Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

NO buddy I am not and was not upset with you personally at all. Perhaps I should have phrased that differently. I meant to point out that quite a few members here are in fact working on writing books, and have been sharing their own stories freely, perhaps not understanding that the corporation is getting full publishing rights. I would not want to be hauled into court for having encouraged someone to post something that then led to a copyright infringement case.

At the other end of the scale I do understand why we see this:

Copyright [emoji767] 2016 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved

at the bottom of each page, the corporation has to protect itself from lawsuits over copyright infringement. It is practically a certainty that someone would raise a fuss with them at some point, probably has already, when they get mad over an argument online and then can't remove all their posts or something like that, so then want to sue Treasurenet for publishing their posts "without permission".

However this situation is something that any one writing a book needs to be fully aware of. Treasurenet is claiming full publishing rights for everything you post. They can put it in a book and sell it, without your permission, because by posting it you are granting them full publishing rights.

Bottom line - to everyone, if you do not wish to grant full publishing rights to Treasurenet (vBulletin Solutions, Inc.) then don't post it. Legally you should not remove your posts later either, because you already granted full publishing rights when you posted it.

My apologies Justin for the impression you got from that post, I should have re-read it and re-written it before I posted it. I intended to highlight the risks involved to encourage others to post, not that I was upset at you.

So to everyone just think before you post. I have no issue with anyone wishing to share a story or what ever, however be aware that you are granting all publishing rights when you do.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Now I understand. Ok good! I was concerned I'd inadvertently pi$$ed you off. And yes, what you are saying totally makes sense.

I'm glad we cleared up the confusion! Back to the yarns....

All the best-

aside from pubishing rights, last night was a nostalgic one. I woke up about 2 am and found myself back in WW II, I was back on that transport in 42 heading to an unknown destination -- which later turnd out to be Guadalcanal The Japanese had been winning hands down everywhere.

I had just turned 18 and with the usual thoughts of glory (?) . I still hadn't figured out the difference between boys and girls fully yet, oher than they should be put on a pedestile, sigh.. still consider CWDame in that catagory, I thank Emily Post for that impression. I was being groomed and had to take the full course.

Any way the ship was headed into the waves and of course was bobbing up and down, the men covered the decks everywhere except for a smalll area reserved for the Ships orchestra which were playing "harbor lights" and "I'm in the mood for Love" which since have become my mile stone of memories.



An old-der man who is still an incurable romantic.:occasion14:

:-* :tongue3:

Jose. Did you watch the same video that the rest of us watched??


What ever this post is about is fine with me because I like the movie on this page , pretty lady .

Mine lab thingy :0).
I have a Fisher thingy:0)

That was a hoot!


What ever this post is about is fine with me because I like the movie on this page , pretty lady .

I hope you have some fresh stories and likes coffee.
You sound like you will fit right in with the rest of us misfits.


Hi folks thank you. long long time ago ( 1999) I was a member of this forum when there were only 4 or 5 threads . i left because it was all turning into bickering
back then . two people were going head to head about some type of metal detector that one of them was promoting . big argument about a detector turned
this forum into a battle ground . it spread from one topic to the next until all you saw on the forum were these two people insulting each other .
The format of the pages have changed a lot . not so many arguments in the threads now . I did treasure hunts in Cal. Nevada , Arizona , Oregon and new mexico .
people can't go to most of the places we used to go because there are always Rangers driving around trying to run people out of the wilderness . now a days
I just prospect around up north in the sierras on the east side above lone pine ca.

G'day adtofca. Cafe ?:coffee2::coffee2:, can't sit around a campfire wthout Coffee. You are from my old stompimg grounds, Nawthern California. lived part of my life in Grass Valley and my father was born in Rough & Ready. He and his brothr worked in the Idaho-Maryland mine. Welcome.

my friend had a place in grass valley and he grew weed there . one day a cop came to him and asked to borrow money from him .
my friend do not like cop so he ask the cop why and the cop said because you have to pay so you do not go to prison for weed .
my friend gave the cop a loan of $30 and the cop said keep it i will see you in court . my friend called the fbi in sacremento and they set
up a sting and arrested the bad cop. my friend still makes weed i bet .

Amigo's, OH YEAH, Good old ca, welcome adtofca to TN, dont let these people talk you into regular old:coffee2:,:director: these are good people, but they dont know there JAVA,:laughing9: there's nothing better for your taste buds than BURRO JUICE:coffee2::laughing7:It satisfies all your taste. yes Amigo I was there years ago hunting Chinese treasure for some people up on the middle fork of the yuba river at a place called bloody run,were all these chinese miners were killed,I was there for two seasons because the seasons are so short,plus the canyon I was in was so dark,not much sun light in a day, that was a long time ago,any way welcome:hello::hello::hello::hello2::hello2: Amigo.NP:cat:

Amigo's,:coffee2: The Chinese were mining an area on the middle fork of the yuba river,they would dig tunnels or shafts just big enough for them to fit in, they did this down to bed rock on both sides of the river,and they supposedly did this for years untill the local miners got together and went up there and ambushed and killed all of them,there were no survivors, and they never found their gold they had stashed.some say the population of the Chinese group was several hundred, when in the are it is not hard to find,there is blue and white decorative pottery shod all over the area around the site on the river, the area is called bloody run, there's supposed to be a sizable amount of placer gold hidden,NP:cat: PS Yuba river placer gold is very nice, and one of the purest to be found.

I've been home with a sick 2-1/2 year old all day so I had LOTS of time to go back a read/reread most of the posts here in the Tayopa forum, quite a few of which started 10 years ago (5 years before I even found this site!)....

Mi Pard Oro...!
I didn't realize how much information you had personally attained regarding Tayopa! Prior to having any idea that a certain not-to-be-named mutual amigo of ours (El Tramp, ahem) had found it, were you planning on hunting it down yourself at some point? Did you ever get down to Mexico to seek it out or has Tayopa just been more of a "pet project" done for sake of personal interest and learning? And, if you don't mind me asking, what resources did you use over the years to generate the breadth of knowledge you appear to have on the topic of not just the main cache site, but the entire "Tayopa region"? I can't imagine it's simply all just from the Internet and/or a local library. I'm just curious. I don't think you've mentioned before fully what your background is regarding Tayopa (my apologies if you have and I simply missed it!).

Of course, please only share what you can and are willing to.

Thank you in advance!

P.S. Pardon all the questions. Like I said, I've had TONS of free time today!

JI J.A.A. Oro has the secret of Tayopa in his brain. I have mailed that information to him. He is supposedly my successor if anything happens to me. :laughing7: anything happens to me ??? Hm on second thought ====???

Also rememberTN's claim of owenership to all materiel posted.

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HI J.A.A. Oro has the secret of Tayopa in his brain. I have mailed that information to him. He is supposedly my successor if anything happens to me. :laughing7: Hm on second thought ====???

That much I figured! Just let me know if you end up needing a successor to the successor! Please know I'm always here for you! ;-) ;-) ;-)
Kidding aside, in past posts on Tayopa, some from 7-9 years ago, he gives quite a bit of the backstory of the entire region....did he get this from you, on his own, or a combo of both?

Again, just curious. I was quite impressed....which is a feeling not typically directed at one who tends to drink his coffee through a sock!


Don Jose-
I initially missed that last part of your post about ownership. I wasn't looking for "intimate details". Just Oro's history with Tayopa (and other legends, for that matter). I knew he was intelligent and had a wealth of knowledge; just didn't know HOW much.


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