Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Was he a member here on Tnet or more of a personal friend to you and DJ?
Either way, sorry for your loss. My condolences.

All the best-

Bill Leaver was Bill-USA here on T-net http://http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/members/450.html, in fact we met here online and then later at the rendezvous in person, and became good personal friends. We even had a few adventures together, including finding a lost man in the desert (believe it or not) that he got back to health and then got him all the way home in northern Nevada. He was quite a guy, one of the best. I think you would have liked him Justin, and thanks for asking.

This is Bill

Prayers for his family, and friends, both personal and his treasurenet family.

GOD BLESS, one and all.

Bill Leaver was Bill-USA here on T-net http://http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/members/450.html, in fact we met here online and then later at the rendezvous in person, and became good personal friends. We even had a few adventures together, including finding a lost man in the desert (believe it or not) that he got back to health and then got him all the way home in northern Nevada. He was quite a guy, one of the best. I think you would have liked him Justin, and thanks for asking.

This is Bill

Sounds like a great guy. Sorry again for your loss, though it's good to hear he'll be missed by many.
All the best-

Amigo':coffee2:director::director:HELLO_,ANYONE HOME, Wake up and smell the burro juice :coffee2:NP:cat:

Amigo's,:coffee2:Its a new day, knock, knock, Hope everything Is OK,NP:cat:

Figured I'd tell a treasure hunting story(kinda) in the hopes others would keep sharing. I was south of wheeling wv on a day off of work. I had been told of a bottle dump in close proximity to an old still site that allegedly had a bunch of the old one gallon glass jugs around it. I had walked out there twice before and hadn't been able to find the site. This was around the first of November and since there was a creek right there that supposedly you could see everything from I thought I would kayak it.
So I showed up and commenced to trying to find an easy spot to put in. I walked about a hundred yards and there was a steep bank with a steep drop everywhere except one spot it was a 45 all the way to the water. This was my spot. I had seen videos of guys sliding into and launching into rivers and such and since I was somewhat experienced with a kayak I thought I was set.
Well I carried the kayak and paddle over and set them on top of the slope, jumped in and pushed off. It was only about ten feet or so to the water and I slid down real easy. Seems I never considered that when I slid down into the water the front would keep on going down. I kinda panicked and bailed when I realized I was going to the bottom and lost my phone.
I swam to shore(yeah a whole six feet) and drug myself out. I was absolutely freezing and couldn't really understand what had just happened. Thankfully I had held onto the paddle but here I was staring into a creek that was far deeper than I had guessed with a green kayak at tge bottom, slowly moving downstream.
I got my nerve up to brave the cold as hell water and jumped back in. I hooked the kayak with my foot and swam it downstream until I could flip it over and empty it. I walked downstream about 50 yards further than my lazy butt had originally scoped out and I found a spot with only about a two foot step to get on the bank.
That was the end of my day. I was so embarrassed at the time I never told anyone but my wife about it. I did go back out there a while later with the person who told me where to go. I simply had walked right past the spot without paying attention because I was sure I wasn't far enough. However I did recover three empty glass one gallon jugs that weren't broke. One I put to good use and it is currently half full of corn sqeeezins.

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Hi Bigshot, Ya told your Wife >>> boo boo, first class. :laughing7: but congrsts on getting the rest right.

Yeah, I thought she would find it funny to find out I'm not perfect, but all I got was "well that was dumb" and "your not getting any younger you know" and blah,blah,blah. Can't really remember the rest.
Henry T

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