Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Np. Tayopa 'has' been found, Oro has the critical details. Since I lack development capital, I am also not disclosing too much, because of it's possible 'patrimonial' status, which overrides mere possesion of minng rights, howver, I will continue to develop it's. methods of getting the mined metal to Rome, where your lil map came in.

I also lack sufficient finances etc., to go to Mexico City for a formal agreement, and other than being a member of the Explorers club as my refernces, or Palanca, I am a complete unknown, a foreigner livind in Mexico spouting off on something that supposedly never existed, since the Jesuits claimed they never did any mining in Mexico and purged the ordinary files in the Vatican -- giving poor Amy headaches..

I did try to convince the chief Geologst at another mining project nearby, , bur He, not knowing the details of the geology of Tayopa, refused to listen to me -- he just knew that an economical deposit of precious metals cannot exist in an 800 ft. Basalt
cover - when I persisted, he wanted to know my credentials as a geo;ogist. When I couldn't produce any, He broke off the conversation. He was rather arrogant.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: and a shot of (?) for Crow :occasion14:

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NP, do more than just ranting, try posting :laughing7::laughing7: You have my interest also. As for lizards ------ou saw my post on Iguanas & doves.

In Australia I have eaten crocodile, turtle, swan, goanna, wiggery grubs, Snakes, sugar ants various plants. Surprising what hunger makes you do. Hell I have eaten all the animals on the Australian national emblem the Kangaroo and emu.


Hello Marius

The trouble with this guy he has wrapped himself up in Davinci code package and convinced himself of huge conspiracy theory based on assumptions' and cherry picked facts to suit his agenda and excluded facts that was inconvenient. You can find a hell of lot of those here on the Oak island pumping out various conspiracies. His assumptions that nearly all treasure legends are connected to one great lost treasure theme. Of course it had to be the Holy grail :laughing7:

Its one of the dangers of losing oneself into a fantasy of conspiracy and not searching for the real facts.


Np. Tayopa 'has' been found, Oro has the critical details. Since I lack development capital, I am also not disclosing too much, because of it's possible 'patrimonial' status, which overrides mere possesion of minng rights, howver, I will continue to develop it's. methods of getting the mined metal to Rome, where your lil map came in.

I also lack sufficient finances etc., to go to Mexico City for a formal agreement, and other than being a member of the Explorers club as my refernces, or Palanca, I am a complete unknown, a foreigner livind in Mexico spouting off on something that supposedly never existed, since the Jesuits claimed they never did any mining in Mexico and purged the ordinary files in the Vatican -- giving poor Amy headaches..

I did try to convince the chief Geologst at another mining project nearby, , bur He, not knowing the details of the geology of Tayopa, refused to listen to me -- he just knew that an economical deposit of precious metals cannot exist in an 800 ft. Basalt
cover - when I persisted, he wanted to know my credentials as a geo;ogist. When I couldn't produce any, He broke off the conversation. He was rather arrogant.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: and a shot of (?) for Crow :occasion14:

Hello Don José

Lost treasure legends are a bit like a stripper she teases up with glimpse of her treasure but not quite enough to touch the goodies. Such is fate of many who search for treasure. It can be a long hard road and challenges all the way. Finding a treasure is one thing getting to profit from it is an entirely another ball game.


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From all the story you stuck on the Holy Grail . You left out the chests of gold and precious stones .
And of course that plan to hide the trasure was a conspiracy . What you expected , some magazine reporters and historians to follow the fleet ? Conspiracies were and are every day everywhere in the world . Also every research plan of a tresure hunters team could be considered a conspiracy . Everything which is doing in secret by a team could be considered a conspiracy .
I like you enjoyed the story and learned something from it .

Np. Tayopa 'has' been found, Oro has the critical details. Since I lack development capital, I am also not disclosing too much, because of it's possible 'patrimonial' status, which overrides mere possesion of minng rights, howver, I will continue to develop it's. methods of getting the mined metal to Rome, where your lil map came in.

I also lack sufficient finances etc., to go to Mexico City for a formal agreement, and other than being a member of the Explorers club as my refernces, or Palanca, I am a complete unknown, a foreigner livind in Mexico spouting off on something that supposedly never existed, since the Jesuits claimed they never did any mining in Mexico and purged the ordinary files in the Vatican -- giving poor Amy headaches..

I did try to convince the chief Geologst at another mining project nearby, , bur He, not knowing the details of the geology of Tayopa, refused to listen to me -- he just knew that an economical deposit of precious metals cannot exist in an 800 ft. Basalt
cover - when I persisted, he wanted to know my credentials as a geo;ogist. When I couldn't produce any, He broke off the conversation. He was rather arrogant.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: and a shot of (?) for Crow :occasion14:
I just want you to know, myself, and many others on here will always consider you a good friend and a great Amigo. the real loss comes to those who refused to believe, I consider it an honor to be able to converse with you on TN. others should feel the same, If you have one true friend and confident then you have many. keep the spirit amigo, and have some burro juice :coffee2:NP:cat:


From all the story you stuck on the Holy Grail . You left out the chests of gold and precious stones .
And of course that plan to hide the trasure was a conspiracy . What you expected , some magazine reporters and historians to follow the fleet ? Conspiracies were and are every day everywhere in the world . Also every research plan of a tresure hunters team could be considered a conspiracy . Everything which is doing in secret by a team could be considered a conspiracy .
I like you enjoyed the story and learned something from it .

Marius then I am happy you have learned some thing from it.

With the left out Chest of treasure and Jewel's Oh according to my friend Oro I am a pirate? arrgh me hearties!:laughing7::occasion14:


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There are many that dare to dream, and some that dare to try.
Those whom persist and fail, then get up and persist toward the goal, are the legends that inspire the rest of us.

I have a name for each of my fingers that inspire me to keep following the trail toward my goal, and they all live and breathe right here.

Never give up. Never give in. Any treasure sought has the potential to be the HOLY GRAIL until we stop dreaming and doing.

Happy hunting.
#/;0): -

Oh TT my apologies I got a little side tracked. I will post the treasure story of Baltic later as Time my friend once again has run out.


Oh TT my apologies I got a little side tracked. I will post the treasure story of Baltic later as Time my friend once again has run out.


No problem Crow,,take your time....by the way Given the dreadful attackes on Paris , people and tourists in Paris are buying a book by Hemingway about Paris to keep the memories of the city alive I guess...it would be nice if you throw us a treasure yarn about Paris as well besides the baltic.:).

p.s...there is actually a Hemingway Paris yarn I read recently ,,,the lost suitcase of Hemingway in 1923..suitcase full of unpublished book manuscripts was stolen from his wife in a train station in Paris as she was heading to Switzerland to meet Hemingway there..quite an intrigue..


No problem Crow,,take your time....by the way Given the dreadful attackes on Paris , people and tourists in Paris are buying a book by Hemingway about Paris to keep the memories of the city alive I guess...it would be nice if you throw us a treasure yarn about Paris as well besides the baltic.:).

p.s...there is actually a Hemingway Paris yarn I read recently ,,,the lost suitcase of Hemingway in 1923..suitcase full of unpublished book manuscripts was stolen from his wife in a train station in Paris as she was heading to Switzerland to meet Hemingway there..quite an intrigue..


Hello TT Remember the treasure story of the Napoleonic retreat from Moscow? It seems a group in the 1930's obtained information about shipwreck of British vessel captured by the French and used to transport looted Russian gold from Lithuania back to France. However the vessel floundered on shoals off an called Saaremaa Island in Estonia. World war 2 interrupted the 1930's search and as far as I know no one has searched since.

Some believe along the shores of the cape looted Russian gold lay buried by the survivors of the shipwreck.


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No problem Crow,,take your time....by the way Given the dreadful attackes on Paris , people and tourists in Paris are buying a book by Hemingway about Paris to keep the memories of the city alive I guess...it would be nice if you throw us a treasure yarn about Paris as well besides the baltic.:).

p.s...there is actually a Hemingway Paris yarn I read recently ,,,the lost suitcase of Hemingway in 1923..suitcase full of unpublished book manuscripts was stolen from his wife in a train station in Paris as she was heading to Switzerland to meet Hemingway there..quite an intrigue..


TT I do have many French treasure yarns also. However time for grandpa nap. Thank you for the Hemmingway story I have not known that one. Today it would be worth millions if you could find it and have it authenticated.


Np. Tayopa 'has' been found, Oro has the critical details. Since I lack development capital, I am also not disclosing too much, because of it's possible 'patrimonial' status, which overrides mere possesion of minng rights, howver, I will continue to develop it's. methods of getting the mined metal to Rome, where your lil map came in.

I also lack sufficient finances etc., to go to Mexico City for a formal agreement, and other than being a member of the Explorers club as my refernces, or Palanca, I am a complete unknown, a foreigner livind in Mexico spouting off on something that supposedly never existed, since the Jesuits claimed they never did any mining in Mexico and purged the ordinary files in the Vatican -- giving poor Amy headaches..

I did try to convince the chief Geologst at another mining project nearby, , bur He, not knowing the details of the geology of Tayopa, refused to listen to me -- he just knew that an economical deposit of precious metals cannot exist in an 800 ft. Basalt
cover - when I persisted, he wanted to know my credentials as a geo;ogist. When I couldn't produce any, He broke off the conversation. He was rather arrogant.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: and a shot of (?) for Crow :occasion14:

Just use the internet an print up your own credentials as Senior Archaeologist and Geologist from the University of Tayopa. I am sure you know enough, or even more, than some of those "Educated" guys that you could pull it off. Street Smarts versus Book Smarts, you'd win ! :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:
Except if you throw Corporate Investigations into the mix. She is a great example of an educated person with her feet still on the ground. :notworthy:

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Hello TT Remember the treasure story of the Napoleonic retreat from Moscow? It seems a group in the 1930's obtained information about shipwreck of British vessel captured by the French and used to transport looted Russian gold from Lithuania back to France. However the vessel floundered on shoals off an called Saaremaa Island in Estonia. World war 2 interrupted the 1930's search and as far as I know no one has searched since.

Some believe along the shores of the cape looted Russian gold lay buried by the survivors of the shipwreck.


Thanks Crow,,,the Napoleonic yarn plot thickens..it is a good lead for that treasure story...

TT I do have many French treasure yarns also. However time for grandpa nap. Thank you for the Hemmingway story I have not known that one. Today it would be worth millions if you could find it and have it authenticated.

Oh yeah ,,here is the amazing yarn ,,embedded is also an audio recording of his wife who was hearbroken on the issue because everything was lost including carbon copies.Ofcourse this did not deter Hemingway from becoming a famous writer after that.The sad thing is maybe the thug who took it after seeing only papers inside may have thrown it in the dust bin of his house or apadtment,,or maybe just shoved it in his attic..the latter case is an ideal fantasy,.

Hadley Talks about the Lost Manuscripts | The Hemingway Project


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Excellent idea Simon. Now why didn't I think of that, since I have a mind about as devious as Crow's

Hello Don Joe amigo do not drag me into your seedy world of deception I have you know in some parts of the Pacific I have a fine outstanding reputation.:laughing7: They don't hide the family silver and lock up their daughters.:laughing7: :occasion14:


Today I was visitd by my spirit companion. It's a she because I can definitely smell bath soap and perfumes..
doesn't do anythig but just shows up from time to time.

I suppose that I could rationlize it by saying that I am responding to a particular stimulas and recreating the odors subconsciously from my memories, but I prefer to think of it as she. because of my Tayopa experiences where I have received the benifit of something similar.

It seems that when I am \was stopped on the Tayopa search, somehow, I would be given the next step/ clue out out thin air. Just the clue and\or financing nexessary, but never an excess. for the next step

Sigh, I kinda like this ghostie, alrhough having her looking over my shoulder kinda puts a crimp in my choice of programs on the internet.:censored: No girlie shows, sigh.

Yes Senor Crow, since the silver has been long gone, and the daughters are now Matronly I can see your point. :tongue3::tongue3::laughing7: :laughing7::laughing7:

Course according to the Duo that wasn't true in the past. Larcenistic pirates do not change their colors, only their methods.:occasion14:

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Yes Senor Crow, since the silver has been long gone, and the daughters are now Matronly I can see your point. :tongue3::tongue3::laughing7: :laughing7::laughing7:

Course according to the Duo that wasn't true in the past. Larcenistic pirates do not change their colors, only their methods.:occasion14:

Don Amigo Perhaps I should try Kanacks the old snake charmer style. He dazzles you with one hand while picking your pockets with the other.:laughing7: Or hardluck who can sell sand to Arabs. Such is evils of unholy trio.


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