from her late husband who had been shown a "great hoard of the ancient Inca" that was used to buy weapons and supplies for the rebels. The Englishman saw the artefacts and sketched them for his book and tried to purchase them but was unable to. The widow told him that her husband who was a full blood Qeuchan, was told that the hoard would only be brought out into the open when the Inca returned to power and had been cached until then and was overseen by loyal servants of the Inca, even over the centuries where one generation passed the baton to another.

The story became even more intriguing when post WW2, a politician in Eastern Europe said he had "proof" that he was descended from the last Inca and would prove it. He also met an unfortunate end and was mysteriously killed in a car 'accident'.

There was a documentary I saw many, many years ago on this and was fascinated by the story.

Strange but apparently true....:dontknow:


TT, happy to oblige my dear man.

Today, we shall look into an intriguing mystery that takes in the last remanents of the Inca against their Spanish overlords, a mountaintop lonely castle shrouded in legend, an aristocrat forced to leave his home due to one too many indiscretions and the alleged rightful heir to the ever-sought after legendary last great missing treasure of the Inca.

During the 18th century, a member of the aristocracy was forced (some say voluntarily) to leave the Old World for the New. He settled in present-day Peru where after some time, he met and married an Inca princess who was still part of the nobility in its reduced form due to the Spanish conquest. They were happily married and the princess bore him a daughter.

As the daughter was growing-up, she was 'allowed' in both camps: she enjoyed the confidence of the last Inca nobles and the upper echelons of the Europeans due to her father's race and background. As an adult, she met and married a relative of the Inca insurrection leader Tupac Amaru ll. The last of the Inca tried their utmost to remove the Spanish and restore the previous order but were harshly put-down by the Spaniards. They executed all the remaining prominent Inca and their supporters in very public executions and attempted to suppress the Quechan language, traditions and remaining culture of the Inca.

Due to the European chap's daughter who was married to a relative of the rebel Inca leader, he, his daughter and his Incan son-in-law were forced to flee back to Europe. They apparently settled in Italy. The European's wife had died whilst still in Peru. The daughter had a baby born to her during this time but her Incan husband died under mysterious circumstances and her father took his daughter and grandchild back to his family's home - the lonely castle - and settled back there away from prying eyes.

As the boy grew-up under the supervision of his mother and grandfather, he lost his mother when she was mysteriously murdered as his father had been when they had lived in Italy. The unfortunate boy was now an orphan and only had his elderly grandfather as his close kin.

In amongst the boy's possessions that his mother had left him, there was supposedly a quipu which the mother had left him that she said belonged to the boy's paternal people- the Inca - and when it was unraveled by a true Inca, it would reveal the resting place where the great Inca hoard was buried in anticipation of the new rise of the Inca people.

As the boy was unable to do much, the quipu was kept in his possessions and not discussed much. As he grew-up, the quipu and the associated papers from his mother and his father's possessions, were lost and dispersed...

Some years later, some expeditions left the Old World again and centred some searches and investigations at certain spots around Lake Titicaca and wTT, happy to oblige my dear man.

Today, we shall look into an intriguing mystery that takes in the last remanents of the Inca against their Spanish overlords, a mountaintop lonely castle shrouded in legend, an aristocrat forced to leave his home due to one too many indiscretions and the alleged rightful heir to the ever-sought after legendary last great missing treasure of the Inca.

During the 18th century, a member of the aristocracy was forced (some say voluntarily) to leave the Old World for the New. He settled in present-day Peru where after some time, he met and married an Inca princess who was still part of the nobility in its reduced form due to the Spanish conquest. They were happily married and the princess bore him a daughter.

As the daughter was growing-up, she was 'allowed' in both camps: she enjoyed the confidence of the last Inca nobles and the upper echelons of the Europeans due to her father's race and background. As an adult, she met and married a relative of the Inca insurrection leader Tupac Amaru ll. The last of the Inca tried their utmost to remove the Spanish and restore the previous order but were harshly put-down by the Spaniards. They executed all the remaining prominent Inca and their supporters in very public executions and attempted to suppress the Quechan language, traditions and remaining culture of the Inca.

Due to the European chap's daughter who was married to a relative of the rebel Inca leader, he, his daughter and his Incan son-in-law were forced to flee back to Europe. They apparently settled in Italy. The European's wife had died whilst still in Peru. The daughter had a baby born to her during this time but her Incan husband died under mysterious circumstances and her father took his daughter and grandchild back to his family's home - the lonely castle - and settled back there away from prying eyes.

As the boy grew-up under the supervision of his mother and grandfather, he lost his mother when she was mysteriously murdered as his father had been when they had lived in Italy. The unfortunate boy was now an orphan and only had his elderly grandfather as his close kin.

In amongst the boy's possessions that his mother had left him, there was supposedly a quipu which the mother had left him that she said belonged to the boy's paternal people- the Inca - and when it was unraveled by a true Inca, it would reveal the resting place where the great Inca hoard was buried in anticipation of the new rise of the Inca people.

As the boy was unable to do much, the quipu was kept in his possessions and not discussed much. As he grew-up, the quipu and the associated papers from his mother and his father's possessions, were lost and dispersed...

Some years later, some expeditions left the Old World again and centred some searches and investigations at certain spots around Lake Titicaca and were rumoured to have some 'specific details' which had allegedly been found in Europe from descendants of the "Last Inca".

The story is very intriguing as apparently the family when fleeing Peru after the failed insurrection, had some gold and silver artefacts on their possessions which had allowed them to buy safe passage back to the Old World. Apparently this is why the boy's mother and father met grisly and premature ends. There was also rumoured surreptitious searches of the castle and some leaden chests were removed after the mother's death without the grandfather's knowledge...

This story has been discussed previously on TreasureNet, and me and old Crowy discussed it in some other thread. It was also intriguing as I came across an old travel journal from an Englishman travelling across South America in the 19th century who came across the widow of an Inca resistance leader who showed him gold and silver artefacts leftover from her late husband who had been shown a "great hoard of the ancient Inca" that was used to buy weapons and supplies for the rebels. The Englishman saw the artefacts and sketched them for his book and tried to purchase them but was unable to. The widow told him that her husband who was a full blood Qeuchan, was told that the hoard would only be brought out into the open when the Inca returned to power and had been cached until then and was overseen by loyal servants of the Inca, even over the centuries where one generation passed the baton to another.

The story became even more intriguing when post WW2, a politician in Eastern Europe said he had "proof" that he was descended from the last Inca and would prove it. He also met an unfortunate end and was mysteriously killed in a car 'accident'.

There was a documentary I saw many, many years ago on this and was fascinated by the story.

Strange but apparently true....:dontknow:


Thanks IP,!...that was a nice captivating yarn which I read sipping my soda drink on a relaxed saturday night,,,Inca treasure yarns always amaze me...

That's alright, TT.

Nothing better to wind down with on a weekend - nice cold drink and a good treasure story that gets one's imagination and thought cells racing.

Believe it might be the adventurer, romantic, hopeful, amazed and the eternal yearn in us to break with masses in having others tell us what is acceptable and the 'responsible' way to live our lives..


I don't intend to be presumptuous, but Randy (a really good guy) will be the first to tell you that he does not consider himself a treasure hunter, but an archivist of treasure lore and a researcher into the provenance of the legends. When you think about it, his sort of delving probably yields him many more returns than those of guys who are trying to dig up loot with pick and shovel. That said, you will find a number of his threads still available on Tnet - "Montezuma's Treasure", "The LUE", and the following very interesting current thread that probes Colorado's "Treasure Mountain" legend to new depths, including some possible LUE connections.


Thanks that is a cool treasure yarn by Randy

IUKTin TIN that quipu interests me as I had developed a working theory on decyphering them. I started discussing this a long time ago with Crow, etc.them

IUKTin TIN that quipu interests me as I had developed a working theory on decyphering them. I started discussing this a long time ago with Crow, etc.them
Thanks Real de Tayopa....they are too mysterious I suppose...are they only Inca thing or also Aztec and Maya as well?

Well then Don, shall we go for the "Big Mama Load of the Inca" then?

You would have first dibs as you have done the vital part of deciphering the quipu...:laughing7:


iik, oops not so fast. I only had it working in the multiples of 10, haven't worked it out for the Incas, that is supposing they were using the 10 thingie., but they could just as easily used the 3,etc, also I hadn't worked out how they could have used it for a treasure site ??? Better men than I , have been working on them.

It is a symbolic relationship for the originators that is clarified with the first series of knots

Since I can't get too detailed on the Tayopa search ( book rights )how about explaining why I so readily ascepted map dowsing.?

After leaving pre-med prematurely I drifted into the paranormal. For the next ten years I extensively experimented in the Para-normal. It was fascinating. I found that dowsing ability is in everyone but to a diferent extent.

Essentially I came to the conclusion that every thought has an electrical mass. and is detectable with suitable means, such as another human - witness Telepathy of which I had an excellent example ------

It seems that while I was no longer in school I was invited to many of their functions where I gave hypontic demostrations.demonstrations ( I had learned hypoisis from a professor who claimed the future of medicine was wrapped up in suggestive control of the human mind/body) Recently CWP sent me a lil booklet on the transfer on psychic energy.

At this particular party I had finished with several demonstrations, which included a very pretty girl called bunny (among other things) she was very sexy and as usual I was very interested in her but was very shy with girls in those days.So I was naturally pleased when she approached me and suggested that I hypnotize her again..

After the session ended, she looked me in the eyes intentally and suggested that we go to the kitchen, to which I readily agreed to, thinking thoughts that were --:laughing7:

Once in the itchen, which we had to ourselves, she came very close, close enough that her ample mamory glands were pressing my chest. As I was gathering enough nerve to grab her, she calmly said " forget that, I can read your mind" SO ?? I thought, I suppose that every one else in the orher rom knew what I had on my mind :censored:.

Forget that she respoonded, "I can really readyour mind" she coudn't have said anything else that could have calmed me down so quickly, then she repeated a phrase that I had read in a book that day - the male female relationship was ended instantly.

We had several sessions in which I could sit her in a corner and she could amost repeat my thoughts word for word. I would open a bok at randon and she could repeat the words very closely. I could never read hers. ??

But then trouble steped forth, She was engaged to a black leather jacket motorcycle type and he decided that hanky panky was going on in the closed room and made her stop it :dontknow:

She told me that she was a devout Catholic and one day while she was a small girl, she was in coffesion when she suddely could read the Priests mind, he was thinking of a girl in his collection. She, being a young gril blurted out " "Father your shouldn't be thinking of her in that way?|" which scared the poor priest and he declared it was the work of the devil, and being an impresionable young girl, it had the proper effect and she had ever had another episode until I had hypotised her.

I could have cheerfully killed her stupid boyfriend, but it came to an end.

More latr i you wish.

go to bed NP !!

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iik, oops not so fast. I only had it working in the multiples of 10, haven't worked it out for the Incas, that is supposing they were using the 10 thingie., but they could just as easily used the 3,etc, also I hadn't worked out how they could have used it for a treasure site ??? Better men than I , have been working on them.

It is a symbolic relationship for the originators that is clarified with the first series of knots

I know Don..., I was being light-hearted!!

It would be difficult in the extreme, to crack a quipu and look for a treasure that may or may not be there.

Personally, I do not accept the Inca would have hid a treasure and 'recorded' it on a quipu for the same reason that their history and traditions were kept alive orally.

It is my thinking that the quipus were more of an administration tool to record information and data regarding stores, accounts, movements etc...


Since I can't get too detailed on the Tayopa search ( book rights )how about explaining why I so readily ascepted map dowsing.?

After leaving pre-med prematurely I drifted into the paranormal. For the next ten years I extensively experimented in the Para-normal. It was fascinating. I found that dowsing ability is in everyone but to a diferent extent.

Essentially I came to the conclusion that every thought has an electrical mass. and is detectable with suitable means, such as another human - witness Telepathy of which I had an excellent example ------

It seems that while I was no longer in school I was invited to many of their functions where I gave hypontic demostrations.demonstrations ( I had learned hypoisis from a professor who claimed the future of medicine was wrapped up in suggestive control of the human mind/body) Recently CWP sent me a lil booklet on the transfer on psychic energy.

At this particular party I had finished with several demonstrations, which included a very pretty girl called bunny (among other things) she was very sexy and as usual I was very interested in her but was very shy with girls in those days.So I was naturally pleased when she approached me and suggested that I hypnotize her again..

After the session ended, she looked me in the eyes intentally and suggested that we go to the kitchen, to which I readily agreed to, thinking thoughts that were --:laughing7:

Once in the itchen, which we had to ourselves, she came very close, close enough that her ample mamory glands were pressing my chest. As I was gathering enough nerve to grab her, she calmly said " forget that, I can read your mind" SO ?? I thought, I suppose that every one else in the orher rom knew what I had on my mind :censored:.

Forget that she respoonded, "I can really readyour mind" she coudn't have said anything else that could have calmed me down so quickly, then she repeated a phrase that I had read in a book that day - the male female relationship was ended instantly.

We had several sessions in which I could sit her in a corner and she could amost repeat my thoughts word for word. I would open a bok at randon and she could repeat the words very closely. I could never read hers. ??

But then trouble steped forth, She was engaged to a black leather jacket motorcycle type and he decided that hanky panky was going on in the closed room and made her stop it :dontknow:

She told me that she was a devout Catholic and one day while she was a small girl, she was in coffesion when she suddely could read the Priests mind, he was thinking of a girl in his collection. She, being a young gril blurted out " "Father your shouldn't be thinking of her in that way?|" which scared the poor priest and he declared it was the work of the devil, and being an impresionable young girl, it had the proper effect and she had ever had another episode until I had hypotised her.

I could have cheerfully killed her stupid boyfriend, but it came to an end.

More latr i you wish.

go to bed NP !!
Amigo:hello: have your :coffee2:,It's 9 AM, and I just read your mind,OH, I mean your post,Go show your crew were the opening is located so they can get the booty out ,It's never too late to have fun, being unsure of yourself is not good, you already know were the entrance is ,you concentrated on it long enough, Go get it.:hello:np:cat:P.S. get crackin,:whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2::whip2:

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NP, I, personally, am unfit to do it physically ( man it hurt to admit that ) and they don''tt move, when they do they try to out guess me. But I'll try once more. Sides what do I need tons of money for now ?


It seems that while I was no longer in school I was invited to many of their functions where I gave hypontic demostrations.demonstrations ( I had learned hypoisis from a professor who claimed the future of medicine was wrapped up in suggestive control of the human mind/body) Recently CWP sent me a lil booklet on the transfer on psychic energy.

And I believe I have effectively demonstrated it time and again, no? :wink:

Of course one must have a receptive mind for it to be successful....not a recalcitrant, uncooperative, intractable, obstreperous, truculent, insubordinate, defiant, contrary, perverse, Difficult One.....such as your own. :BangHead:

Yet, you ARE spinning tales again....so perhaps there's still hope for you. And I am counting that a success, even if the percentage is only slightly better than random chance, heheheh. :laughing7: :tongue3: :notworthy:


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