Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Ah merci beacoup monsuire Jose.

TT and JJA I do have few yarns for you. As for some of those scars some was from some unusual injuries.

Once stranded in a abandoned coconut plantation we found abandoned ruins of a settlement. We had no way to sharpen a very blunt machete we found. It was not Sharpe enough to cut through a coconut. Which we needed for water and the coconut meat. I found some 2 stroke fuel and left over whippersnapper some rusted left over tools and a grinding disk for a angle grinder. I managed to clean up the whipper snipper and got it working and changed the fitting to accommodate a grinding disk in which we used the whipper sniper in slow rev,s to sharpen and put a sharp edge on the blade. However we got a little too enthusiastic with reving the whipper snipper and the grinding disk exceeded its amount of revolutions and disintegrated in which shrapnel from the disk when through my arm in two places.

But hey we did enough to sharpen the Machete. A bit of bush medicine I was good as new. But the scars on my left arm remind me of the story. But when in desperate situation some times you resort to desperate measures to come back from one disaster to another and turn it into victory.

Interesting enough I never gave up on the Whipper snipper as a I converted it to a makeshift boat engine for small boat. We had found a vey small flat bottom tin boat with a few holes that we plugged the holes with hand cut wooden pegs by a machete we had sharpened with the whipper snipper
. There was a bracket on the back of the boat enough to hold inplace the whipper snipper. Held in reverse it acted like a boat engine. I had fashioned a propeller from a piece a metal I had found via cutting out the shape via a single hacksaw blade found in the dirt and a hammer and chisel. It was rough but it worked. Enough to get us across a shark infested lagoon.

As once famously said necessity was the mother of invention.


That is quite an experience!thanks crow,,,marooned , stranded ,,,,those words are treasure movie themes,,:)


One thing I can guarantee you what ever you plan for and what happens during an expedition can be entirely different thing.

Most people have this impression of just looking on a map and thinking just turning up voilà treasure to be picked up. Easy peasy however reality is always much different. For starters everything is much bigger on the ground than staring through Google earth. Vegetation can give you cover but it can also be you enemy. Not all locations are uninhabited either which adds to complex mix of problems. The older the treasure the more the terrain has changed. :icon_scratch:

Don amigo yeah it the Crow that fixes things while the others run around like chooks with their heads cut off.:laughing7:


One thing I can guarantee you what ever you plan for and what happens during an expedition can be entirely different thing.

Most people have this impression of just looking on a map and thinking just turning up voilà treasure to be picked up. Easy peasy however reality is always much different. For starters everything is much bigger on the ground than staring through Google earth. Vegetation can give you cover but it can also be you enemy. Not all locations are uninhabited either which adds to complex mix of problems. The older the treasure the more the terrain has changed. :icon_scratch:

Don amigo yeah it the Crow that fixes things while the others run around like chooks with their heads cut off.:laughing7:


Crow,but I dont see how uninhabited islands pose problems ,,,infact it is an advantage as any treasure you get there is yours as no one can lay claim to it..of course if you have the logistics and labour power with you I mean (if diging is needed),,if no digging is needed and treasures are hidden in caves etc uninhabited islands are ideal fantasy for me ..


Crow,but I dont see how uninhabited islands pose problems ,,,infact it is an advantage as any treasure you get there is yours as no one can lay claim to it..of course if you have the logistics and labour power with you I mean (if diging is needed),,if no digging is needed and treasures are hidden in caves etc uninhabited islands are ideal fantasy for me ..


Hello TT

Most uninhabited islands are uninhabited for a reason. The main reason accessibility. Many do not have safe anchorages or airstrips or water to substance a population for long. Even when uninhabited they are claimed by various tribes or countries. Which uninhabited you do have luxury of having the island to yourself. However depending on how isolated the site it require more planning and equipment for self sufficiency for perhaps weeks or months. Then there is the cost. the more remote the more expensive to get to. Getting to some of these places can cost you thousands of dollars before you even step on the island. Some of these remote island are encircled by reefs and there is no safe way to land, subject to wind and waves. Landing on some of these islands depending on swell is like a disorganized crash landing.

Other island once uninhabited and now covered with development of tourist resorts and spot where you want dig is always where development is... Such is some of many problems you could encounter my friend.


Once again my apologies Don José for hijacking your thread. You yourself from your own travels no doubt know yourself how potential problems can arise. I can imagine some of your own exploration was not easy. Hell of lot different than what we see in the movies is it not?

Please forgive me also as the intention of my comments is not discourage any one pursuing their dream. However a little reality check does not hurt every now and again. That said you get better with experience but still do mistakes even when trying to do things with the best intentions. And regardless its part of lesson.


Once again my apologies Don José for hijacking your thread. You yourself from your own travels no doubt know yourself how potential problems can arise. I can imagine some of your own exploration was not easy. Hell of lot different than what we see in the movies is it not?

Please forgive me also as the intention of my comments is not discourage any one pursuing their dream. However a little reality check does not hurt every now and again. That said you get better with experience but still do mistakes even when trying to do things with the best intentions. And regardless its part of lesson.

Thanks Crow,,,but are there undiscovered treasure yarns involving uninhabited islands?..what I gather is that the moment the governments who claim this deserted islands hear of a treasure tale they make them national park restrictions,,cases that comes to mind are the cocos islands in Latin america And the Monte cristo island in Italy which had treasure legends...but these giverments do not seem to look for the treasures themsleves.

AHA! Crow now openly admits HE IS A PIRATE! :blackbeard: :skullflag: :tongue3: :laughing7: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :occasion14::thumbsup:

Oro you old sharpie ya onto me!:laughing7:

There is some governments who might consider me a type of Brethren of the Coast:icon_scratch: But proving it is another thing, Just because I do no work anymore if I can help it. flaunt from country to country at leisure and some times keeping company with people of ill repute does not quite make me a gentlemen of the black flag. No doubt in the days of the buccaneers I would been one.:dontknow:


Hello TT I can name about 50 or so islands that have or had alleged various treasures on them at one time all over the world. As for those governments you mentioned they had indeed way before the internet searched with legal agreements with various parties many times.


Once again my apologies Don José for hijacking your thread. You yourself from your own travels no doubt know yourself how potential problems can arise. I can imagine some of your own exploration was not easy. Hell of lot different than what we see in the movies is it not?

Please forgive me also as the intention of my comments is not discourage any one pursuing their dream. However a little reality check does not hurt every now and again. That said you get better with experience but still do mistakes even when trying to do things with the best intentions. And regardless its part of lesson.

Thanks Crow,,,but are there very promising undiscovered treasure yarns involving uninhabited islands?..what I gather is that the moment the governments who claim these deserted islands hear of a treasure tale, they make them conservation national parks with huge restrictions,,cases that comes to mind are the cocos islands in Latin America and the Monte cristo island in Italy which had treasure legends...but these goverments do not seem to look for the treasures themsleves.

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Hello TT I can name about 50 or so islands that have or had alleged various treasures on them at one time all over the world. As for those governments you mentioned they had indeed way before the internet searched with legal agreements with various parties many times.

That is interesting Crow,,,,about the two i mentioned i could imagine cocos islaans being searched maybe even by adventurers including Roosevelt,,but Monte Cristio was only associated with the fictional book "the count of Monte cristo" who apparently used the legend of the island.If it has been searched with government agreement it is surprising.But have they found anything both in cocos as well as Monte Cristo?


TT Have you ever traveled in Baltic sea?


Not exactly Crow.I once travelled by ferry from Hamburg to Copenhagen and then from Copenhagen to Malmo in sweden and vice versa.But this water area is in the periphery of the Baltic sea not the main water area of the Baltic sea.Why? Is there a Viking yarn there?:)

Crow, it is surprising how many of your trials and tribulations have their parallels in my explorations. I.E Plantatons, days without water, remoteness, etc.

Keep it up.

Crow, it is surprising how many of your trials and tribulations have their parallels in my explorations. I.E Plantatons, days without water, remoteness, etc.

Keep it up.
:coffee2: Sounds familiar, anyone like fried rat, or lizard,just a small dinner selection before having :censored: with BBQ sauce , all this taste better in the rain. Im sorry just an old memory,ramblings of an old fart:notworthy:NP:cat:

NP, do more than just ranting, try posting :laughing7::laughing7: You have my interest also. As for lizards ------ou saw my post on Iguanas & doves.
Amigo,:coffee2:Do us a favor,and most of all, yourself, Give the most trusted person helping you with Tayopa your insight and vision to be able to see what you seek, what you are seeking you have always seen,finish it, help yourself, I know you want to solve this once and for all, see, this is what happens when an amigo wants me to post, sometimes they like it, sometimes they don't, you have the spirit, let it carry you through,:occasion14: NP:cat:

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