Great post Mr Bigshot!

And that counts as a treasure hunting tale, as you were out hunting for valuable bottles. Treasures come in many forms after all. Now if we can just get more people to join in and share their experiences!
Please do continue, and ah, I will pass on the
donkey drippings but coffee definitely!
PS to NP, I think you may need
more than a sack of fresh roasted coffee amigo.
Since "treasure comes in many forms" as Oro stated, here's a quick tale for ya'll.....
Not too long ago, I was about to rehab an old warehouse that was going to be turned into a nightclub in a downtown area here in the 'burbs of Detroit. Apparently, this warehouse had had many uses over the years; a car dealership & furniture store among other things. Well, the owner had purchased it pretty much sight unseen, other than seeing the exterior and knowing its location. According to the real estate agent, nobody had been inside the building in years and no one knew what exactly what we'd find since the windows had been spray painted black. We really weren't expecting much since the facade of the building was so dilapidated, we assumed the interior followed suit. When the day came to get into it, assess the work, and put together a plan/proposal, the buyer called me up and asked me to meet him there and bring my grinder to cut the rusted lock off.
What we found once inside was a veritable treasure trove "apothecary" (if that makes sense)! The building apparently had been used as a storage facility for many different items; there was a 50' wide by 20' tall pyramid of old clothes, 15-20 beat up, metal-frame cribs, stacks of destroyed furniture, AND, most importantly, 25 Chryslers, Buick's, and Lincoln's, most of which were from the late 40's through early 50's!! They must've been collected by someone who had a penchant for "family-style" vehicles since they were mostly sedans. Unfortunately, only a few (maybe 5-6) were of any real value or worth restoring since the rest had a considerable amount of rodent damage that had taken place over the years....they'd even feasted on the belts!! After the fact, I believe the owner sold most of them to a classic car parts supplier and made a little coin on it, and kept 2 that he restored for himself.
Even with everything we came across that day, that wasn't the end of what we found! There was another "treasure" that was found after I had used an old broomstick to poke a hole through a ceiling tile to get an idea of what condition the structure and, in particular, the floor joists were in..... The second the broomstick hit the ceiling tile, EIGHT POUNDS of bundled up marijuana fell onto my head!! Now, I know what you're all thinking; however, since I do try my best to be more of an upstanding citizen the older I've gotten and am now simply a family man, I did what I was supposed to do and called the police to come in and confiscate it.
For the record though, had I still been the kid I was while in my late teens/early 20's.......well, I'll let you guys figure the rest out!!
I remembered that story while reading Oro's quote about treasure coming in all forms so I just thought I'd share!
All the best-