Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

photos * #1 LNG tanker Virgo --indonesia #2 docking tug in indonesia #3 me playing chess with the capt of the docking tug for piloting rights * $100 usd vs the "right" to steer the ship outbound --the capt had not been beat in over 5 years at chess and was a local "master" of the game *-- #4 me "piloting the tug out after winning the match* ( as a thank you -- I bought the capt a nice brand new "fancy" hand carved wooden chess set made by a local craftsman -- cost me $10 bucks * big money for the locals ) --- #5 low laying cloudy island #6 gaint monster clam --#7 shoreline with wrecked WW2 era PBY -- #8 me with wrecked PBY --- #9 golden buddha statue in jungle area #10 --thanksgiving spread onboard ship -- baked ham , roast turkey , prime rib , fresh baked rolls --the "works" ---- me and my helper *


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Now I want to look for pearls, but I'm starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


just a few of the many adventures of Ivan -- :wink: ;D :icon_thumright:

sadly many of my best photos of my world travelling exploits were destroyed by my then wife when we split up ---out of spite she wrecked em of course many were one of a kind totally non replacible photos of "been there , done that" nature --knowing they were prized by me , she wrecked em.

The bit*ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ex took all my pictures from back then, too. He didn't destroy them though - he just gave them to his sister. He really didn't want them, he just didn't want me to have them.


HaHaHa mine as well, my second was from Ukraine, i had quite a few photos taken during the Orange revolution at the tent city in Kiev with the demonstrators there,
she took the lot every photo i had with her or anything to do with Ukraine on it, three visits worth,

she was as mad as a cut snake,


I figure it this way - it was a small price-----a very small price - to pay, and the following 40 years was SO much better. I would't trade the pictures back for the person :tongue3: :laughing7: :laughing7: :coffee2:


K gals, guys, you are doing just fine keep it up. Ivan while you may be a 'fair' cook, I don't see any of Oro's sock coffee ??? Passa me a hot roll with honey please.

Who wrecked the PBY-5A Ivan?

Beth & Ivan the terrible, don't remind me of pictures, no "X" since I am still on the first one - sheesh over 50 years now?? - but simply nature and carelessness.

Incidentally Beth / Oro, you both are sadly lacking in here. Speak Beth, you have permission woman. (Keep her in line Roy)

Don Jose de La Mancha

Weekender Excellent story. Ever go back? I must admit that looking into a loaded and cocked shot gun does make one bit nervous, stillll.

rock guy : That was a good fishing day, hm 150 lbs of filetes ?? Where is my part ? Love sea food. good story my friend, keep em coming. Love to join you some day.

Bird : sigh Unfortunately the Asians have learned that no one will help them, so they push hard for an education in order to take care of themselves. Like the story, more.

Don Jose de La Mancha

bad weather during WW2 --she was at anchor and a bad storm hit drove her ashore damaging her too much to be repaired properly to be flyible again-- her nick name was "katie' --she was a consolidated PBY catalina * British RAF Squadron 240 - RAF Pilot Offficer James Park - (at the ripe old age of 21 years at the time ) was her pilot .--she was lost at Diego Garica B. I. O. T. (british indain ocean territory) the night of Sept 16th, 1944 --she was based there looking for japanese subs at the time.

I feel your loss , Ivan . You got a fair sized bag of stories , too . Shame the pictures got disappeared .
If yoy are like me , the t-shirt won't fit either .

Don Jose,
No, I never went back to that place. I moved !

Nother' story,

Not long after High school, moved out to a new town. My newest friend says, come on out to the party Sat nite
and I'll introduce you to some people. Great idea! what's the address? Sat nite finally arrives, find the house,
park about a block away, just because. Go inside, find friend, meet people , lot's of people, lot's of women, hey _______
do you play poker? Sure !! Sit down across table from the (BMSOBITV) you know, the biggest,meanest,sob in the valley.
kinda like EF Hutton, when he talks people listen. You can imagine what happens next, he draws a straight, I draw a higher
straight, he draws a flush, I draw a straight flush. pot after pot lands in front of me, mostly his money, he is drinking a little more
each hand, I have new female friends in my lap, over my shoulder, muchly enjoying my new good fortune. All the sudden, BMSOBITV pushes
back from the table and says I don't think I like you and I am gonna whup your **S. Mysteriously, all my new found friends have vanished,
everyone else lines the wall, waiting on the new guy. BMSOBITV is 6'6" 280lbs and slightly inebriated, me, a slim 5'10" 165lbs. I stand
up, look around and said Hold that thought, and walk to the truck. Being 20ish,small town kinda guy I grab my trusty pistol a Colt Mark IV series
70 45 ACP from under the seat and walk back into the house. Walk back into the room, show pistol to BMSOBITV, chamber a round, catch the ejected one and put in pocket and say, If you're gonna whup me you better make sure I can't crawl back to table and pick up my gun, cause I ain't been whupped yet and If I can I'll shoot you when you're done! BMSOBITV cocks head a little, looks slightly confused, me (legs shaking about to puke, never having pulled a gun before)
listening to deafening silence. wait. If you can picture about 75 people holding their breath. He says, I like you _______, let me get you a beer. The room breathes, he gets me a beer, I toast him,he toasts me, I chug the beer and say, hey is there a bathroom in this place ?Sure down the hall. I ease down the hall, remembering the sound I heard during the quiet time, some concerned female dialing the phone and whispering
( Hello Police !!!) I go right out the window, pistol in pants and walk/run to my truck parked luckily a block away and leave just ahead of the blue lights. Nobody could describe the new guy or what he was driving since he was new in town.
I never had another problem in that town. Did end up with several dates, though !!


I really am enjoying sitting around this campfire and listening to all the great stories......
It's just that these hip waders I have to wear are starting to get hot. :laughing7:

Keep em coming though, I love it.



HOW 'BOUT YOU POUR A :coffee2:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Awesome Stories!
Who's Next!!

A little Cream :coffee2:


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GoodyGuy said:
I really am enjoying sitting around this campfire and listening to all the great stories......
It's just that these hip waders I have to wear are starting to get hot. :laughing7:

Keep em coming though, I love it.
We've had some good conversations in the past and will continue to do so .
Personally , I haven't read a story here yet that I found 'hip wader' worthy . All have seemed factual
to me . ;D

truckinbutch said:
GoodyGuy said:
I really am enjoying sitting around this campfire and listening to all the great stories......
It's just that these hip waders I have to wear are starting to get hot. :laughing7:

Keep em coming though, I love it.
We've had some good conversations in the past and will continue to do so .
Personally , I haven't read a story here yet that I found 'hip wader' worthy . All have seemed factual
to me . ;D

Well Ya know I was only funnin' bout the hip waders, but I did leave my boots on just in case. ;D
Typically the later it gets the taller the tales. :tongue3:


Great pictures!, Ivan! You to have a nice bag of stories?, Seems you have many to tell Friend. :coffee2: We are all Ears! ;D

Good morning Don! :coffee2:

Wow, The Grand Adventures You all have Taken! Leaves some of us, Well Just to Dream.

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