Metal Detectiing TN. cave / Anybody done this?

He's gonna have to break it up into smaller parts. Will make it easier to upload.

Right on DocBeav..... I just checked my phone and he did text me late last night to say just that. I believe he said he found 8 different video's and he was "stringing them together" and then he'll have to "bust them up" and post them in order. He was probably hitting a data limit....? Hopefully we'll at least get some of it today. Sorry for the delay folks. I can't call Jordon because his phone is not back yet from getting repaired (from last cave trip). He texted from somebody else's phone late to let me know.

A potential alternative to putting in on YouTube is to install DropBox and send invites to people to watch it....that way you can control who can see it. DropBox can handle very large files too.

A potential alternative to putting in on YouTube is to install DropBox and send invites to people to watch it....that way you can control who can see it. DropBox can handle very large files too.

Absolutely! Good call....hadn't thought of that! Nice way to control who sees it, they would have to send a PM to the poster/Brad to get a password. Although, that could be a pain in the kiester.....just post the password then if it gets to be too much.

No, you don't need a password. Brad would send out invites to email addresses and you just click on the link to join the folder. That's all there is to it. The video gets copied to your computer in the background and you can view it. I'm not a DropBox expert so I'm not sure if there are any other options.

Ok folks… the link has arrived. Jordon got the 1st 20 minutes downloaded to YouTube. This helmet cam video covers us arriving at the cave entrance on the outside and then about 60 yards inward up to the 1st etched mound just after natural light ends. Near the end of this 20 minute video is when Jordon and I discover that there is a tunnel into the cave wall behind the mound. Now there is a LOT MORE video available as we went way back into the cave. We filmed everything all the way back to what I call "the crack" and all the way back out. On the way back out we discovered some initials and what appears to be a date. But this point is extremely hard to reach which you'll see on the video. In this area we also discovered another squared off mound and it also had a tunnel going back into the cave wall also. This tunnel appears to be 8-10 ft. deep with just the flashlight. And it has rock and debris put in front of it as the one up front has.

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported my efforts into investigating this cave. I so wanted someone to tell me about this squared off mounds meaning and maybe what to do or not do. I did call and left a message with the Archaeologist at the University of TN. after 2 emails went unnoticed. No response yet.

YouTube it seems laced the video with advertisements and I apologize for this. Especially during the end when Jordon and I discovered tunnels behind the mounds…. sorry! We'll post more of the long trip soon. Tomorrow is MD day and digging day around the 1st mound. This effort will be recorded along with pics. I'll post the pics tomorrow afternoon or evening upon my return. Thank you everybody for your encouragement. It did really help me…. Later, Brad

way to go!!

keep at it buddy!!!

Awesome Video Brad! Now I definitely want to know what kind of camera it is!

Clay I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner with you.... I was going to have Jordon explain it to you, and I will. We're going back tomorrow morning to do a lot of further exploring and I promise I'll have the info to you TOMORROW!!!

Hello, this is Jordan. My camera is a GoPro Hero 3. It's 1080p HD, However I didn't upload the video using 1080p. It makes the video harder to download, and it takes far longer. Hope this helps. I love mine. Definitly worth the investment. First post on Treasurenet!!!!!

Hello, this is Jordan. My camera is a GoPro Hero 3. It's 1080p HD, However I didn't upload the video using 1080p. It makes the video harder to download, and it takes far longer. Hope this helps. I love mine. Definitly worth the investment. First post on Treasurenet!!!!!

Thanks! Ive seen those and others, just didn't know how good they were.
Thanks Jordan!
Thanks Brad!


Absolutely incredible Brad! Great job with the video and congrats on your first post Jordan! You lets see how many hits your videos get! I know a couple of people who actually get checks$$ from You Tube depending on how many hits they get! Can't wait for the rest of it!

Brad and Jordan... Great video! I loved every minute of it and you are right Brad, it brought back bad memories of me wanting to get the hell out of there as soon as I knew that it was a Limestone Cave! I hope when you go back Thursday, that Jordan will film Brad crawling through the dugout section of the mud mound/wall (i.e. before the etched mound on the left), so that folks on TNnet can get a real perspective of how confined the space is inside the cave at that point.(**) I am 6' 1" and around 240 pounds and while crawling through the dugout portion of the mud mound/wall, my' butt and back were scraping the ceiling of the cave. Some of the pics and video just really don't give folks a true perspective of how small the cave truly is in respect to height from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall! I also want to point out to those who think the etchings 51 yards inside the cave and also the ones further back, were done by ancient man or Native American Indians, I believe that you are wrong. In all of the caves explored by Dr. Simek and his colleagues that had cave art hundreds of yards upwards to a mile or more into cave, these caves were fairly easily navigated. In that I mean, that you could walk upright and maybe sometimes stooped over but never were they one their' bellies crawling to get to the areas were the cave art was located. In Brad's cave, once you get to about 40 to 45 yards into the cave, the rest of the journey is mainly on your' bellies or hands and knees and for this reason, I am almost certain that the etchings were not done by ancient man or Native American Indians! As to who made the etchings, Brad, Jordan, Brad's grandson and daughter Chelsea as well as myself, would like to know and also when and the reason.

(**) Note: I also want to stress the point that this dugout portion of the mud mound/wall was done on purpose to funnel or cause someone to choose this path of travel for a reason (sort of like funneling Deer to a place in the barbed-wire fence where you tied the top wire to the 2nd from top wire to make a low spot in the fence, so that the Deer would choose to cross there)! And that reason, was so that whoever did crawl through the dugout portion of the mud mound/wall would immediately see the dried mud mound wall with the etchings on it, once they came out on the other side.


P.S. Jordan, welcome to the Cave crawling/Cave etchings Nut Team! I hope to meet you some day when I get back out to visit Brad or maybe you could come with Brad when we try to get the boulders out of the creek that is blocking the flow from the eroding Volcanic Pipe and which contains at least some Gold and Silver. However, we hope that once opened, it will flow with lots of Gold and Silver along with other heavy metals and precious Gems.


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Today is MD day at the mound... Frank I TOTALLY agree with your assessment that ancient man didn't create this mound or etch upon it. And, I too believe someone long ago dug the small opening which you crawled over to reach the mound.... it's to much like a one lane "highway". It would have been much easier if carrying something or dragging something to go over then around "horseshoe bend". Good idea about filming this... I'll send Jordon around "horseshoe bend" and when he's ready I'll go over with the MD. I swear Frank if the MD goes off around that mound you'll hear me all the way to East Tennessee... and maybe Arizona also Clay!!!! I have no intention of destroying, harming or defacing this mound today but today is the day I probe ALL AROUND IT....front, back and sides while filming. Later.... Brad

GREAT!!! Video Jordan- This is the best first posting I've ever seen. I'm sure that I speak for all that are following this thread/ quest, we look forward to seeing many more.
Brad, you have an adventure there. When you all first get to the cave mouth and you walk up the hill to show Jordan where you think it would be good to try an dig into the collapsed cavern, it looks like you are on a 4-wheeler trail?. Is it possible that that trail leads to a better access as far as being able to get to the cave? just asking if you know where it goes?
I really think you will benefit if you use the LED flood light I suggested after seeing the limited area that your present lights offer- believe me it will make it look like daylight in there.
As far as the idea that your mound was placed there as a headstone of a grave- that is a BIG rock and it weighs a lot- It is unlikely that it was put up there by man but more likely that it was deposited there by a flooding event a long time ago and later was inscribed by someone- very interesting.
If you all ever hear a loud cracking sound- GET OUT NOW- even though it appears stable that type of cave can shift suddenly and collapse- VERY DANGEROUS- BE CAREFUL. That being said- I wish I lived closer so that I could offer my assistance to your exploration.

HH yelnif

GREAT!!! Video Jordan- This is the best first posting I've ever seen. I'm sure that I speak for all that are following this thread/ quest, we look forward to seeing many more.
Brad, you have an adventure there. When you all first get to the cave mouth and you walk up the hill to show Jordan where you think it would be good to try an dig into the collapsed cavern, it looks like you are on a 4-wheeler trail?. Is it possible that that trail leads to a better access as far as being able to get to the cave? just asking if you know where it goes?
I really think you will benefit if you use the LED flood light I suggested after seeing the limited area that your present lights offer- believe me it will make it look like daylight in there.
As far as the idea that your mound was placed there as a headstone of a grave- that is a BIG rock and it weighs a lot- It is unlikely that it was put up there by man but more likely that it was deposited there by a flooding event a long time ago and later was inscribed by someone- very interesting.
If you all ever hear a loud cracking sound- GET OUT NOW- even though it appears stable that type of cave can shift suddenly and collapse- VERY DANGEROUS- BE CAREFUL. That being said- I wish I lived closer so that I could offer my assistance to your exploration.

HH yelnif

The mound I believe is not a rock. I believe it's made of solid mud. I'll find out very shortly this morning. I'm taking back a couple of aluminum arrow shafts to probe the mound carefully to see how solid it is. I believe (I admit not sure) that this mound was man made or carved into its shape by man which is why it broke on the left side. Its unlike anything around the surrounding area. And were going to try and investigate the opening behind it also today.... Stay tuned. Got to go load up ATV and get ready to go.... Brad

The mound I believe is not a rock. I believe it's made of solid mud. I'll find out very shortly this morning. I'm taking back a couple of aluminum arrow shafts to probe the mound carefully to see how solid it is. I believe (I admit not sure) that this mound was man made or carved into its shape by man which is why it broke on the left side. Its unlike anything around the surrounding area. And were going to try and investigate the opening behind it also today.... Stay tuned. Got to go load up ATV and get ready to go.... Brad

Definitely not a rock. Maybe rock inside but that's a dried mud mound. Now that a hole has been found behind it I'm beginning to think maybe someone is buried in there and that's their headstone along with their initials. Weird place to bury someone especially with water flowing there. Get enough water flowing through there and it'll wash away the mound and open the grave. Its a lot of work just to get to that point besides there not being much room there. Not a good place to bury someone unless you were the one that killed them and didn't want them to be found but then why would they put a grave marker? If I was going to bury someone in there, say like Brad I would bury him in the other tunnel with his bobcat. Lol! There's probably no one buried there but you never know. Brad, dig behind the mound into the tunnel, if you find a toe tag you know what you've got. Lol!


Great thread, thanks for sharing, Brad, heck of an adventure. Awesome camera work, Jordon, makes it seem like I'm right there with ya'all. Good luck guys and stay safe !

Well folks we made it back to the cave and the mound yesterday morning. And we got the MD back there also. It was a JOB! Jordon went around horseshoe bend and then turned on his GoPro helmet cam and filmed me going through a cut out area of the mud. Now, this cut out is VERY SMALL but it was made by man for some reason as a short-cut to the etched mound area. Why....?????? I have a Whites Spectrum XLT E-Series 7 MD. And I could NOT get it to ground balance at all in this environment. I tried several times and failed each time. I started off in a relic mode and the machine was going nuts so I switched to a coin mode and it calmed down. But I have no idea how deep I was able to get in this packed mud/pebbled environment without a proper ground balance. I got no solid hits around the mound with the MD.

Next we probed the mound with an arrow shaft. I probed along the bottom, sides, ends and top. Nothing inside was hit. It appears to be just a 100% mud mound. Then we probed the mud floor in front of mound. At one point about 6" in front of mound and about 6" down the probe hit a "hole". We then dug from in front of the mound out to about 24". It was VERY HARD to dig due to the lack of room. The mud was heavy and sticky. We finally hit an open area within the mud which was about 5-6" deeper and (of course) it headed back toward the mounds base. I reached inside this area as far as I could but felt nothing but wet mud. So we then made the decision to dig straight down from the front of mounds base to investigate. This was the 6" "safety zone" I had left when digging started. When this area was removed we found nothing. But it does explain this mounds "sinking" appearance. This open area continued back under the mound…? We dug about 18" deep before hitting bed rock. We attempted to dig from the ends to reach behind but we hit rock and couldn't. We were exhausted by then and went back to the front. We did enter the other cavern up front (Bobcat area). We went in about 30ft. to get a better view of what's ahead. It appears to go a long ways back but the ceiling stays very low.. 18-20".
We filmed some of what we did and Jordan will post soon…. Brad

Brad... I got to thinking about the etched mound after we talked last night. I believe and think that everyone will agree, that it was great that you were able to take pictures and video of the mound when you did! Due to the void underneath it, which was apparently from water and mud flowing between it and the actual rock cave floor and due to the fact that it was sinking, I believe that it was and still is at risk of being totally destroyed by nature itself. I don't know if you can or would even want to find where the water and mud is flowing into and undercutting the mud/dirt on top of the rock floor but if you do, you might want to try to block it's flow, so that it will not continue to undercut the etched mound. I know that you believe that it may be impossible but we need to try to find a way to harden the etched mound and actually move it to the high rock shelves just inside the entrance of the cave. Yes, it will be hard and maybe impossible to accomplish but we already know that someone carved it out and moved it to it's present location just on the other side of the cutout. Just a thought that we all (you, Chelsea, your grandson, son-in-law, Jordan and myself) need to discuss and maybe accomplish on a joint combined effort. Once we get the etched mound into natural light, I am almost certain that the remaining hidden etchings will be more visible to the naked eye and to the cameras and video recorders.


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