Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


I am a bit surprised that our amigo Shortfinger has so little interest in la Gloria Pan, which was so famous for its rich gold ore. Perhaps there is something about it that I am not seeing, which makes it less than attractive? ???


The only thing that makes the Gloria Pan unattractive is……location, location, location. But it is still in the back of my mind, and if I am ever in the area, I will certainly do some hiking and investigating. Rest assured, I am interested. Also, as I noted before, I’m not quite ready yet……


NP, as our Don will tell you, here on our island, I'm afraid tea is still the order of the day..:cup:


We can exchange beverages and show our cultural palate is amenable to both!


IP,,,speaking of island,,,do you know the Antarctica continent is a global time bomb that could generate wars and conflicts?....at the moment a non coherent semi agreement exists that prohibit its exploitation and claims and that only to be used for scientific purposes...hence there are few research outposts at the edge...but also some pseudo claims of territories have already been made at the periphery with various sea faring nations of the world contrary to the agreement... that has already resulted in hot dispute between parties like UK and Chile...the Chile went to the extent of transporting pregnant women to Antarctica and they give birth there :)...essentially producing sort of natives of the land to make their position strong in future settlement...many nations are ready for this land grab as far as Scandinavia...its untapped gigantic mineral spoils like gold and petrol would be the next generation show down of nations...would be interesting how it plays out with the increasing unilateral actions of nations these days...

Hola IUK, To answer your hypothetical question, all could / would apply. however, Mexican officiales are not stupid, nor fat sloppily dressed people as popularized in the movies

A largepart of Mexico is a curious combination of the past and the ultra modern. There still remains large areas of wild country due to the moutainous terrain, such as at Tayopa.. where such an operation might be carried out, however due to the narcotic problem, even here it is problematico, if the feds don't get you the narcos will :laughing7:

AS for your question, there are international agreements on permits for exporting or importing Gold and artifacts.

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TT, yes, been keeping an eye on that as well. My son keeps telling me that Antarctica "is the biggest desert in the world and a highly-likely flashpoint in international politics in the not-too-distant-future", exactly like you have mentioned due to its untapped resources. Gold will always but always be a safe haven in times of uncertainty and turmoil. Look at the stock markets and the currency rates at the moment: due to uncertainty in our "In/Out" referendum next month and the elections in the US, people and investors will always seek shelter in tangible assets, and they do not come any more secure than gold. Add to this the emerging middle-classes in India and China of one billion people who almost worship the shiny stuff, and you could make some serious wealth if you hit the right notes.


Hello Don,

So you mean that all Mexicans don't wear outsized sombreros with bandoliers cross-shaped, have crooked smiles with outsized mustachios?

Hollywood has a lot to answer for!

In all seriousness, I take your point. Of course it is such a large, complex and rugged country and it is a convoluted task if one was to find a cache. But with, say, Tayopa, if you found a secreted hoard of ore, would it be near impossible to sell, or could it be managed? I saw that chap's comment in the Jesuit thread about claiming to have 'found' Tayopa and his getting the authorities and a TV crew involved. My point is this: would it not be more economical and beneficial to "reap" any possible stash?

I know you are still working hard on the site but I mean this from the other chap's point of view, but obviously his claim is unevidenced at the moment.


TT, yes, been keeping an eye on that as well. My son keeps telling me that Antarctica "is the biggest desert in the world and a highly-likely flashpoint in international politics in the not-too-distant-future", exactly like you have mentioned due to its untapped resources. Gold will always but always be a safe haven in times of uncertainty and turmoil. Look at the stock markets and the currency rates at the moment: due to uncertainty in our "In/Out" referendum next month and the elections in the US, people and investors will always seek shelter in tangible assets, and they do not come any more secure than gold. Add to this the emerging middle-classes in India and China of one billion people who almost worship the shiny stuff, and you could make some serious wealth if you hit the right notes.


true IP...I came across this list of "lost mines" in wiki ,,check it out

Seen it, TT.

There is a veritable gold-rush on at the moment. If one is ever lucky enough to happen upon a pile of gold....bingo!

No more financial concerns-ever...

That is why I have had this small change in direction to facilitate gold dredges or mining where I can get some investors in. Finding a legendary hoard or mine is not inconceivable but would prove to be demanding on many different fronts.

So TT, if you come across a major player who wants to dispose of gold, we'll have a lil talk...:laughing7:


IPUK, it is possible to move ore and refined ore (gold 85 to 92%)……BUT it is not easy and you need to know both sides and somehow ensure protection for both sides……….it is not easy, nor quick…….
From some cases I am aware of, both sides are dangerous and not always the most honest.
You could always go through official channels, but government may be the greets danger in these days…..
Vaya con Dios

Seen it, TT.

There is a veritable gold-rush on at the moment. If one is ever lucky enough to happen upon a pile of gold....bingo!

No more financial concerns-ever...

That is why I have had this small change in direction to facilitate gold dredges or mining where I can get some investors in. Finding a legendary hoard or mine is not inconceivable but would prove to be demanding on many different fronts.

So TT, if you come across a major player who wants to dispose of gold, we'll have a lil talk...:laughing7:


For the initial phase, One idea could be to approach bigger company with this initiative of yours and work for them for a decent salary and some few percentage of the sales,,,this way you can move officially and with a strong company business and legal backup tap gold markets in Africa and Latin america for your Asian markets,,,it is not attractive given your efforts but you make contacts,know the possibilities etc then when you are confident at a later date you come out on your own this time with ample experience and contacts ,,,just an idea

Hello doc-d, I hea what you're saying - than thank you - and you are right. It is a strange and risky business this; getting involved in buying and selling gold in not so safe places and sometimes with not so safe people. I made some trips to India over the last few years to try and sort a project that I had their but it was a perfect failure. No problem I learnt from it and continued my planning an evaluating. Whilst there I recognised the humongous appetite for gold in that country. When I started networking, I came across some individuals that whilst not extremely wealthy, they were well-off and they wanted to invest in some gold-bearing projects. The premis they gave me was this: we will give you X amount of funds and we expect XX back within such and such a time frame.

I reviewed this, did some research and though about it. It seems look a decent enough project. I did a bit of digging(pardon the pun) into gold mining and dredging across the globe. There is massive amounts going on in respect of this. I checked an African prospect but was unsure of the security situation there and besides, the Chinese have got that one sewn-up.

There is a big Indian - from the country I mean - population and historic ties in the northwest portion of South America. There is still plenty of opportunities if one looks hard enough and is willing to take a gamble or two (by this I mean in developing projects), so I am heading there soon.


TT, that is a very practical piece of thinking. The large companies are risky in such a venture. There is no guarantee they won't get your information and then cast you aside. These Indians I'm working with are very independent-minded and want to be their own bosses. From all the research I've done, all the peeps I've spoken to, all the successful projects I checked, it is the small, independent and flexible crews who can do themselves justice in the areas we wish to look into.

In Brazil, there are groups of jewellers, gold dealers and entrepreneurs who, go into the jungle with a bag full of money and sometimes supplies needed to live in such hostile environments and trade with the miners. They come from across the globe to buy and trade with the miners there.

There are many hard-working teams dredging and mining in new areas in South America, if you invest wisely, it could and should pay dividends.

You always need that small amount of luck as well.


Dear Don, it is yours and there for the taking!!

I would have thought a gold nugget or piece from the legendary Tayopa Mines, would carry a premium. But perhaps I am talking from a simplistic viewpoint: only one in such a position as yours can truly say whether eventual gold extraction will be possible from Tayopa..

But what a possibility that exists before you dear sir...:notworthy:


HOla IUK, is that the fountain pen ink refiller used in the lumber camps ?? No wonder so many have no teeth. I have found that even with a 50/50 mixture it hardly lightens in color, now simple honest coffee ---.:laughing7:

IUK, Actually that is one of my problems at the moment. How to harvest the depository to be used for the Jesuit take over north North America from Spain. I know where the main depoitory is but haven't located the entry / entries, then comes the hard part, the officiales. AS you will note it is a fair amt, ideal official stimulations, however ---

P.S. you will note that it lists 1299 bars of silver, 490 mule loads of Gold bars, also at a different location 120 mule loads of gold bars, and on. But what I am interested in is that it lists a room with maps and documents, this, I especially want. Now that Tayopa has ben discovered I need a new project :laughing7:

I doubt that I will ever end up with any of the depository materiel, but maybe there is a chance for copies of the documents
View attachment 1307868.

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IUK, That is a stylized copyof the original, which was found in a Trunk with many documnts, buried in an abandoned mission, which in turn was found witth an old map. The family that originally had it. finally almost wore it out and so made this copy.. They finally gave up after two generations worked on it. It was fun to interpret it, it is a three dimensionl map. not a single floor level one.

Hi Don, I can't access the attachment for some reason, it simply says "not valid contact administrator".

But now that you've mentioned gold bars and suchlike, you have my undivided attention...

Can I ask that you truly believe that such huge amounts exist/ed and the caches are still there?

That would equal some serious amounts of metal..


Hi Don, I can't access the attachment for some reason, it simply says "not valid contact administrator".

But now that you've mentioned gold bars and suchlike, you have my undivided attention...

Can I ask that you truly believe that such huge amounts exist/ed and the caches are still there?

That would equal some serious amounts of metal..


IUP.....have you seen this presentation on the lue map ,?,,it is a different interpretation than the sensational Nazi connection stuff..
The guy who presented his research I guess was once on this treasurnet forum...it is a nice presentation to the ancient historical society....the lue map supposedly to lead to caches of gold in the rockies...



IUK, I haven't worked seriously on Tayopa since I came down terminal neck cancer and two other places as the Va operated happily on me on my 80 th birthday.. Now I am restriced to what I can do, which is why I am so open on Tayopa, and other finds.

I am now almost 93 and I don't want this data, or Tayopa, or other mines,to die out as it has in the past. I have left the workings intact until I clear with whatever problems that might arise

At the moment I am working ??? with my mexican partners on the deposit and Oro blanco is my backup on Tayopa among other things.. I trust him explicitly, even if I know that he will probably never go to Tayopa.


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