Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

How to handle a stubborn donkey in Greece


:occasion14: heheheh.....shall we dance, Marius?

Hey!! 8-)

CWP, perhaps it is a much more appropriate time to pass out erasers....

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Not to tell anyone what to post or not post, but this was recently posted in another thread, and may affect what all of us are willing to share here. Quote

Originally Posted by Treasure_Hunter

I for one will be VERY cautious about what I post, and presume that most of you will also, unless you are donating your materials to Treasurenet for their ownership.


Some may have misunderstood a previous post in another thread. You can post copyrighted material WITH the author's permission, I was referring to posting copyrighted material with out permission.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from posting, just reminding not to posted copyrighted material with out permission.....

These rules were here before I joined TN 10 years ago so they are not new...

By posting your information at TreasureNet, you grant TreasureNet full publishing and redistribution rights to it. Please do not post copyrighted materials, unless you are the author."

"You may not.... Post, upload, email or transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary right of any party, unless You are the owner of the Rights or have the permission of the owner to post such content."

Thank you, treasure hunter.
The wording had me on the run.
Glad that you spoke up so quickly.


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Perhaps we are not getting this, but Treasurenet is getting ALL rights to everything you post. Hence that statement:

you grant TreasureNet full publishing and redistribution rights to it.

That is FULL publishing and redistribution rights, belong to Treasurenet. I would suggest that anything you wish to use for a book of your own, would probably not be wise to post.

I got that part too.
I removed most of my publishible stuff several months ago, I think in part due to something that you posted about our rights or lack there of.

It has been clear in my mind that you saw something that the rest of us were entirely too comfortable with.

I'm in mid process of getting some of my publishable, copyrighted stuff copied and pasted into the hands of one person. Then I will delete those parts, painful as it is.

I don't want to spook the herd, but I will be cutting my prized cattle from the herds. Soooo.

Thanks again Oro.


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cwp's video erased everything for me. What is Tayopa all about, and who is this Don Jose????

Not to tell anyone what to post or not post, but this was recently posted in another thread, and may affect what all of us are willing to share here. Quote

Originally Posted by Treasure_Hunter

I for one will be VERY cautious about what I post, and presume that most of you will also, unless you are donating your materials to Treasurenet for their ownership.


Just to briefly respond to this,

I knew before I posted some of my stories and pics, thanks to Oro's
reminder previously, that TN would have the Copyright on my info that I posted.

I think I should be able to use the same similar stories and pics in a different light,
say written differently, with more, or accurate details, pics at different distances, angles, etc.

They are generated by me, and I reckon I can modify them any way, if needed for my own use?

That is, if I decided that I needed them for my personal use, such as for an article or book, etc.

Otherwise, I did post them for everyone to enjoy, and felt like being generous, sort of to
say thanks for what I have learned, as well as appreciating the use of the TN forums,
and other people's generosity also...

I'm not going to worry about it, and will continue to share when I can, and I do
appreciate everyone's input and generosity, as it has been helpful, and I hope to
return that benefit, if ever possible. Thanks to everyone, and to TN for everything...
... :sunny: :fish:


Still I am sterelizing my threads.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: I think once we post whatever, it is in the Main Frame archives, even if we do edit or delete.
That just takes it out of the public's eye, save for whatever may have been downloaded, while it was up posted... :dontknow: :blackbeard: :skullflag:

Also, Okie Treasure Hunter has done a very good job, I think, especially on his own website blog, of reminding us :icon_scratch:
all, based on his own personal experiences, that "Big Brother" is always watching us all, and recording our own words, ??? 8-) :laughing7:
possibly to carefully remind us of them... :hello: Should we say, be so careless as to brag, as current patriots, to question, and so on... :treasurechest: :thumbsup:
... :sunny: :fish:


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Just to briefly respond to this,

I knew before I posted some of my stories and pics, thanks to Oro's
reminder previously, that TN would have the Copyright on my info that I posted.

I think I should be able to use the same similar stories and pics in a different light,
say written differently, with more, or accurate details, pics at different distances, angles, etc.

They are generated by me, and I reckon I can modify them any way, if needed for my own use?

That is, if I decided that I needed them for my personal use, such as for an article or book, etc.

Otherwise, I did post them for everyone to enjoy, and felt like being generous, sort of to
say thanks for what I have learned, as well as appreciating the use of the TN forums,
and other people's generosity also...

I'm not going to worry about it, and will continue to share when I can, and I do
appreciate everyone's input and generosity, as it has been helpful, and I hope to
return that benefit, if ever possible. Thanks to everyone, and to TN for everything...
... :sunny: :fish:


I believe the main purpose of the rule is to keep members from demanding we delete all their posts when they get mad and want to leave. Imagine trying to delete 5000 posts as well as deleting the posts puts holes in threads the posts were in....

Just to be fair, I don't know how much the mods get too much in a tizzy about posted items around here. I'm pretty sure almost EVERY single member here at some point has posted something that we didn't own or have "exclusive rights" to, when we've posted an article from another publication, picture from another book, map from someone else's paper, etc. To my knowledge, as long as the source is given and, in particular, the individual/group posting the item isn't doing so for profit (this is where the PERMISSION part comes into play of course), nobody need worry themselves too much in the way of lawsuits. The mods here on Tnet seem to be more concerned with posts of a threatening, insulting, or preaching nature (and, sometimes, for good reason!).

Either way, back to the TREASURE!!
Who's got a story we haven't heard yet?? Oro? Don Jose? Gollum? Where's Lilorphanannie been lately?

Thank you in advance!
All the best-

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