Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

yes Crow, they are both fantastic and I love em, but you still have your niche safely secured. After all ,who could wake up with the floor cut opan with a chainsaw and merely casually remark," geeze, your guys must have had a wild one last night". or, or etc.

Funny how I seem to have established a report with the unholy trio, yet we have never met ? Perhaps it's because -----------

I haven't posted anything in a while, not that I didn't have anything worthwhile to post, but I have been busy lately. Anyway I had a heartfelt talk with a Vietnam vet today. I posted my experience in "Todays Thought" section if anyone wants to read about it. I won't post it again in this thread. Glad to see everyone is in good health and still searching. Good Luck. rockhound

yes Crow, they are both fantastic and I love em, but you still have your niche safely secured. After all ,who could wake up with the floor cut opan with a chainsaw and merely casually remark," geeze, your guys must have had a wild one last night". or, or etc.

Funny how I seem to have established a report with the unholy trio, yet we have never met ? Perhaps it's because -----------

Don Jose you might like the yarn so I have been told. We was on an old Dakota DC3 in New Guinea. lost one of the engines and had to make an emergency landing. While everyone clung to their seats preparing to meet their maker I snored all the way through it. After it landed I woke up and said OH we are here already?

Gee Don amigo think the mayhem we could of made if we were a quartet? perhaps it was good thing. Countries only seem relaxed when we are scattered across the globe.

cheers Crow

since you haven't, perhaps 'I' can, and get to writing that silly book Crow.. :coffee2::coffee2: :occasion14: Your choice singly or mixed. my friend.

Don Amigo mixed of course as its the tropical tramp code with tad Irish whiskey to give a little bite to the coffee. It to stimulate oneself to keep forging ahead and drown ones past sorrows. Such is the curse of the tropical tramp.

A book is a poor consolation prize when the prize is with in grasping reach if only we can stretch that little bit further? You know many fall by the wayside on the long hard journey to discovery fortune and glory, few ever reach that proverbial summit. When the precious few who do, they realize when they are arrive after the exhilaration that climbing that proverbial treasure hunters mount Everest has become their entire life.

What next????


Don Amigo mixed of course as its the tropical tramp code with tad Irish whiskey to give a little bite to the coffee. It to stimulate oneself to keep forging ahead and drown ones past sorrows. Such is the curse of the tropical tramp.

A book is a poor consolation prize when the prize is with in grasping reach if only we can stretch that little bit further? You know many fall by the wayside on the long hard journey to discovery fortune and glory, few ever reach that proverbial summit. When the precious few who do, they realize when they are arrive after the exhilaration that climbing that proverbial treasure hunters mount Everest has become their entire life.

What next????


Crow,,,we talked over this before I know,,,but the adventures of the trio could be a best seller if written,,,it would have been an inspirational guide for new treasure hunters...


allo Crow, I do have many, that do not require the stamina of wasted youth, just the amy touch - research.

As for the prize, I have relegated that to the past, or the next generation, I have the quiet satisfaction that I have done what many others have failed to do,, or even lost threir lives trying. Doesn't buy many Beer though. Maybe some 'Jon Bols distiled Geneva Gin' - ole square face.

Consolarion prize ?? Heck I met Amy, and oro, and the unholy trio, and np and, and the others here in Treasure net, too many to post, all good friends.. don need no consolation prize. The book will get done, hopefully before I have to honor a previous date with the man upstairs.

Mexico is loaded wth treasures from the almost continous reveloutions. For Instance there is one near here thati is the acumulation from varous banks.. It was burried in a sand dune then lost. Many have tried over the years with no success. One even took a bulldozer, but merely succeded in scattering or reburying the Money.

There was a mule train that was loaded with Dore' bars of Gold. They were camped at a tank, end when they heeard that the Revoloution had broken out, they rrode the mules, 10 or 11 , out into the water until they were almost floasting, then cut te bars loose, it has never been recovered.

Then there was the German assayer that -----.

Frankly, I could go on for hours, but since none from the US are likely to look ---.

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allo Crow, I do have many, that do not require the stamina of wasted youth, just the amy touch - research.

As for the prize, I have relegated that to the past, or the next generation, I have the quiet satisfaction that I have done what many others have failed to do,, or even lost threir lives trying. Doesn't buy many Beer though. Maybe some 'Jon Bols distiled Geneva Gin' - ole square face.

Consolarion prize ?? Heck I met Amy, and oro, and the unholy trio, and np and, and the others here in Treasure net, too many to post, all good friends.. don need no consolation prize. The book will get done, hopefully before I have to honor a previous date with the man upstairs.

Mexico is loaded wth treasures from the almost continous reveloutions. For Instance there is one near here thati is the acumulation from varous banks.. It was burried in a sand dune then lost. Many have tried over the years with no success. One even took a bulldozer, but merely succeded in scattering or reburying the Money.

There was a mule train that was loaded with Dore' bars of Gold. They were camped at a tank, end when they heeard that the Revoloution had broken out, they rrode the mules, 10 or 11 , out into the water until they were almost floasting, then cut te bars loose, it has never been recovered.

Then there was the German assayer that -----.

Frankly, I could go on for hours, but since none from the US are likely to look ---.

AHEM! Who says that NONE from the US are likely to look? I am planning to go to Sonora in the not too distant future, have something to hunt for there and am definitely interested in hearing what you have to say. The gun laws are a big issue but won't stop everyone. However have to wait for a bit more 'roundup' of the drug lords, the State Dept recommends not leaving the major highways in northern Sonora at the moment and to travel only in daylight.

So - DO TELL! :tongue3:


Their advice is correct Oro, but then I would never stay overnight at a rest stop in the US. As for the big cities or the National parks in the US, sheesh.

However no-one just kills or extorts in 'Chapo's country' without his Lt's permission,, he learned his Robin Hood Well.

:coffee2::coffee2: Not sock coffeee, but Tasters choice instant, sigh . Bert has just washed my socks. Says that they get too dirty running around the house with no hurraches, 'shoes, just the socks.'.

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Crow,,,we talked over this before I know,,,but the adventures of the trio could be a best seller if written,,,it would have been an inspirational guide for new treasure hunters...


Hello TT Possible but unlikely for example some times it better to be a nobody than a somebody. The trio have a much bigger project at play worth much more than even a best selling book or even film. It would be a poor consolation prize of all years of living like willow wisps.

However no one really know the whims of treasure hunting gods? That is one thing for certain.


Soooo Crow, the frst knot is the classifier or Genere' the Quipu knots, the second is the basic amount followed by -------

Don Jose way too hot for my tired old brain to Function at present. So many people places it all becomes rather blur of rum soaked half memories....They are past tense burnt bridges I crossed over years ago. The Quipu knot although rather interesting is a key for others much smarter than this tired old bird who sees in mirror everyday another feather falling out. One day some one I am sure will solve the riddle of Quipu but it alas will not be old Crow.


Old Crow ????? Yer still just a ripe kiddie :occasion14: Don't you ever believe in mirrors, look at the trouble poor lil Snow White got into because of one.

Ha mirrors? I look into that old mirror and what do I see a wrinkled reflection of me. And what of hair so think shiny and bright? Now all thin and going white. And what of those legs as strong that ran like a deer, now like two bottles of beer. An evil reality check of mortality my friend.

I am Like an old Mechanics work ute run into ground with bits and pieces missing and a few things not working but still chugging away. Even if I am parked in garage with beautiful sleek sports car. She is a head turner and our offspring a new model with features from both destined to leave this old ute for dead. Some say its not the age but the mileage and sadly I have been around that dammed clock too many times.

One more project to finish and then I and then I am done or so I keep telling myself.:laughing7:


Mirrors are for the young.
I, like so many here, need to look at old photographs.

Time waits for no man. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

I heard it ring out once, last night.

I attempted to give my silver mine back to the land owners yesterday.
One family was all in, and the other wants nothing to do with it.
Not even I will be allowed to roll the stones from its door, after all of my research and labor.

I was told that can continue to search for irrefutable proof and finish my book and even take away what I find that proves that it is real.

For now, I am stuck with deciding who to take with me.

I think I will avoid mirrors for a few days.

#/:0( : -

Mirrors are for the young.
I, like so many here, need to look at old photographs.

Time waits for no man. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

I heard it ring out once, last night.

I attempted to give my silver mine back to the land owners yesterday.
One family was all in, and the other wants nothing to do with it.
Not even I will be allowed to roll the stones from its door, after all of my research and labor.

I was told that can continue to search for irrefutable proof and finish my book and even take away what I find that proves that it is real.

For now, I am stuck with deciding who to take with me.

I think I will avoid mirrors for a few days.

#/:0( : -
:coffee2:Always look in the mirror every morning, that way you will be able to see the one person in life that you can trust,your spirit will do the rest. trust your Spirit always.NP:cat:

Crow, ya ole remanment, as you once said, "Tis not the milage alone, but the type of miles that you have racked up" You have done your share of rough ones.

The average, normal human goes through 3 basic stages, 'kiddie', where everything is new, the 'Sex' age which lasts until you are about 100, and the ripening of your full flavor / potential, the Intellectial age. ( mental, rather than physical ) in many ways not as satisfacttory as the midddle age. :laughing7::censored:

Course there has been considerable fluxuation in your part --------!. :occasion14: :dontknow::icon_scratch::laughing7::notworthy:

Friendly advice from one who knows, stay away from 'mirrors', 'they have been proven to be the devil's work'.

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